The last experience seems to be still vivid in my mind.

Baozi couldn't help but smile awkwardly as he recalled the last time he was treated as a bomb.

I don't want to be locked out again.

Baozi suddenly remembered something, and lifted the person behind him and put it in front of him, "How about Brother Qin, this seems to be the guy who wrote the guide. I thought he looked familiar when he first added me, but I didn't expect it was really him."

"It's really that blind light. It's amazing. Now your brother Qin is going to praise you. You have the chance of finding a needle in a haystack." Ye Qiu walked over and clicked his tongue twice, causing Baozi to look at him. .

Mingguang's eyes suddenly lit up, and he stepped forward to look at the weapons in their hands, "How is this possible?"

Just as Qin Mu was about to say something, a group of people suddenly appeared on the opposite side.

"Where are you going? Today I will show you who is the real god of District 10!" Chen Yehui led his men to appear.

Seeing the three characters "zero breakthrough" above his head, Qin Mu squinted his eyes and thought of the person who attacked Tang Rou that afternoon.

I didn’t expect that it would be difficult to start planning from that moment on.

"I'm waiting for you." Qin Mu smiled brightly, showing no hint of displeasure.

Chen Yehui's displeasure increased even more when he saw him like this.

"What do you mean?" He looked at Qin Mu with a confused expression.

But the other party ignored him at all, "Fight or not, or we'll leave."

Several people behind him couldn't help laughing.

"This is too disrespectful. I told you that this kid has no real ability, but you still don't believe me."

"Who knows, it's not all about waiting for an opportunity."

"Forget it, let's get out of here."

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Yehui quickly moved Gu Yin out, "What are you talking about? As the president of Excellent Dynasty, I, together with Gu Yin of Samsara, launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against Lord Grim!"

Everyone was searching for Gu Yin, who appeared confused. "What's going on here?"

"The army is now, what are you still hesitating about?" Chen Yehui spoke up, covering up his voice.

Only then did everyone get excited and move forward.

Chen Yehui was even more happy when he saw this scene, "Let me see, how many wings can you add today to fly out of my dragnet!"

Once they are eradicated, he and Guild Excellent Dynasty will be the overlords here, a position that no one can challenge.

When thinking about that day coming, Chen Yehui's hands were shaking with excitement.

"Come on!" Chen Yehui stood up first and went straight to Ye Qiu.

The defeat at his hands last time hasn't happened yet, let's make him look good today!

The two sides fought and it was a melee.

Although there were only three people on the opposite side, they were still beaten back one after another.

"What kind of monsters are these!"

"Help me! This guy keeps chasing me and slashing me!"

"Don't lure him here! I can't aim properly!"

The scene was very chaotic for a while, and Huang Shaotian held back most of the troops by himself.

"What are you doing, I'm here, your skills are too inaccurate."

"And you, can't you tell the difference between left and right? Why are you hitting the tree? My skills are not there."

"Let me help your president evaluate your strength. I'm very strict!"

A bunch of news bubbles crowded the assassin's face, and he really couldn't laugh now.

Suddenly, a commotion of people and horses came here.

Everyone looked over there.

Qin Mu had already thought of this, and couldn't help but shake his head and sigh, "It's so cool to appear on stage, when will I be able to do the same?" "Right now, when you are a hero and save a beauty, you can be so handsome." Ye Qiu stood joked in the back.

Qin Mu was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly, "It's not certain who will save who. Look at their murderous looks, they are really afraid that they will treat me equally."

Chen Yehui didn't hesitate at all and directly summoned the people around him to launch an attack. "The person is right in front of you! Everyone, hurry up and seize the opportunity!"

Everyone, you look at me and I look at you.

Just as he was about to start taking action, a parabola flew across the sky, "Ah!!! Help!!!"

It turned out to be the person guarding over there, but unexpectedly he was kicked away by someone.

"Here we come!" Feng Shu Yanmu appeared in front of everyone with a cannon, and there was a fire behind him.

On the other side of the fire, a man with a staff made a gap.

A mage stood in the gap. His robe was already in tatters. It looked like he had been killed along the way.

"Look, I told you earlier, they are scarier than us." Qin Mu pointed at Tang Judo over there.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, this guy is really fierce, he came from the main city alone to kill him.

Looking at the intertwined colors of light red and light blue on his body, he knew that he had been drinking medicine all the way here.

I can't imagine how her recovery speed could match such a fierce style of play.

As expected, Tang Rou is the most hidden high-injury player in the team.

"Great God! There are us too!" An inch of gray rushed out with a burst of purple light.

Chen Yehui also looked a little confused.

This group of guys didn't know what the use was. Even Han Yanyi, who was the best, couldn't stop him and actually let him go to Kong Zhilin.

It will be difficult to fight when they are all gathered.

"What's your zodiac sign?" Baozi approached Chen Yehui, looked at his somewhat familiar ID, and was pulled back by Qin Mu.

"Can you take a look at the current situation..." Qin Mu said helplessly.

One or two people are not worried at all.

Just as he pulled Baozi back, Qin Mu turned around and saw Ming Guang again.

He didn't know what he was thinking, but he kept walking forward and bumped into a tree with a thud.

The enemy hiding behind the tree discovered his traces, "Finally, I caught a lone man!"

Mingguang held his head and couldn't help but dodge, but he didn't even take out his weapon.

"Get a weapon! Use your skills and hit him directly!" Qin Mu commanded from the side.

Baozi was about to tease him, but the guy looked like he had lost his mind along the way, how could he listen to his orders.

Who knew that the next second would be jaw-dropping.

Not only did Dark Light take out his weapon, he also seriously summoned two elves.

"Go!" Dark Light raised the staff in his hand, and the fire elves and water elves rushed towards the enemy.

These assassins seemed to be old, weak, sick and disabled, and none of them were particularly strong.

It's just perfect for giving them some practice.

If Chen Yehui knew what Qin Mu thought, he would probably burst into anger.

"Why are you still standing there? Isn't the game going to continue?" Huang Shaotian jumped like a monkey and shuttled through the crowd, causing a bloody storm.

Qin Mu put away the heavy cannon in his hand and turned to look at Huang Shaotian. "You're already behind schedule. Ye Qiu and I have killed almost thirty of them."

"Thirty-two." Ye Qiu accurately counted from the side.

The anxious Huang Shaotian scratched his head, grabbed the Assault Sword he had just taken, and rushed forward. (End of chapter)

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