A top swordsman like Huang Shaotian is difficult to control by himself.

As for an individual like Ye Qiu who had all the points filled, he couldn't beat him.

Even a gunner like Qin Mu didn't have any breakthrough points.

If you really can't find any flaws in the professional arena, it means that you have no chance to compete in this game. I don't want this, and I don't want to give up so soon.

In the next second, the opponent has already rushed over quickly. It seems that the distance in the middle is not enough for him to turn around and avoid it, so there is no need to hesitate. Just cut the mahjong mess with a quick knife and everything will be solved. It is not a big deal anyway.

Tang Rou's men were not slow in their movements, but Du Ming was a professional player after all, and no one could be faster than him in attacking.

The opponent turned sideways to avoid his magic ball, and then a sword flashed straight towards his face.

However, Tang Rou's reaction speed was also very fast. Just as she turned sideways to avoid it, the opponent unexpectedly followed up with a rising dragon slash.

This time, there was no place to escape. He was hit directly and flew into the air.

Seeing this scene, Du Ming also remembered what the audience had said just now and apologized a little. "If there is still a chance, I will treat him well next time. I really can't help it this time."

Three cuts were followed by falling wind cuts, followed by three sword-drawing cuts.

The combination of these three chain skills directly blocked Tang Rou's escape route, and the battle mage's health bar was more than half empty in an instant.

But the moment the mage was about to land, he quickly turned around, exposing the area on his back to the outside, which could be regarded as indirectly covering some areas.

This actually surprised the people around him. They thought it would be difficult to solve this with his ability, but now it seems that it may not be as simple as imagined.

"It seems he has some strength." Du Ming put away the sword in his hand and looked up at him.

But the opponent did not relax, but quickly struck him with a deaf-mute counterattack. Du Ming reacted quickly and directly blocked the dragon's teeth with his sword. The stiffness caused by this did not appear, and the damage was also reduced a lot. .

The professional players watching on the sidelines were a little confused.

"Why don't you use Fu Longxiang? My God, if I use this skill, Du Mingshao said I would lose half of my health."

"Who says it's not the case? What's more, with that positional pull just now, maybe a small magic ball can hit Du Ming."

"It's such a pity. The skill is wrong, but the operation speed is still very fast. If such a good talent is recruited into the team and trained, he might become a good battle mage."

Several people around him have begun to talk about how many players should be roped in to become part of the team during this All-Star Weekend. There are even two team captains who are dissatisfied because of Qin Mu's uneven distribution yesterday.

Although the audience outside the field was also confused, the changes in the situation now made them unable to care so much.

The audience's emotions were tightly attached to Tang Rou's body, no matter whether he hit Du Ming or was beaten, they would all let out an exclamation.

Qin Mu couldn't help but patted Ye Qiu's shoulder. "You see, this is the holy body born to broadcast live. I advise you not to play with his plans and let him do the live broadcast honestly."

Ye Qiu smiled indifferently. "It's okay if he wants to." Upon hearing this, Qin Mu immediately lost his momentum. It was easy to feel from the conversation with Tang Rou last night that if there was really a chance to return to the professional battlefield, he would definitely do it. Agree without hesitation.

But Chen Guo was a little unclear. I would also watch some videos of professional matches on weekdays, and it was not difficult to know that this attack would definitely be better if it was Fulong Xiangtian. "Why doesn't Xiao Tang use that skill?"

Qin Mu scratched his head in embarrassment, remembering that his current account level was only a little over level 30. "He probably doesn't know what the skills above level 30 are like."

Hearing this, Chen Guo immediately opened her mouth.

Damn it, they wish they could hang out in Glory every day from morning to night, but they haven't even reached level 40 yet. "Then what are you doing when you are so diligent on weekdays?"

Qin Mu was a little embarrassed and scratched his head. "Isn't that because of their pursuit two days ago? If those guys hadn't caused Tang Rou to drop several levels, she would have been forty by now."

Ye Qiu glanced at him but said nothing. He knew best whether he knew why he was still talking nonsense now.

The situation on the other side of the field returned to normal again. After Tang Rou's battle mage dealt several sets of damage, it was unable to cause large damage to Du Ming's swordsman, and his control skills were basically avoided by Du Ming.

In desperation, he could only look for another opportunity, but Du Ming's phantom invisible sword summoned countless sword lights and tracked them behind Tang Rou's battle mage.

Now there really is no room to escape no matter where I hide.

Everyone thought that Tang Rou would be captured without any help, and they all started to sigh.

"I really didn't expect that he was so cruel. A little girl would be so beaten by him that she couldn't even find her answer."

"That's right. He and his companions had not used these killing moves much before, but the little girl actually practiced them so diligently."

"No wonder there are no girls playing in Glory. It's these people who have ruined the atmosphere and made it impossible for us to find a female player to help us fight."

Everyone was sighing and taking note of Tang Rou's name, preparing to wait for the opportunity to see if there was him on the live broadcast platform, but a bright spot suddenly appeared in the situation on the field.

Although the Phantom Invisible Sword is a continuous skill and will hit the same person in countless moves, Tang Rou is not nervous about it.

Although I don't understand the subsequent skills of the battle mage, I still have a good understanding of other characters' skills in combat.

As long as he can figure out the pattern of this phantom invisible sword, he can always dodge it in a flash of light. What's more, he still has some HP, and the damage he can do with all his skill points may not be that high.

Du Ming on the side had already put his sword back in his hand and said with a little regret. "Zhou Zekai was beaten to death yesterday. I can't set another example today. I'm really sorry."

Many professional players around them also shook their heads in disappointment. It seemed that there was no chance of a comeback.

Although they appreciate this girl, she is still a newcomer after all, and there are still many areas that need to be tempered.

Unexpectedly, the opponent actually rushed out in the face of a flash of swords and swords, and some of the audience still didn't look away. (End of chapter)

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