Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 259 Du Ming refuses to admit defeat

But unexpectedly, his dear captain shook his head and expressed a completely different opinion on this. "Du Ming has lost."

"How is this possible? Doesn't he still have a little blood? Wouldn't it be okay if he could find another chance now?" Huang Shaotian asked with some confusion.

But Yu Wenzhou did not give any explanation. Maybe in the eyes of others, it is indeed difficult for new players to match up with professional players.

But now that Du Ming had lost his only chance to counterattack, the rest was no longer up to him.

In Huang Shaotian's disbelieving eyes, Tang Rou struck the final blow. Until this skill was fired, his hand speed was still at a very peak state. Yu Wenzhou on the side looked at it with envy.

If he could have such hand speed, he would definitely be the strongest player in the professional battlefield, and that would be no problem, but unfortunately, everything is just a mirror image.

Huang Shaotian who was standing next to him also saw that his eyes were full of envy, and he hurriedly opened his mouth to comfort him. "Captain, don't worry. Your future is bright, and you still have someone to succeed you. If you need such fast hand speed, then what's the use of us?"

Yu Wenzhou rolled his eyes and said. "You would say comforting words to me. If I expect you guys to come back with the first place in the professional competition, even if the flowers bloom and fade, you may not have a chance."

When Huang Shaotian heard this, he immediately became anxious. "Captain, how can you say that? We are trying our best. Besides playing games every day, we also train. Isn't this enough?"

Yu Wenzhou did not confirm its words, but pulled out a small notebook from his side. "Then let's take a look at what you were doing yesterday afternoon. If I guess correctly, you went to the toilet fourteen times in two hours. Ten of them stayed in the toilet for five minutes, and four of them were in the toilet. Stayed for fifteen minutes."

Hearing this, Huang Shaotian couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face.

Han Wenqing, the captain of Yedu Hantan, also heard the two of them talking and looked over at Huang Shaotian with a somewhat mocking look. "I didn't expect that even though you talk a lot on the field, you actually cut corners in training in private. If we had a member like you in our team, I would have kicked him out a long time ago."

Yu Wenzhou on the side seemed to be a little distracted by what he said, and he turned around to look over.

Huang Shaotian was quite worried by the look in his eyes. "The World Championships are coming soon. Captain, if you replace me now, what will you do?"

"I think so, but as he said, if you continue like this, I don't mind replacing you." Yu Wenzhou threatened a little, but he knew very well in his heart that no matter how much he said, if he didn't want to Even if he does, he still won't listen, and now these can only be joked.

But he never dreamed that it would actually work, and even make Huang Shaotian train harder than anyone else.

But the reason was not because of his threat, but because Ye Qiu was going to return to the battlefield. If that was the case, it would be very difficult for him to follow his path.

The situation on the court was completely settled. Tang Rou won the game.

He left the keyboard and mouse with trembling hands, and he suddenly felt a sense of rebirth in his heart. The audience was stunned in silence, and suddenly burst into applause.

"Oh my god, this girl is so powerful. She was able to beat Du Ming so hard that he couldn't fight back. I think he is probably a good candidate for Glory. I wonder if the captains will come and snatch her away."

"If it were me, I would definitely strike first. Battle Mage is not a popular character in the current version, but he can bring Battle Mage to this level. It must be good." "Besides, the beauty is beautiful. It’s so eye-catching. If I can see him on the court all the time, it will be very friendly to my eyes.”

The voices of people talking about each other rang out here, causing several people around to look towards the stage, but for some reason, the people opposite never stood up and remained seated.

This was a new contestant. If something went wrong again, he couldn't afford it. The host wiped the sweat from his forehead and hurriedly walked over to him. "We also invite contestant Du Ming to join us on stage to present awards."

But Du Ming ignored him, and his voice reached everyone's ears along the microphone. "One more game!"

Tang Rou naturally understood what he meant, and it could indeed be seen from the blow just now that he did not use his full strength. If he fought like this, it would be too passive.

It's better to let yourself see what his true strength is, and to position yourself as to what your level is when facing these professional players.

Tang Rou quickly sat down, with no displeasure on her face. "Then come on."

The players from both sides took their positions again and entered the competition venue directly along the room. The host on the side did not react at all and was busy asking for help from the announcer's desk behind.

But the director advocated turning a blind eye. "It's obviously interesting for the two of them to have a fight, so why should you stop them inside? Just let them fight. Anyway, the longer the fight lasts, the higher our ratings will naturally be. Besides, the level of the two of them is really different. No less, it makes people feel satisfied watching the game.”

The host moved his mouth. "But……"

The director made the final decision at this time. "What's the big deal? If you don't feel at ease and let someone else host the show, is it possible that something could go wrong this time?"

As soon as these words came out, the host in front of me didn't dare to say a word. After all, there was already such a threat, and he didn't dare to speak rashly.

However, the audience outside the field suddenly became very interested because of this sudden extra match.

"I think the little girl may not be able to win this one. After all, Du Ming also has a lot of skills."

"I don't think things have been settled yet. Who knows the real outcome. Maybe this opportunity is for those who are prepared, not to mention that there is no difference in their strength."

"Du Ming already lost a game just now. Don't you still know whether things are good or bad?"

Huang Shaotian on the side was somewhat interested and looked at the people beside him with a smile. "Captain, who do you think can win this round?"

Yu Wenzhou looked at the stage with a hint of hesitation in his eyes, as if it was difficult to distinguish the current situation. "It's really hard to tell. It's hard to guess the next move of the two of them before they're sure. What's more, if I'm not mistaken, this little girl has her own plans in mind, which is even more rare." (This chapter. over)

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