"Okay, okay." Ye Qiu saw the two of them leaving and had no choice but to follow them.

This is really impatient, and he doesn't even wait for himself.

Chen Yehui smiled sinisterly when he saw them appearing in his field of vision.

"Our plan was successful immediately! The forward team we just discussed changed into a set of clothes with relatively poor equipment and went directly to the front to attract their attention."

"The remaining people are waiting in the rear. The two people over there will help lay some traps and so on. This time we must make sure they never come back!"

"What are you doing standing here stupidly? Go and stand at the designated position, and catch them all when they come!"

Chen Yehui was already dreaming, as if that guy had already been defeated by his men.

He was dreaming about his bright future, and Qin Mu had already rushed over.

When the four-man vanguard team saw the three of them, they immediately got ready for battle.

But Qin Mu just glanced at them and put down the weapon in his hand, "It's so embarrassing to beat them. It doesn't matter if a group of people are wearing rags. The weapons are all picked up from some garbage dump."

"That's right. This cloth and leather armor looks like it would be worn by people of very low rank. Why would you send someone like this to surround us? It's so disrespectful." Huang Shaotian was dissatisfied, and even more witty words came out of his mouth. stop.

Qin Mu took a deep breath before holding back the curse words.

"Stop looking down on us! The boss said it! As long as we can kill you, we will drop whatever equipment we choose." One of them seemed a little dissatisfied and said.

"Then." Qin Mu was unmoved and just looked at him.

"Stop talking nonsense! Take your life!"

The person next to him raised his weapon and rushed over, but Qin Mu kicked him away.

Before he could make the next move, Huang Shaotian beside him rushed up to stop him, "Don't get excited, don't get excited, you don't need to take action, just let me do it."

Before Qin Mu could reply, he had already rushed out like an arrow from a string.

"You, you, you, and you, all of them are really ignorant, and I'm not satisfied with letting you go."

"Let me see what you are capable of and how dare you act so recklessly here."

"Look at your swordsmanship, it's really embarrassing. Why do your hands feel so weak? You don't know how to hit?"

"And you, can the summoner's staff be more accurate? A hundred skills can't hit me. I don't know what your guild wants you to do. Is it to embarrass you?"

Huang Shaotian's typing speed is faster than his attack speed.

The two people next to me were dazzled.

Qin Mu sighed with emotion, "He is usually very nice to me, but he never talks to me like this."

"I also found out. If he dares to do this to me, I will kick him out of the team chat." Ye Qiu was obviously very cruel and didn't care about Huang Shaotian at all.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell him later." Qin Mu joked.

Ye Qiu immediately became quiet after hearing this.

Are you kidding me? I don’t want to be overwhelmed by a bunch of message bubbles.

Several people on the other side who were beaten and fell back were also a little confused.

"Wouldn't this guy be able to fight if he didn't type? This bubble is covering my field of vision."

"Who says it's not true? He can't see anything, but he looks so proud. Could he be imitating that sword master?" "It's really disgusting. Mr. Huang's sword master is invincible in the world, and the words he types are also... They are all of high quality, unlike this guy who talks useless nonsense.”


If they knew that this person was Huang Shaotian, I don't know what they would think.

While Huang Shaotian was typing, he killed all these people.

"You are really getting better and better now. You must be the world champion this year." Qin Mu stepped forward and praised a few words.

Huang Shaotian was particularly satisfied when he heard this, "You still understand me. If it were Ye Qiu, I probably wouldn't be able to say such a thing."

"Not entirely. I just hope you can't beat me. It's a pity that I won't participate in the competition this year." Ye Qiu came over with a smile.

Huang Shaotian suddenly looked coldly at him, and his entire face became unhappy.

The three people walked out talking and laughing, and followed the place where those people came from, and found several other teams searching for them.

"Now we have really found the base camp. I will take care of you and Huang Shaotian will be in charge of the middle. That's it. See you here later." Qin Mu immediately assigned the task without any hesitation.

If you finish it early, you can go offline early for dinner.

I am not at all curious about the intentions of the mastermind behind the scenes.

After brushing so many dungeon records and no one has any objections to them, that's really a ghost.

It's just that I didn't expect that they would join forces to attack me. Fortunately, we are all together.

Just as he was about to say something beneficial to the group, he turned around and saw the two of them trying to attract enemies to him.

Damn it, I actually wanted to treat them well just now.

Seeing that the plan was discovered, Huang Shaotian was the first to change direction and jump down to kill the people.

They were all warriors clothed in cloth and leather armor, so there was no comparison at all.

"Who came up with this? Could it be that they just wanted to kill us with this human wave tactic?" Huang Shaotian became impatient and complained a few times.

However, Qin Mu's mind suddenly lit up and his thoughts became clear, "Not only do you talk a lot, but your brain is also very useful. This is probably what these people are planning to do."

Huang Shaotian had no idea what he was talking about, "Huh?"

"It's okay. It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Ye Qiu, listen to me. He must be at the back. We can just go there." Qin Mu gestured in two directions with his hand, indicating that he would cooperate with her.

Ye Qiu nodded. Just as the two of them were about to coordinate their actions to knock all these guys over, a sound suddenly came from outside the crowd.

"Let me see, whoever dares to go against me, young master, is what you are." Baozi transformed and flew out of the crowd, not forgetting the person he was holding on to.

"Who is this?" Qin Mu curiously pointed to the human-shaped pendant hanging on his hand.

"It's the friend I told you about. Thanks to him for showing me the way, otherwise I wouldn't know where to go." Baozi scratched his head in embarrassment.

Qin Mu reached out and poked his forehead, "I told you a long time ago that I asked you to bring a map. Now it's okay. If it weren't for him, I wonder who would have saved your life."

"Brother Qin, please don't be like this. I am loyal to you. How could you not let me step down in front of so many people?" Baozi looked at Qin Mu weakly and helplessly, which also made him shudder.

"Stop looking at me like this, or I'll throw you over and use you as a weapon later." Qin Mu raised his hand and threatened.

This time Baozi was really scared. (End of chapter)

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