The two people nodded very calmly, looked at each other, and then lowered their heads to look intently at everything that happened on the screen. This was simply more surprising to them than what had happened in the past few decades combined.

And Lan He did his duty. He had just entered the guild and caught two examples in the guild channel.

Seeing such a miserable situation, Ye Qiu on the side just sighed and said nothing more.

Although they knew how good that guy was, they didn't know his other face at all.

In Lanxi Pavilion, he preached to many people, and he never stopped talking all day long.

If it were the two of them listening to the chanting, they might not be as happy as they are now.

But only he himself knows what it feels like. He doesn't want to say anything more at the moment. These two women are like chicken blood.

If you say one more wrong thing, you don't know what they will say to you. Instead of doing this, you might as well stay quiet and be prepared.

Qin Mu on the other side was implementing his own big plan.

Since the last time he saw that the guild with the domineering image was so suitable, he had some other thoughts.

If it can be managed in this way, I believe that the Star Guild will slowly grow, and more people will join in and replace them to become the strongest guild, which is just around the corner.

He was immersed in his beautiful fantasy when he heard Chen Guo and Tang Rou shouting from the side.

Just when he felt strange and looked over, he found the two of them squatting there like little fans, and on the screen was the scene of Blue River trying to break up the fight.

"Since we all belong to the same guild, we should live in harmony. Why do we have to have some quarrels? This is probably not the purpose of joining the guild."

"In this case, it's better for everyone to take a step back. We can't argue here. I wonder what you think of my proposal?"

"And you also know that Qin Mu and Ye Qiu are having a headache right now. If the remaining things cause trouble at this time, I think even if they don't say anything, you will feel very guilty, right?"

His words were as simple as a few words, and he directly blocked all the little thoughts of both parties.

Under his prompting, the two sides shook hands and made peace within ten minutes, laughing and joking like good brothers.

Lan He stood behind and nodded with satisfaction.

This is what a guild looks like.

But he didn't know that this action would directly win him two fangirls.

Qin Mu and Ye Qiu's management has always been done with fists. Whoever has the ability will have a higher say. Someone as gentle and gentle as him immediately attracted the attention of the two.

I helped them manage the guild in Blue River. After a few days, the entire guild was on the right track, and even had an atmosphere of brotherhood and brotherhood, which made the two of them a little incredible.

Qin Mu pointed at himself and then at the name of the guild next to him. "Is this our guild? Could it be that I made a mistake?"

Ye Qiu also didn't react, and stared at the message sent on the guild channel in stunned silence. "I think it's..."

Chen Guo and Tang Rou's names were also mixed in, so it seemed like the two of them were getting along well with the newcomers.

On the other hand, the two of them had been busy for two days, sorting out the guild's future plans and allocating subsequent tasks.

The two of them were doing well, playing easily with the guild members. On the other side, Blue River also came online to the guild for routine inspections.

I was so busy with Star Guild affairs the past two days that I almost forgot about my own Blue Brook Pavilion.

As soon as he went online, he saw everyone in the guild greeting him.

"Blue River, you haven't been online for several days."

"Yes, if something goes wrong, President, you must tell us and we will try our best to help you find a solution."

"We're worried that you haven't been online for several days. If someone hadn't reported the news to us in time, we would have gone to your house to look for you."

Lan He also felt a little warm in his heart. "I have nothing to do. I have been really busy these past two days, so I didn't have time to go online. I still appreciate everyone's concern."

Those people did not continue to argue, but after hearing his reply, they went about their own business with peace of mind. Unexpectedly, Qiancheng, whom they had not seen for a long time, suddenly appeared in front of them.

Thinking that Ye Qiu had been so busy and no one was seen in the past two days, he twitched the corners of his eyes, feeling that nothing good was going on.

As expected, as soon as this boy stood in front of him, he felt that the aura around him was different.

Lan He sighed and took the initiative to speak. "If you have anything to say, just say it. There's no need to stand here like a wooden stake."

The other party's message was very concise. If you hadn't known him personally, you might have thought that he didn't know how to speak at all. "Is Lord Grim not Ye Qiu?"

Lan He sighed, knowing the seriousness of the current situation. "Whether I say yes or no, will the result be the same?"

Qiancheng only replied with a crisp yes.

This made Lan He have an even worse headache. He pinched his eyebrows and felt a little hopeless. Is this his reply to repay him?
Fortunately, I have been busy for him these past two days. Is this how I repay myself?

But he still had no intention of hiding the truth. He would have to tell it in the end anyway, so why hide it from him? It is always bad to lie to others and yourself. "It's indeed Ye Qiu."

Qiancheng didn't forget to ask him a question at this time. "Really?"

This actually made Lan He laugh angrily and look at him with some displeasure. "You asked me again and you don't believe what I said, so what's the point of asking me?"

The other party was silent for a while, and then shook his head.

Seeing him look like he couldn't beat a fart with eight sticks, I felt like I had a splitting headache. I waved my hand and drove the person out quickly.

However, Qiancheng was also very neat. He just said goodbye to him, and the other side left the guild.

Seeing that a large number was missing from Lanxi Pavilion's combat power list, it also made Lan He feel a little painful. This guy was really ruthless. He must suffer a loss in two days and repay him well.

But this kid Qiancheng is really cruel. He quit the guild before he even finished speaking. He really didn't care about his own face.

But the person in front of him became angrier and angrier as he thought about it. He felt that the matter could not end like this, so he hurriedly turned on his mobile phone and sent a message to Ye Qiu. "You are really crazy. You came to my place to recruit people when you have nothing to do. It's a good thing that I was helping you two days ago."

Ye Qiu's message came back quickly, either because he was bored or something. "How could it be? I just mentioned it casually. Who would have thought that this kid would insist on asking me for details, so I can only tell the truth. Besides, isn't our guild short of people?" (End of Chapter)

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