Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 167 The Array Ghost is your way back

Chapter 167 The Array Ghost is your way back

"Actually... have you ever considered it? Maybe you should change your profession? The profession of assassin is not in line with your own personality, that's why it's so uncomfortable for you to use it."

"Character? Senior, are you kidding me? What does career choice have to do with personality? Moreover, I chose assassin because I didn't like hard steel, so I chose this career. How can I say Doesn’t it fit with my personality?”

Qiao Yifan felt a little confused.

After all, in his opinion, assassin should be the most suitable profession for him.

Why did this senior actually say that his personality did not match that of an assassin?

"The reason is very simple, because you are not good at hand speed, and you are not decisive enough in grasping opportunities. Yes, as you just said, assassin is indeed a more suitable sneak attack profession, but what this profession requires is Hand speed and timing.”

"The reason why you are discovered by the enemy every time you show up is because you don't know how to seize the opportunity. Moreover, during this period, we have fought so many times. Your shortcoming is actually very obvious, and that is the issue of hand speed."

"Generally, players who are good at assassins can increase their hand speed in an instant. Only in this way can they quickly complete the target kill. However, your hand speed is not fast enough, so even if you can hide, it is useless, because , when it’s time to attack, your hand speed still can’t keep up.”


Qin Mu talked eloquently.

"I see, then am I not suitable for playing professionally?" Qiao Yifan said a little discouraged. In fact, he himself could feel the problems Qin Mu mentioned.

It's just that I haven't been willing to admit it.

I am indeed very deficient in terms of hand speed.

It was precisely because of this that he was killed every time, but no matter how hard he tried, his hand speed problem was still very serious and he couldn't soar at all, so he had always doubted himself.

Although he passed Tiny Herb's reserve assessment.

Have persisted until now.

But Qiao Yifan still felt a little unsure in his heart.

"I didn't say that you are not suitable for playing a profession. What I just said is that I want you to consider changing to another profession. In fact, I think your situation should be more suitable for the Ghost Swordsman, who mainly assists teammates and majors in Ghost Formation. Array Ghost, this profession may be more suitable for you." Qin Mu said.

"Zhengui? Why?"

Qiao Yifan was a little confused and obviously didn't understand why Qin Mu recommended him a career that was completely opposite to his current career.

You know, assassins are attack types.

But Array Ghost is an auxiliary profession.

The two are completely incompatible. Logically speaking, even if a professional player wants to change careers, he will find a similar career change instead of this unrelated career change.

Switch directly from attack to support.

If ordinary people made this suggestion to him, Qiao Yifan might reject it without even thinking about it. However, Qin Mu in front of him, even the captain of his own team, was not his opponent, so what he said might not be unreasonable.

"It's actually very simple. From the first time you attacked me secretly, you didn't go out to fight, but hid aside to look for opportunities. It can be seen that you have a good view of the overall situation and your observation skills are also very keen. After all, it was the first time we met. You were the only one who noticed what was unusual about us, and as for your teammates, they rushed over blankly."

"So, I think your personality is actually more suitable for the profession of ghost."

"If you choose this profession, you should be able to get twice the result with half the effort." Qin Mu continued. "But...Senior, although what you said makes sense, there is already someone in our team who plays Array Ghost. I'm afraid..." Qiao Yifan's meaning was already quite obvious.

That's right, in a professional team, it is naturally impossible for two people with overlapping professions to appear.

And if he was asked to compete with the team's ghosts, Qiao Yifan wouldn't have the confidence to win.

What's more, changing careers is no joke.

Especially for his career change with such a long span, even if he really wanted to change, he would still be able to compete with the team's ghosts. I'm afraid the captain Wang Jiexi would not agree.

This is no small matter.

Therefore, Qiao Yifan's somewhat lively thoughts were suppressed.

"Change may be difficult, but if you keep taking the wrong path, it's better not to start. And, although you will take risks, it is better than being the last person, right? Show some courage, Wang Jiexi is not the kind of person who is completely People who can't communicate." Qin Mu said calmly.

"I know, I will work hard, senior!" Qiao Yifan thought about it again and again, and finally nodded with a smile as if he had made some important decision.

"Very well, let's get started!"

After seeing Qiao Yifan listen to the advice, Qin Mu did not continue to talk nonsense.

Start PKing directly.

Because this guy's hand speed was not good, and the arena was not conducive to the performance of the assassin, he was quickly eliminated, and the next few people who came on the stage were naturally beaten easily.

But compared to Qin Mu and Ye Xiu, it was so easy.

The result of Tang Rou and Baozi's invasion was not so good.

Needless to say, the Baozi invasion was in a state of being completely tortured. This guy just went up and beat him randomly, shooting blindly with bricks, and he couldn't even see the target clearly, so he was eliminated directly.

In this way, a virtuous cycle will be formed.

Every time after being tortured by Qin Mu.

They just come to Baozi to find a sense of presence.

Seeing the Baozi being tortured again and again, even Wang Jiexi, who was observing from behind, couldn't help but laugh and cry for this guy. After so many times, he still didn't have a long memory. regardless of.

No wonder he was abused.

However, compared to Baozi, Wang Jiexi valued Han Yanrou more, so he turned to look at Gao Yingjie and asked, "How is it? Has the skill of the girl named Han Yanrou improved in their team?"

"Han Yanrou? I played a PK with her this morning. Although I won, it felt much more strenuous than before. That girl's progress was very rapid, and, most importantly, her hand speed was too fast. Both of them Combined, the strength has improved very quickly. I feel that if we do this a few more times, even I may lose to her."

After hearing his captain's question, Gao Yingjie answered honestly.

"So powerful? Interesting, let me have a fight with her later!" Wang Jiexi also became interested.

(End of this chapter)

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