Chapter 165: Plantago Attack
"President Plantago, I remember that we seem to have no grievances, right?" Qin Mu replied.

"That's right, we really don't have any grudges, but the reason why I revealed your location is not because I want to kill you, but..." When Plantago said this, he seemed to have some scruples. I don't want to say what's behind.

"Revealing our location over and over again, arranging for people to ambush us, and now you say it's not to kill us. Plantago, do you believe what you said?"

Faced with Plantago's sophistry.

Qin Mu said speechlessly.

"Forget it, I'll tell you now! What should you know about Team Tiny Herb in the professional world?" After hesitating again and again, Plantago finally revealed the behind-the-scenes instructions.

After all, under the current situation, Qin Mu was unwilling to leave the safe zone.

But Wang Jiexi kept letting himself check the location.

If you don't tell the truth now.

So how do you complete the task yourself?
What's more, once Qin Mu and Ye Xiu are taken care of by these two guys, it will definitely be no good. I'm afraid I won't be able to think about safety in the future.

"Team Tiny Herb? Got it."

Finally, when it came to the rightful owner, it was obvious that this happened as Qin Mu expected.

Those who came to attack them were from the Tiny Herb team.

He was also sent by Wang Jiexi to test him.

However, even Qin Mu didn't know what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd. Logically speaking, in the professional circle, Lao Ye had a pretty good relationship with many people.

Wang Jiexi and he were friends at least in the past.

Why do you have to sneak attack them again and again?

It’s really a bit confusing!

"The team behind our Chinese Herb Hall is Team Tiny Herb, and the ones who are attacking you this time are the reserves of the team. Moreover, this mission was personally assigned by Captain Wang Jiexi. However, don't worry, the Captain has no ill intentions. He just wants to I just want you to accompany the reserve team members and practice your skills."

"During this period, through sneak attacks on you, the skills of the reserve forces have also improved a lot."

"So, the King hopes that you can cooperate! The league is about to start. He hopes that during this period, you can help with training. The reserve members will be put to good use then."

In the end, Plantago told all the truth.

And see here.

Qin Mu finally realized that Wang Jiexi wanted to take advantage of them? Fortunately, I noticed it early, otherwise, that guy would have succeeded.

"It's interesting. That bastard Wang Jiexi actually treats us as coolies. I'm going to Team Tiny Herb to find him out and beat him up!"

At this moment, Ye Xiu, who was next to him, naturally saw the chat history clearly on the screen.

He said with some anger at the moment.

Over the years, he has always been the only one who cheated others. Wang Jiexi, that guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually wants to trick him in turn? Letting him be a free sparring partner is not such a good thing in the world. You know, he is also one of the top players in the professional circle, and he was actually tricked.

"Don't get excited yet. If you go to Team Tiny Herb now, the news of your return will spread throughout the professional circle very soon. By then, it will be too late for you to hide your identity. Don't worry, this matter will be settled soon. Let me handle it, I have a solution!"

Looking at the emotional Ye Xiu, Qin Mu smiled and comforted him.

"Okay, then come here and give me a hard plan on this guy. I really think he is so smart when others call him a magician. He actually dares to come to us as a sparring partner." Ye Xiu was speechless.

"Don't worry!" After Qin Mu finished speaking, he turned his eyes to the screen again.

The fingers tapped the keyboard quickly and said: "So, what you mean is that you will continue to sneak attacks on us during the league?"

"Brother Master, if you are here, you are just a sparring partner. With your skills, you should be in the professional circle, right? It is normal for members of major teams to train each other!" Che Qian Zi said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, we are not in the professional circle, and we have no obligation to serve as training partners for Team Tiny Herb's reserves. You should hire someone else, right? Now that the matter is clear, I don't blame you. Before the league, I didn't plan to When we get out of safety, we have no choice but to go and die, that's it." Qin Mu said.

"Don't bother me! Brother Gaoshou, why don't we talk about it? If you have any request, just say it, I will definitely agree to it, how about it? This matter is very important to me. Whether I can continue to be the president in the future, but just It all depends on your words, we have some friendship after all!"

Hearing this, Plantago suddenly became anxious.

What if Qin Mu and the others were let go like this.

The captain will settle the score with him.

"Can I make any conditions?"

"No problem, as long as you tell me, we can definitely discuss it." Seeing Qin Mu's interest, Plantago cheered up again and said.

"Let's do this. I'll make a list of rare materials for you, and then you prepare two copies for me according to the above. The quantity is not large, probably about two hundred, is that okay?" Qin Mu said at this moment It was also the lion who spoke loudly.

"More than two hundred rare materials? Brother Master, even if you kill me, there won't be that many!" The little hope that Plantago had to recover was suddenly shattered.

With so many rare materials, to be honest, it would be difficult to dig into one's own property.

You know, the current development of Zhongcaotang is not as good as the other two major trade unions. Although they are still known as the three major guilds, their warehouses are definitely not as rich as theirs.

"Then I don't care. If I don't have you, I'll go to Plantago for it. Didn't he ask you to come to us? Could it be that that guy wants someone else to be his sparring partner and doesn't want to pay for it? He really treats me as a scapegoat! Besides, In addition to this request, how about asking the few people in the reserves to help me practice Steamed Bun Invasion and Soft Mist? No problem, right? It can be implemented if there is no problem."

Qin Mu directly made two requests.

However, these two are really not easy to handle.

"Brother Master, you see, the reserves want to train you, and you also want the reserves to train your people, so wouldn't it be good if we were even? This matter of resources..." Plantago still wanted to struggle.

"There's no need to talk about it. What's our appearance fee? What's their appearance fee? On normal days, we wouldn't be able to get this kind of thing. It's all about your face. If it works, you can do it. If it doesn't, you can throw it away."

"Agree with him!" A voice came from the door.

(End of this chapter)

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