Plantago from Zhongcaotang was also helpless.

My own guild is not as domineering as Xiongtu, but it is respectable at any rate. Who would have thought that Xingxin's guild had only been established less than a week ago.

The loss of members in our guild is a heavy loss. On average, at least three people leave the guild every day. This week, there are more than 20 people. If this continues, it will soon be impossible to find anyone to fight in the next dungeon.

Lan He frowned and looked at the group of guys in front of him while listening to their complaints.

But his heart had already flown out of the window. Not to mention what the use of them being here was. Just based on their current strength, let alone that group of guys who acted together, even if it was just Ye Qiu standing here, it would be impossible. It's enough for them to drink a pot.

Ye Du Hantan, who was standing by, realized that Lan He's mind was not on this, and thought of his strange behavior during the last guild encirclement and suppression operation, which made him feel even more unhappy. "Lan He, what are you thinking about? You're distracted."

After being called back, Lan He looked up at him and hesitated whether to tell them these things. It seemed like they didn't need to know.

But adhering to the attitude of the Brotherhood Guild for so many years, I am still willing to give them a hand. "Actually, Lord Grim is Ye Qiu. There is no need for you to target him now."

Plantago, the president of Zhongcaotang, was the first to express disbelief. "How is it possible? If that guy comes back, he will definitely publicize his achievements here with gongs and drums. The silent appearance now does not look like something he would do. Don't you want to participate in this time? Take action?"

Hearing this, Lan He waved his hands somewhat helplessly. I have already persuaded them, but they themselves don’t believe it.

But people's opinions on him are also increasing.

Ye Duhantan turned his head and looked over with some dissatisfaction. "If you don't participate this time, everyone will definitely have some opinions on you."

Blue River shrugged, expressing his helplessness. "I know, but our president has also issued a fatal order, and I can't help it."

The look in Ye Duhantan's eyes is a bit strange. Normally, Mr. Chunyi wouldn't care about such trivial matters. What's the reason? Could it be that this guy is really Ye Qiu?
After thinking about it after crossing the cold pond at night, he still didn't tell Jiang You about the matter.

I'm not sure about that guy's true identity yet. It's too early to tell. If I'm wrong, I'll be in danger.

But he didn't expect that just because of his delay, he would be hit by surprise later.

Plantago suddenly became anxious when he saw Ye Duhantan stopped talking. "We can't just let it go this time. Guild Xingxin has just been established, and it started poaching people everywhere within a week. What if we do it in the future?"

Of course, Ye Du Hantan did not reject his proposal. "I think it was also the last encirclement and suppression operation. There were probably other mistakes, but did Hindsight and Qian Cheng, who were poached this time, say anything before they left?"

When his name was called, Lan He looked up at him and repeated what he said just now. "He told me that Lord Grim is Ye Qiu. Whether you believe it or not, I am telling you anyway. You have to deal with the rest of the troubles caused by yourself."

Plantago on the side was particularly dissatisfied with this. "How long has it been? You don't go hand in hand with us, and you are still here working as an undercover agent."

Lan He laughed angrily at his words and did not refute, but also did not provide any more help.

On the other side, the president of Yanyu Tower didn't know about the hindsight. The other party only said that he wanted to join Xingxin Guild, and they couldn't stop him, so they had to let him go.

After discussions between Ye Duhantan and Plantago, the two of them and the remaining guild presidents reached an agreement. Except for the members of Lanxi Pavilion, everyone agreed to launch another encirclement and suppression operation against Guild Xingxin. In desperation, Lan He had no choice but to open the dialog box and send a message to Qian Cheng. "Be careful when you walk these days, don't get your head broken."

Qian Cheng replied quickly. "Do not worry."

Seeing him like this, Lan He was a little surprised.

How could a perfectly mute person turn into a talkative person after going to Xingxin Guild? This is too bizarre.

Taking advantage of the fact that he seemed to be in a good mood and could find out some information, Lan He sent a few more messages. "How did you know they were coming to ambush you? By the way, how did you feel about the treatment when you went to Xingxin Guild? How do you get along with Ye Qiu on weekdays?"

Qiancheng was silent for a moment and replied obediently one by one.

"Ye Qiu told me before that those guys will definitely not give up. It's just a matter of time."

"I feel like the treatment is pretty good. After I asked your server, President, to help me defeat the Demon God two days ago, our attribute bonus points have also increased."

"Ye Qiu is very easy to get along with. He doesn't have the airs of a master at all. He even helped me guide the release of skills two days ago. With him, I feel that the remaining skills can be used very coherently."

Lan He was a little moved when he heard this. If he hadn't been the president of Lanxi Pavilion, he would have passed there without stopping.

I didn't know if Qiancheng had roundworms in his stomach, so he immediately asked after feeling his hesitation. "President, do you want to come too?"

Lan He was stunned by his question, and then laughed awkwardly. "How could it be? I'm a good guild leader, so I don't have anything to do to join in the fun..."

But the other party didn't seem to care about his thoughts and continued to talk about Guild Xingxin's treatment.

"I heard that all the members who are here now are veteran-level members. Subsidies are given regularly every month, which include materials needed for upgrades, and even some necessary materials for casting silver weapons."

"Furthermore, Ye Qiu will appear in the guild from time to time to guide players in releasing their skills. Even Su Mucheng and Qin Mu will randomly drop them."

"Moreover, there are masters who are responsible for making copies. They must have been guaranteed. The final materials and rewards are also distributed according to the damage ratio. It is absolutely fair and just."

If it weren't for his own belief and persistence here, he would have defected to Ye Qiu's side.

I have to say that as a newly established guild, Xingxin Guild does offer a lot of things, and even has many benefits that other guilds do not have.

No wonder so many people squeezed their heads trying to get in. Now it seems that it is not incomprehensible.

Lan He took a deep breath and swallowed back his belief that he wanted to change jobs.

Now that they have been informed and they all know the plans of those guys, it is time for them to consider other things. (End of chapter)

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