He was surprised for a moment, and after counting, he actually received eleven sword rays, and then rushed out from the range of his attack.

"Oh my god, this is so awesome. Normal professional players may not have this kind of mentality."

"Let's not talk about professional players. If I were to use the two sets of skills that I just played, I would have been caught off guard. I wouldn't have thought about how to escape later."

"It seems we are no better than a little girl. Let's work overtime and train properly when we go back."

The opponent was very fast and rushed directly in front of Du Ming. Before the opponent's sword was unsheathed, he hit him with a set of skills.

Although they are all low-level skills, they even include a few normal attacks.

But Du Ming was always able to use his fitness to receive his attacks, and even found time to launch two normal attacks.

It was like this at first, but then for some reason Tang Rou's attacks became faster and faster, and the frequency of her attacks became higher and higher, making it difficult for him to resist for a while.

But no matter how much Du Ming studied, he couldn't see anything wrong with him at all.

After all, when he came on the field just now, his operations didn't look like he was cheating. He really felt like a novice, but his hand speed was really amazing, comparable to Qin Mu yesterday.

Huang Shaotian off the court couldn't help but open his mouth wide and looked at Yu Wenzhou in disbelief. "Captain, are all battle mages so terrifying now?"

Yu Wenzhou looked at the stage leisurely and had some calculations in his mind. "His hand speed is very fast, but he doesn't seem to know much about skills. He has never touched skills above level 30. If he could combine the two together, he would have defeated Du Ming long ago with his hand speed. Down."

Huang Shaotian on the side suddenly opened his eyes in disbelief. The captain rarely had such a high opinion of a person. He was just about to confirm with him whether he was hallucinating something.

But Yu Wenzhou once again expressed his praise for this new player. "I thought he was hiding his strength just now, but after observing during this period, it is indeed not difficult to see that he is just a novice, but his advantage is that his attack speed is very fast."

Huang Shaotian glanced at the stage suspiciously. "But there's no plan at all in his attacks. What's the use if he's just trying to be quick?"

Yu Wenzhou looked at him. "If there is no hand speed, then none of the subsequent assumptions will be true. Only by slowly improving your understanding of these skills on the basis of hand speed can you stand out from the crowd of players."

Huang Shaotian nodded vaguely, remembering that when those bubbles were floating in the air, he seemed to understand a little bit about the abuse he faced.

The situation on the other side of the court was still heating up. The opponent did not pause at all, and his men continued to move forward.

Ye Qiu on the side saw what he meant and turned to Qin Mu and smiled. "I really didn't expect him to be able to detect his shortcomings in such a short period of time."

"Of course, he also plays games with us often, so he naturally knows what needs to be avoided and what can be promoted. Furthermore, the Du Ming opposite doesn't actually understand how to dodge this kind of skill below level 30. Maybe this is still a Good opportunity." Qin Mu affirmed directly.

Chen Guo, who was beside her, heard the sound of the two of them discussing. Her eyes widened and she looked over. "Are you saying that Tang Xiao might win?"

Qin Mu nodded.

Chen Guo suddenly became excited.

But the next second he was poured cold water on him.

"I also said that he has great flaws. If Du Ming discovers how to cut off the continuity of his attacks, then it must be a certainty this time." Qin Mu said lightly, without any dissatisfaction.

Chen Guo on the side was a little stunned. "Why is there still a flaw? I don't think he is very good on the court now? It's not a problem to beat Du Ming." But Ye Qiu shook his head. "This is just a short-lived phenomenon. If he enters a state of fatigue after a while, his hand speed will definitely decrease. When Du Ming only needs to counterattack, it will be difficult for Xiao Tang to have any more space."

Chen Guo nodded as if she understood.

Then he turned his head and cheered him silently in his heart. "Xiaotang, you must hold on..."

The two people on the field also knew what the other was thinking at the same time, and they just wanted to catch everyone in one fell swoop.

But this kind of strength also depends on whether the other party is capable.

Du Ming was not in a hurry. No matter what, as long as his hand speed dropped, he would have room to perform, not to mention that the health bar was only half down.

There is still room for him to fight back.

It was precisely because of this self-affirmation that Du Mingyu missed his best opportunity.

In fact, in the middle, Tang Rou's movements were a little slow for a moment because her fingers were sore.

This vulnerability may not be visible to ordinary players.

But there are many professional players here who saw this scene intuitively.

Naturally, a small seed was planted.

As for the pause in skills at that moment, if Du Ming could seize the opportunity, counterattack would definitely not be a problem.

But he just felt that he still had one-third of his health bar before the time came, so he could wait until the opponent's hand speed ran out.

When he no longer has any dodge skills, he can appear and kill him with one blow, which saves him from running around. He always has to leave some room for the little girl to show off.

But he never thought that this idea could also harm himself.

Tang Rou could already feel the soreness in her fingers, and she slowly gasped for breath on her arm. Slowly, her entire arm became numb, but the more this happened, the more determined she was in her heart.

I have already told Qin Mu that if there is still a chance to return to the professional arena, then I will definitely not hesitate.

If you don't take a stand now and do what you should do, then even if there is a professional competition in the future, they will not come to you.

The olive branch extended by Wang Jiexi has expired. The next thing to do is to use his own ability to carve out a small world here.

This firm belief supported him and kept his hands fast, which also made Du Ming on the opposite side open his eyes in disbelief.

Are you kidding me? What happened to this girl? Could it be that he was given blood? From just now to now, I have been scraping myself for three minutes. It is almost incredible to keep this hand speed without slowing down under such circumstances.

The health bar quickly reached the last trace of blood.

When he saw that there was only so much left, Huang Shaotian turned to Yu Wenzhou excitedly. "It is estimated that this girl will be defeated soon. Only this last point is left. Du Ming will definitely not continue to be in a daze." (End of Chapter)

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