Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 214 Encirclement and Suppression of Domineering Ambition

"Or have you forgotten your old love when you have a new love? When Qin Mu and the others are not around, have you forgotten who wakes up early and stays up late every day to complete dungeons with you?"

"Sure enough, men become bad when they have money. When they are exposed to new things, they no longer need a bad wife."

"I understand. I'll tell him when I get back right away." Huang Shaotian wiped his tears and looked heartbroken.

Seeing this scene also gave Ye Qiu a headache. Before he could speak, Tang Rou who was next to him came over. "What's going on here?"

When Huang Shaotian saw someone speaking for him, he immediately became excited. "It's not just that Ye Qiu started to give up. I've been fighting for you for so long, and he actually wants to drive me away."

Tang Rou looked at Ye Qiu with disapproval. "This is not possible. Besides, he is also on the list. What if he leaves us and waits for a while? Isn't it more dangerous for him to be alone?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiu opened his mouth to say something, but was shot back with a look from the other party.

Now that his true identity is revealed, it will not be a good thing for everyone.

All he could do was knock out his teeth and swallow them in his stomach. Ye Qiu's face changed into a smiley expression, and he stepped forward and patted his shoulder affectionately. "Since you like staying here, don't leave."

When Tang Rou heard that he relented, she immediately became much happy. "Yes, yes, he said so, so don't worry, we will definitely do our best to protect your safety."

Huang Shaotian, who received the signal from Ye Qiu's eyes, stiffened and nodded at him.

What a joke, if you stay here for one more second, you will be stunned to death by his gaze.

But just as he was about to escape, he was caught by Tang Rou and Baozi alone.

Baozi looked at the bubbles popping up above his head, scratched his head and said. "Don't tell me. The more I look at you, the more I think you look like a friend of mine. But he probably wouldn't fight with us."

Huang Shaotian's heart suddenly tightened when he heard what Baozi said at the beginning.

Realizing that he had no idea who he was, he put his heart back in his stomach.

Ye Qiu, who was next to him, saw his worried look, snorted twice and left.

Doesn't Huang Shaotian like to stay here? Then feel it.

Tang Rou on the other side pulled him closer to Qin Mu. "Didn't you say there will be a new event soon? Why did you wait so long?"

"Don't worry, the real main course is yet to come." Qin Mu smiled and pretended to be mysterious.

The next second, what he said happened.

The teleportation array on the ground lit up again, and no one knew which unlucky guy happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

Tang Rou looked at the ground and then at the people beside her. "What do you mean, if there is only one team, how will we divide it?"

These words stopped Qin Mu, but fortunately Ye Qiu stepped forward to help rescue him. "Don't worry, it's absolutely impossible for them to send just a few people here. I've added a lot of trade union presidents' accounts here, and there are seven or eight of them online alone. It's estimated that there will only be more or less people here. .”

I was considered a celebrity before, so if I wanted to add so many contact details, it was not enough.

What's more, Qin Mu gave him a list before.

They all record the names of the assassins who hunted them before.

When the time comes, we have to get it back from these guys. If these guilds don't recognize it, then I have evidence. I have experienced how evil those guys are and how evil their hands are, so there is no need to hit the wall again.

However, their casualties this time were indeed very large, and the losses were probably quite large. On the other hand, under the orderly guidance, there were not too many casualties on our side, which is a gratifying thing.

Ye Qiu overlapped the list in his hand with Qin Mu's. At a glance, he knew that it was a bad idea thought up by people from the major guilds.

I wonder what kind of dream they are dreaming about. Do they think that by getting rid of them all, they can get the right to refresh the copy records?
Based on the records set by his five-person team, there is absolutely no way those guys would have the chance to update even if they lived in this canyon 24 hours a day.

A bunch of noobs don't even know what level they are, yet they dare to come here to challenge themselves.

Seeing that the time was right, Qin Mu immediately gestured to the people around him.

Tang Rou was the first to respond and moved right in front of the teleportation array. This was usually where Baozi stood, being able to be seen immediately could attract firepower.

But it was obvious that the little girl was really not in a high mood today, and few people dared to say anything about him.

When the group of domineering and ambitious people came out, they saw Tang Rou, and she immediately smiled relaxedly. "It turns out she is just such a little girl. I thought the boss was sending us some kind of news."

The team members next to him also breathed a sigh of relief. "Isn't it true? I thought it would be someone like Lord Grim who could make Ye Duhantan so nervous."

A voice floated from behind him. "Are you looking for me?"

This time, these seven people were really frightened to the point where they didn't dare to move at all.

It was their captain who reacted first and turned his head with a stiff neck. "It turns out it's Lord Lord Grim. I wonder if he can let us go. We don't know about this incident..."

Lord Grim just looked at the people around him with a smile and did not reply directly to his words.

Seeing the hint in his eyes, the captain immediately turned his head and looked to the side. "Dear gods, we really don't know anything. Isn't it bad to just vent your anger on us like this?"

Tang Rou was quite complaining about this. "If you really don't know, you don't have to bargain with us here. Besides, your people didn't even say hello to me when they attacked me last time."

If the few domineering and ambitious people here knew that it was Ye Duhantan who attacked Tang Rou this time, they would be furious and cursed.

If it weren't for him, things wouldn't have developed to this point this time. It had already reached an irreversible situation.

Qin Mu was not polite at all. He didn't waste time here and directly assigned the task. "What are you still hesitating about? Hurry up and finish this. There are other things to do."

Tang Rou was quite surprised, she thought he would really listen to that guy and let him go.

After all, the other party had already lowered his profile so low, but he never expected that he would actually let everyone rush forward.

I have already said this, and I am not timid, so let’s go for it.

Let's see who can win the final victory!

The people from the opposite team saw that the situation was not good and did not continue to beg for mercy.

The other party's words were very resounding. It could be seen that this guy was not easy to get along with, so why continue to waste time. (End of chapter)

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