But he never expected that even an ordinary Han Yanyan would be difficult to defeat, let alone those great gods behind him.

Several people looked at each other and locked their eyes on Baozi and Ming Guang.

The two people who were watching the excitement and had no intention of participating suddenly froze when they discovered that their goals had changed.

Baozi was the first to react and grabbed his arm. "Hurry up and get out of the way, that guy's knife is about to be on your neck!"

Miguang was stunned, not knowing what happened.

But Baozi had already spoken, and he still followed the people and rushed out to the corner. The people around him couldn't help but look at him in annoyance when they realized that the sneak attack failed.

Seeing their actions, Qin Mu and Ye Qiu understood clearly. It seemed that the other party had no intention of peaceful coexistence, so there was nothing they could do.

Several people began to take them seriously, and those guys had no chance to escape. They could only run around here and were beaten without the ability to fight back.

With a crisp sound, they were reborn and returned to the main city area again, which also made the captain of this small team look stiff.

Are you kidding me, I can be considered the captain of an elite team of Domineering Ambition.

Today, without saying anything, he was beaten to a pulp, without any chance of resistance.

If I had put this before, I would never have believed it, but now the slap in the face is so straightforward.

Ye Duhantan was stunned for a moment when he saw the appearance of several people. This could be regarded as a relatively advanced team in the guild. Unexpectedly, they were beaten back to the main city by those people.

His reaction was exactly the same as Chen Yehui's just now. "What's going on? Haven't you already been informed? Why does this kind of accident happen again?"

"Those guys started a sneak attack as soon as they came up, and we didn't react at all." It was inevitable that some people in the team would not complain, and everyone was full of dissatisfaction with them.

Ye Duhantan did not continue to blame them, but pulled them aside and told them everything about their plan.

Several people were immediately very happy.

"President, don't worry. Although we complained a little bit just now, we will definitely resolve this matter carefully. He has caused so many troubles to the people of our union, and we must not let him continue to grind dungeons in such a comfortable way!"

"Yes, our captain just took a look at their equipment. They are all scattered and it seems that they have not been repaired yet. We might as well take advantage of this good opportunity and attack them directly."

"It just so happens that their equipment hasn't been repaired yet. This is a good opportunity."

Ye Duhantan thought for a while and did not reject them directly. Instead, he went back to discuss it with several other presidents.

Qin Mu and the others on the other side locked the main entrance of the first-line canyon again.

Unexpectedly, they were quite smart and sent a few people to defend here.

But two fists are hard to beat with four hands. There are so many of them, is it possible that we are still afraid of these few?

A few people sneaked in from the wall and arrived at the gathering place of the first-line canyon teleportation array.

There are a dozen teleportation arrays nearby, and most people will be teleported here after completing the dungeon.

"Okay, now we can have a big fight." Qin Mu turned to look at Tang Rou. Her eyes lit up, and her whole person exuded the desire to rush forward and fight. As expected, the formation in front of him quickly emitted light, and Ye Qiu also gave the answer based on the list. "They should be from the Samsara Guild. They also participated in this encirclement and suppression operation. I saw the president of their union."

Qin Mu made his decision immediately. "Then let's go shoot Baozi and Tang Rou. I just want to practice my skills. The members of the Samsara Guild are not very strong, but they are definitely not soft persimmons. You must be careful."

"Brother Qin, don't worry, but you have to promise me that when I come back, my silver weapon will be put on the agenda. Just now, Miguang asked about it." Baozi pouted, with a dissatisfied look on his face. Look at Qin Mu.

When Miao Guang's name was called, his whole body froze.

So how can you ask yourself to urge it? This was obviously curiosity, but it took on another meaning in his mouth.

Seeing Mu Guang's reaction, Qin Mu already knew the truth of the matter.

This kid really dared to look out and look out at anything he said, scaring the children.

If the next guide directly writes about them threatening, wouldn't it be ridiculous?

"Stop talking useless words. If you can't win, don't come back." Qin Mu didn't care about that. If he just dropped it, he turned around and stared at it.

With so many teleportation arrays, it would be terrible if they all light up together later.

Before the people in the Samsara Guild had time to see clearly, how many people in front of them were carried away and sent back to the main city, followed by the victims of Baihua Valley.

When the two teams returned to the main city to meet at the same time, Gu Yin and Back Lantern glanced at each other.

With just this look, others knew what each other was thinking. With so many people here, they couldn't just expect the two of them to suffer.

Taking advantage of the fact that Ye Duhantan was not here, the two of them directly began to search for the location of the others.

It didn't take long for Ye Qiu's news to start crackling, which also made him a little confused.

When I opened it, I found that it was actually coming from Gu Yin and Back Lantern. Could it be that Samsara and Baihua Valley were preparing to rebel?
He had just finished talking to Qin Mu about this matter, and then the two of them concentrated on studying the information in the dialog box.

What was sent was none other than the time and name of the copy that was downloaded by the other union members.

It turned out that when the large forces were assembled just now, Chen Yehui took the lead in counting the number of elite teams in each trade union in order to launch an attack on Qin Mu at any time.

Unexpectedly, it would now become a stepping stone for him to surrender to Qin Mu.

Looking at the message record in front of him without even a period of reply, Gu Yin also hesitated. "Are you sure it will be useful if we send this list? He doesn't seem to want to pay attention to us."

The backlight bombs are also a bit uncertain, but now I can't help others to prestige and destroy my own morale. "What are you afraid of? If not, just think that we gave him some clues in vain. Anyway, the experience points of the people in our union have dropped like this."

Every time you are killed, you will lose 10% of your experience points, and the overall level of the union will also drop. Not to mention that the one who was killed just now was the main force of the Samsara Guild. This time they downloaded the dungeon just to help the guild refresh the dungeon record.

This time they lost 10% of their experience points and were instantly left behind by other guilds.

The two of them were watching the dialog box in front of them, with sad expressions on their faces. (End of chapter)

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