As more and more people were sent back to the main city, everyone was cursing.

"I didn't expect that I finally found a gap after planning, but I was beaten again this time. When I came back, I realized that these guys were incompetent."

"You have the nerve to say that only the people in your guild are powerful. I saw that when we broke out from inside just now, the fastest runners were the players in your guild."

"What about your president? If he doesn't help you to be at the bottom, he can run faster than you. Isn't this something worthy of glory?"

Everyone complained among themselves, leaving no room for excuses.

President Yanyulou on the side also knew that he had something to do with this incident, so the look on his face was naturally extremely embarrassing. "Everyone, please stop arguing for now. What we should do most now is target them and resolve the situation here first."

The two people who had just argued immediately turned back and pointed their fingers at him. "You said it easily! They are so powerful now, what method do you have to deal with them?"

President Yanyulou was stuck by their questions, and he didn't dare to say anything. This was too embarrassing.

No matter before or now, my strength is definitely not as strong as theirs. If you want to gain a certain advantage here, it is not as difficult as climbing to the sky.

What good does it do them to make things difficult for themselves?

However, President Yanyulou's attitude was unexpected, and everyone was surprised. They thought he would avoid talking about the matter, but they didn't expect him to be so talkative, which made everyone feel a little incredible for a while.

The big guys on the side gathered together to discuss this matter, and their current attitude towards him was even more incredible.

"He must have been hit on the head, right? He was arrogantly showing off to us just now, and then he turned around and became so talkative not long after. Why do I feel that he has another plan in mind? Could he be doing it openly? , are you planning to deal with us again behind the scenes?"

"I don't think so. Everyone is dissatisfied with him now. If he takes the initiative to do something at this time, wouldn't it be in the hands of others? What's more, what happened this time was because of problems with his command. , which caused a gap in our strength.”

"That's true, not to mention there are so many of us, why should we be afraid of him?"

Everyone encouraged each other and turned to look at the person in front of them.

But when they looked at each other, they were still a little frightened.

Seeing the sudden smile on his face, everyone felt that this was not a good sign.

There is a kind of death's last smile before death.

Everyone was also frightened and didn't dare to say a word, for fear of being chosen accidentally.

Noticing that everyone's expressions were so hesitant, President Yanyulou felt a little strange.

This is not like their usual temperament, why don't they say a word?

The next second everyone came towards him, with slightly dissatisfied expressions on their faces.

"It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be beaten here. Now we've dropped several levels. How are you going to compensate us?"

"That's right, just listening to your unreasonable words has caused us to be so affected. As the president of Yanyu Tower, why can't you compensate us?" "Besides, we haven't talked to Jun Moxiao and Jun Moxie yet. They reported you." Behavior, otherwise do you think you can sit here peacefully like this? "

Hearing everyone's words made him tremble with anger, and the look on his face was a little off guard. These guys really knew how to climb up the pole.

It seems that I should have listened to Wan Ying and reached cooperation with them as soon as possible, even though those people were shameless and offered high prices.

But it's better than them being obedient on the surface but stabbing people behind the scenes.

But others never dreamed that the person in front of them ignored them at all and quickly logged off.

When they saw the prompt, everyone suddenly woke up and turned to look at each other, with a bit of disbelief on their faces.

"The president of Yanyulou just ran away like this?"

"You asked me what I was doing. Didn't you see it just now? That guy ran really fast."

"I didn't expect to see such a drama when I came over suddenly."

Afterwards, everyone did not stay here anymore, but went offline to do their own things. Soon they would be glad for their choice. The remaining people who were still here were caught by Qin Mu and Ye Qiu, and their heads were flattened.

Countless attacks were about to come out at this moment, which also caught him off guard. Then all the people who stayed behind in the Central Guild here were also wiped out. This situation really makes it difficult to figure out what happened.

For a time, there were even more complaints in various trade unions. They were particularly dissatisfied with this place. They wished they could apologize, but it was difficult to calm down the hatred in their hearts.

But Qin Mu on the other side didn't pay attention to their little thoughts. No matter what they thought, he just did it anyway.

Ye Qiu on the other side was also a little troubled by the current situation. "You acted quickly enough and directly encouraged a few of us to get rid of them all, but what if they hold a grudge?"

Qin Mu was typing on the keyboard, but his expression didn't change at all, as if he didn't care about this at the moment. "Don't worry, I have already thought of a countermeasure. Things will definitely not end so easily this time, but if you want to prepare a surprise for them, you have to spend more time preparing."

Hearing his words and looking at him with evil intentions, Ye Qiu shuddered a little.

There's nothing good going on with this kid's expression, and I don't intend to get in trouble at this time.

But I didn't expect that the other party would also plot against me.

Qin Mu looked at Ye Qiu with a smile, and there was some consideration in his eyes. "Anyway, you have been exposed to their sight with me just now. Even if you want to leave now, it is already too late."

Ye Qiu sighed helplessly and looked at him with more eyes, as if he was considering it. "Well, what do you think we should do now? If your statement satisfies me, maybe it's not that I can't listen to your opinion."

Qin Mu did not show off and directly stated his thoughts. The moment they heard his thoughts, the people around him were a little in disbelief. "What did you say?"

Qin Mu smiled and repeated what he just said. "Of course I'm asking Chen Guo to help me take a look. We can't let them take advantage of it."

The suspicious look on Ye Qiu's face became more and more rich, and for a moment it felt like his entire face was like a palette. (End of chapter)

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