Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 271 Domineering ambition to poach enemies

Without saying a word, Ye Qiu put his arms directly on his shoulders. This heavy weight made him breathless.

Just as he clapped his hands and planned to let people go away, he heard a cough from the other side.

Several people looked over curiously and found a guy in a suit and ties.

Several people looked at him, but no one recognized him.

Ye Qiu saw that the other party's eyes were always locked on Qin Mu, and he suddenly understood and pulled Tang Rou to take the first step.

Tang Rou said with some reluctance. "How could you just leave the two of them there?"

"You didn't see the guy's expression, and you thought we two were in the way." Ye Qiu nodded at the man just now, and Tang Rou immediately stopped talking.

The other party also knew that it was not the right time to appear here, so he pinched the tie around his neck and walked forward. "I am the general manager of Domineering Ambition. I am very happy to meet you here. I wonder if I can take a moment to say a few words?"

Chen Guo on the side did not hesitate at all, but did not step forward quickly and directly separated the two people.

Noticing the woman's movements, the other party frowned, with an unsightly look on her face. "Miss, could you please give me permission? I have important matters to discuss with him."

But Chen Guo didn't give in at all. "Sorry, if you want to discuss signing with him for the team, that's not necessary. I just want to tell you that he has successfully signed with us. If you have other matters, of course I am willing to give up this position. "

The manager's face originally had a somewhat kind expression, but after hearing what he said, his face suddenly became serious and he stared at him intently, as if he wanted to see something from him, but the person opposite did not. Half dissatisfied.

Qin Mu on the side sighed, but stepped forward to separate the two. "I'm sorry. I think he should have made it very clear. I already have a team and can no longer sign with Domineering Ambition. I'm really sorry."

Seeing that his attitude was relatively good, the manager's expression finally softened a bit and he looked at him with a smile. "It doesn't matter. You can also sign with a team. We will pay the liquidated damages for you."

Qin Mu was slightly startled when he heard his words. He didn't expect someone to be poaching so confidently.

The other party thought that his confusion meant that there was still room for negotiation, so he immediately stood in front of him and told him the specific benefits and salary ratio. "This salary is the highest salary appointed in the industry. If you feel dissatisfied, you can discuss it again."

"As the captain of Domineering Ambition, Han Wenqing also kindly invites you to join us. However, he has other games today, so he didn't come. I'm really sorry."

"But we are all ready to welcome you, so please don't worry."

When I heard this, I thought of my previous treatment in Team Excellent Era, and I couldn't help but feel that it was a bit unexpected.

At that time, if I didn't say that everyone was shouting and beating me, at least I wasn't a well-received person.

Forgetting the usual training matches, they have to be sent to some miscellaneous matches that no one wants to attend, and even take up their training time.

I am already grateful for this situation, otherwise I would not be so disheartened that I would be ready to quit the team and play freely.

But the recent period of working as a network administrator has really given me some relaxation experience. With them, I don't have to worry as much as I do in the team. All I have to do is feel relieved and relax. It was as if the previous oppression had never occurred, and occasionally it made me feel a little dazed.

But Chen Guo on the side was like an old hen protecting her chicks, spreading her wings to block Qin Mu behind her. "Since he has already said that he does not want to be a prisoner of domination, please respect his opinion."

The manager was still unwilling to give up and took out a thick document from his bag.

"This is our brochure. Please take it first. It also has our contact number. If you change your mind and want to come someday, you can inform us at any time."

"And I have never heard of Xingxing. If a team cannot register for ordinary competitions and has no results, it will not be able to participate in the World Championships every year. I think you should know better than me that there is no need for such a thing. It’s not easy for everyone to give up such a good spot after working hard for a year.”

"If you plan to bring Ye Qiu here with you, we will also welcome you here."

Chen Guopi stepped forward and took the booklet from his hand with a smile. "Of course, no problem. I have never seen anyone poaching in front of others like you. Since you need it so much, I will definitely help him keep this booklet."

Seeing his smile becoming more and more distorted, the manager was so frightened that he didn't dare to stay here at all.

I feel like if I say any more words, I will be eaten by him.

Ye Qiu and Tang Rou have not come down yet, and no one knows about this situation.

Chen Guo was just about to lose his temper and ask him why he didn't leave yet, but the person behind him held his shoulders and took him to the back.

"You can leave first. I have already signed that the team will not consider leaving the team for the time being."

Behind him, Chen Guo didn't understand what he meant by doing this. She could obviously handle everything by herself. Turning around and seeing his confused expression, it inevitably gave Qin Mu an even bigger headache. What if this happened in the future? What to do?

He sighed deeply and walked to Chen Guo. "Not every time I face this situation, I can be there. You have to think about yourself."

"I'm not asking you to swallow your anger, but if you get so angry every time you talk to them, wouldn't it make you so angry?"

"And even if they come to poach people, Ye Qiu and I can't leave, so why do you have to worry? Just play Tai Chi with them for a couple of rounds, and don't take what they say to heart. If you really feel sorry for us , just give us a better graphics card.”

Hearing his last sentence, Chen Guo's heart was moved. He rolled his eyes and looked at the person in front of him. "You have the nerve to say that the graphics card is installed in the computers given to you now. Which one is not the best thing in our Internet cafe? Every time before I have a chance to say anything, you make a good point and take all my computers. It’s all taken apart.”

Seeing Qin Mu open his mouth and want to explain, Chen Guo immediately pointed at him. "Then you swear it wasn't you."

Now he really didn't dare to speak.

Seeing the face of the person in front of her, Chen Guo snorted slightly dissatisfied. She knew that the two of them had bad intentions and felt that they came to work here just to dismantle their own computers. (End of chapter)

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