Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 272 Excellent Era Dynasty also comes to join in the fun

Then Qin Mu smiled and put the card in her hand.

Chen Guo looked down with a surprised look on her face, somewhat puzzled. "Why did you suddenly give me your bank card?"

Qin Mu smiled and nodded her eyebrows. "Why are you so embarrassed to let you create a team by yourself? There are 400,000 in it. You can use it first."

Chen Guo was moved at first, and then stared at him closely. "When did you hide your personal money? Does Ye Qiu know?"

Qin Mu's heart suddenly sounded alarm bells, and he said nervously. "What are you going to do?"

The other party suddenly relaxed and looked at him with a smile. "Of course, don't do anything. Since you have private money, I will torture him when I go back. They are all network administrators. I don't believe he doesn't."

Qin Mu touched his nose. He really couldn't tell the truth. He could only pray that Ye Qiu escaped unscathed.

He joked all the way and sent Chen Guo back to the house.

As soon as I turned around and got outside the door, I received a phone call. "Who is it?"

The voice on the other side smiled somewhat flatteringly. "Hello, I am Liang Xing from Team Excellent Era. I wonder if you are interested..."

Qin Mu interrupted him directly. "Sorry, not interested."

But the other person didn't seem to give up and continued to speak. "It is true that we did not handle the previous matter well. We have replaced all the candidates to ensure that the funny incident like last time will not happen. Please rest assured."

But Qin Mu still didn't change his mind. "It's such a pity. Why didn't you change things at the time? It's been so long and I'm no longer interested in Team Harvest."

Then he cut off the phone and walked into the house.

Ye Qiu, who heard the noise inside, raised his head and glanced at him. "What's wrong?"

Qin Mu waved his hand, pretending to be mysterious. "Guess who we saw downstairs just now?"

Ye Qiu's expression was extremely dull and he didn't take the bait at all. "I must be here to discuss signing a contract with you."

Hearing his words, Qin Mu curled his lips and threw himself on the bed next to him. "It's too boring. You can guess it. How can I tell you? Then you might as well guess who called me outside just now?"

Ye Qiu's expression was even more calm. "It must be Team Excellent Era."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Mu's eyes widened in disbelief. "How did you guess this?"

Ye Qiu snorted lightly. "As long as they put some effort into investigating, they will know that you are the guy who went to trial training two years ago. He belittled you without saying anything and even gave you fifty yuan to let you go. If they don't establish a good relationship with you now, they will be in trouble in the future. Wouldn’t it be ugly to see it on the field?”

"Even if you don't agree to return to their team today, as long as the relationship is slightly repaired, it will be enough for them."

"But from what I can see, their team is now declining more and more, and is even at the end of its rope. If they want to get back to the top again, they must find a favorable person to lead them. Naturally, you are the best candidate for this."

As expected, Ye Qiu had just finished his analysis when the phone next to him rang again, with a familiar number on the screen.

Qin Mu hesitated for a moment, but picked up the phone. Before he could speak, the other party had already announced his home address. "Hello Qin Mu, I am Tao Xuan, the boss of Excellent Era!"

Qin Mu was not surprised, and just responded calmly.

The other party seemed to have no choice but to continue the conversation. "I'm not calling you to disturb you. I just want to invite you out to have a meal and chat." Qin Mu fell silent for a moment.

Seeing his unusual behavior, Ye Qiu raised his eyebrows and asked in a gesture.

Who would have expected that Qin Mu's response would be Tao Xuan.

It's not a good time for this guy to call.

But since Qin Mu didn't want to negotiate with him, he was still happy to help. "Give me the phone."

Ye Qiu stepped forward to take the call from him and heard the familiar voice. "I'm Ye Qiu."

The person on the other end didn't seem to expect that he would pick up the phone, but they continued chatting about home affairs as usual. "I heard that you became a network administrator. What do you think? You are also a professional player after all. It would be too low of your status."

But Ye Qiu smiled indifferently. "Isn't it the same wherever you go? As long as you can play games."

When Tao Xuan heard his words, his eyes moved slightly. "Your Yiye Zhiqiu is in his hands, don't you plan to come back?"

Ye Qiu smiled and shook his head. Realizing that he couldn't see it, he still gave a clear answer. "Sun Xiang is quite comfortable with this role now, just let him cherish it, but that kid's actions are getting more and more extreme. As the boss, you should urge the coach to keep an eye on him."

Tao Xuan was silent for a few seconds before answering. "Don't worry, I won't live up to your expectations. I didn't expect you to be willing to consider Team Excellent Era."

Ye Qiu immediately denied it. "I'm not thinking about Team Overtime, I'm just thinking about Ichiaki. After all, it's the account I've been using for so many years. Don't let me break it."

Tao Xuan couldn't answer these words at all, but then he thought of Qin Mu and was still a little curious. "Your friend's operation is exactly the same as that guy's. Are you sure they are not the same person?"

Unexpectedly, Qin Mu's identity was really eye-catching, but he had no intention of saying anything on his behalf.

Instead, it bypassed the topic.

"If there's nothing wrong with you, I'll hang up first." Ye Qiu's very flat tone gave Tao Xuan a headache.

But he also knew this and there was no room for change. "Then you ask him a favor for me, and I won't worry about the rest."

Unexpectedly, he still wanted to hold on to the matter and didn't look at what else he could use as a bargaining chip in negotiations.

Based on the scandal they caused before, even if the entire club was given to Qin Mu now, he might not be willing to help play the game, let alone now.

After hearing the hang-up sound, Ye Qiu's face showed a bit of ridicule. It seemed that he really thought that he was an arrogant big boss who could call the shots here, but who didn't know about the Excellent Era Dynasty? What about the current situation?

There is no qualified cap person, and there are very few people below who can tell the truth.

It was uncertain how long such a dilapidated team could survive. Unexpectedly, it still had the ambition to compete for Qin Mu.

Ye Qiu shook his head with a smile and returned the phone to Qin Mu. "They won't call again after that. I believe you can solve the remaining teams and I won't say more."

Qin Mu was still a little curious as to what the two of them had said. It seemed that they were able to negotiate to such an extent in just a short time. "What did you all say?" (End of Chapter)

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