Huang Shaotian had long recognized that this girl was the one following Qin Mu and Ye Qiu. She was probably the legendary Han Yanrou.

Although it's not clear why he was asked to participate in this competition, everyone on the stage is a veteran and knows how to use some tricks here. He may not be able to outplay these people.

Just when he was hesitating frequently, the situation on the other side also reversed the situation on the field as promised. Before everyone had time to see clearly, the people on the other side had already taken steps and made some moves.

Du Ming's reputation as a swordsman was indeed well-deserved. He had already blocked Tang Rou's battle mage with no way out in the blink of an eye.

But Tang Rou in front of her was not anxious.

Right now, we need to grasp our own rhythm. No matter how impatient others are, we can never waver ourselves.

The only way to prove his strength now is to defeat him, let everyone know his name, and hear the voice of applause dedicated to him.

I can't think of any better way besides this.

Moreover, when he was down there just now, Qin Mu and Ye Qiu also encouraged him.

Don't let this opportunity come to your door in vain. It would be even better if he could become famous through this battle.

But during this round of fighting, it was obvious that the opponent was not as reserved as before.

Now that his combat power and speed have all been raised, these few killing line-like attacks are enough to give him a fatal blow.

Du Ming's three sword slashes flew past his scalp.

While Tang Rou was dodging, she didn't forget to look back and observe the distance between the other party and herself.

If you read correctly, as long as you turn to the side, you can use the cover of the terrain to avoid his attack.

But as a professional player, Du Ming certainly didn't want to fake his experience. A few quick glances made him understand Tang Rou's true intentions.

Then came a few blasts of wind, which were extremely fast.

Tang Rou could only raise the staff in her hand in embarrassment, trying to catch the last blast of wind.

But the opponent's strength and speed were not comparable to before, and it was extremely difficult for him to parry.

There is no doubt that Du Ming won this match, but Chen Guo looked at Qin Mu worriedly. "Do you think Xiao Tang will be unhappy because he lost the game?"

When Qin Mu heard this, he almost couldn't hold it back and laughed loudly. "You said he would be troubled by losing the game. I think you might as well say that the sun will rise from the west tomorrow."

I admit that Tang Rou's strength may not be as good as some professional players like Huang Shaotian, but his perseverance is the most outstanding person I have seen in a long time. If his hand speed is not good enough, he will continue to practice his hand speed and improve himself to the level with everyone. parallel level.

Not to mention the length of training every day, everyone else had already gone to bed early, but he was really able to endure it, sitting here and training hard in the middle of the night.

When I downloaded the dungeon before, I didn't have enough equipment, but when everyone was busy with their own things, he actually had the patience to go to other places and keep brushing those low-level materials.

When I found out later, the materials had already been completed, and I had even brushed out my share. If it were anyone else, Baozi would never appear. Although he was obedient, he was a little lazy and did these things with fish chops.

But that child was different, she was like a person who kept falling and getting up.

There are always surprises in some special places, and naturally I have discovered this big treasure at this time.

As he expected, after hearing each other's remarks, the two people on the field immediately became unconvinced and asked to play again.

Many professional players off the field were also a little confused.

What is going on now?
Has the competition system been reformed?

"Come again, come again. If there is no clear winner today, no one can leave." Du Ming yelled at the side.

Tang Rou was even more unwilling to admit defeat at this time. "Come just come, who is still afraid of you?"

When Chen Guo off the court saw this scene, her face looked a little dull. Who could tell her where the fragrant, soft and good-tempered Xiao Tang had gone? Why was he assigned such a person?

He tugged at the corner of Qin Mu's clothes a little dullly and said. "Is this person really Xiao Tang?"

Seeing his lost look, Qin Mu also found it a bit funny and almost laughed out loud without holding back. "Of course this is your precious little Tang. Why can't you recognize him after his appearance has changed? If this is the case, I will definitely have a good talk with him when I go back and tell him everything you say and do."

When Chen Guo heard this, she was so frightened that she waved her hands. "Forget it, forget it. Seeing his current attitude, even if I have eight heads, I wouldn't dare to provoke him."

The host on the side was complaining again and again. Who can tell him what is going on in this round of battles? Will anyone else be allowed to take the stage to challenge?
However, I noticed that several people in the row in Area A over there seemed to be here together. Maybe it was his friend who went over to take a look and ask if he could help him persuade this little girl.

She is quite beautiful, but how can she act so arrogantly and with so much energy?

The host slowly walked towards Chen Guo with the small gift in his hand.

When he saw her, a flash of surprise flashed in the host's eyes. Is this a place where beauties gather?

He and Xiao Tang are both very beautiful. One has a sweet and sweet appearance, while the other is domineering.

But he quickly concealed the surprise in his eyes and looked at the person in front of him with a smile. "Are you two friends of Miss Tang Rou? Can you please do me a favor?"

Chen Guo looked up at him suspiciously, and then seemed a little hesitant, but she recognized this guy's identity. "Aren't you the host on stage? Why are you free to come down and play around now?"

Hearing his question, Qin Mu on the side almost couldn't hold back his laughter, and he didn't know whether he was really stupid or pretending to be stupid.

When people saw it, they wanted to come over and ask him to help, but he seemed to say these words without hiding his thoughts. This time, the person was speechless.

The host opened his mouth and finally prepared himself mentally. "It's like this. Our competition system usually ends in one round, and Miss Tang Rou has been up there for eight rounds. This makes it impossible for us to advance the next activities, so can you please help persuade him?"

Qin Mu shrugged, as if the matter had nothing to do with him. The host had no choice but to cast his hopeful gaze at Chen Guo who was standing aside. (End of chapter)

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