Blue River was particularly unhappy about this. "What does your guild's shortage of people have to do with me? If you poached the main force of our guild, don't we have a shortage of people?"

Ye Qiu laughed shamelessly, as if he didn't care what he said. "That's not all because you are kind to me and are willing to give me this opportunity. Otherwise, even if I burn a hundred sticks of incense, I may not be able to get such an opportunity."

Listening to his glib words, Lan He felt quite helpless. "Forget it this time. If I see you running into my guild to poach people next time, I will definitely break your legs."

Obviously in my impression, he is a serious person, and he is also a person of outstanding strength, and he can be regarded as his idol when he was young.

But now it seems that my impression has been greatly deviated.

What's the difference between this guy and a bandit?

When they come up, they come to me to buy and sell by force.

And his friend, Qin Mu, was like a robber, detaining himself in their guild to help without saying a word.

I haven't suffered such inhuman treatment in many years.

Blue River was particularly dissatisfied with this.

But Ye Qiu didn't care about his emotions at all and spoke directly. "I knew you couldn't bear to leave me, so this form is just a new task for you."

Lan He clicked on the document with a question mark, only to find that there was a table that was more than ten pages long, with the IDs of these people, the unions they belonged to, and their contact information written in detail.

Lan He raised his head in shock and sent a message to Ye Qiu. "Are you crazy? Why are you giving this to me? Are you asking me to go door to door to find people for you?"

Ye Qiu said with a smile. "Then can this dream of mine come true? Most of them are people from other guilds. Don't worry, I have no plans to pry you off yet."

Hearing what he said, Lan He didn't want to believe it at all.

As expected, I opened it and saw a familiar name. I didn't expect that he would even dare to think about his main force. He was really ambitious.

He pointed at the list above angrily. "Is this what you said about not trying to hit me? Aren't they the same for so many people?"

Ye Qiu complained unintentionally. "Oh, really, what's going on? I just asked them to count it, but I didn't expect him to actually write it all in. I'm so embarrassed. I'll teach them a lesson when I get back."

But he didn't pay attention to Blue River's slowness, and instead extended another olive branch. "Since there are already so many people above, could you please help me take a look, and if there are any suitable ones, just give them to us. There shouldn't be many useful people in your union anyway, right?"

After hearing this, Lan He was about to scold him.

But he didn't expect that the other party would run away quickly, which made him itchy with hatred.

I'm really crazy, I actually came here to ask people not to say anything, and I even dared to say these weird things.

If the group of people in my own guild heard it, it would cause an uproar.

He really thinks of himself as a god.

At this time, Ye Qiu didn't waste time and walked around the area a few times, preparing to see other opportunities.

After all, we have just started running a trade union, and we must worry about all the big and small things in it. Especially after downloading the dungeon last time, many people have received skill point bonus rewards in the guild, but they are not sure how to use them.

Qin Mu and I worked overtime to make a detailed guide to help them quickly understand the specific situation. Since we are all members of the guild, there can't be anyone who is holding us back. We must all move forward together.

After he finished dealing with it, he went directly to find Su Mucheng.

I still have some memories of what happened last time, and I want to solve everything as soon as possible while I am still here, and find a few suitable candidates to make a copy.

But unexpectedly, after hearing his proposal, he immediately agreed to his request.

Ye Qiu smiled awkwardly, feeling at a loss and not daring to say anything.

If Qin Mu knew that he had asked him to help with such poaching behind his back, he would definitely be beaten up. "I saw a pretty good player in Yanyulou two days ago, but if we want to bring him over, I'm afraid we can only poach him..."

Su Mucheng understood what he meant immediately, and immediately patted her chest and promised. "It turns out it's just a small matter. Don't worry, I can definitely help you handle it. It's enough to bring him here alone. Do you need others to come with you?"

Hearing his lofty words, Ye Qiu was stunned and at a loss.

This is the first time I have seen such a requirement to increase the workload.

But of course I won't refuse. The trade union is currently at a stage of development, and it is natural that those who can work harder will not refuse.

Fortunately, he naturally stepped forward and patted Su Mucheng on the shoulder. "Then this task will be left to you."

The stupid kid opposite didn't notice the underlying meaning of his words at all, and he was still making a guarantee here. "Don't worry, I will definitely help you get them back before the next challenge."

Ye Qiu nodded with satisfaction, turned around and left to sort out the rest of the list.

Unexpectedly, not long after I had been busy, I saw a message from him. "Okay, people have helped you come here. Remember to agree to the union application."

Seeing how fast he was, Ye Qiu opened his mouth in disbelief. "Can I ask you how you did it?"

Su Mucheng scratched her head and finally squeezed out a sentence through her teeth. "I don't know either. I just went to him and he agreed."

Ye Qiu's eyes widened. The last time he sent a message to this hot prospect, the last time he sent a message as an afterthought, the other party made sarcastic remarks to him.

Unexpectedly, Su Mucheng succeeded as soon as he took action. Could he have given people some ecstasy?
While he was guessing, the other party told the truth. "I told him directly that I was Su Mucheng, and he immediately agreed to my request."

When Ye Qiu heard this, he couldn't help but twitch his lips.

No one told me that the situation was so simple. If I had known it, I would have tried everywhere.

But soon, Ye Qiu actually put this matter on the agenda.

Several guilds around him were harassed by him, and no one expected that he would go around recruiting players.

When several union presidents were meeting together, Ye Duhantan was the first one who couldn't sit still. He stood up directly and slammed the table with a very unhappy look on his face. "This guy doesn't take us seriously, poaching us everywhere." (End of Chapter)

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