Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 302 Jun Moxie was online for several hours

"With his skills, it's unrealistic no matter what you ask him to do. Are you trying to embarrass him?"

Qin Mu smiled and said nothing, neither expressing his attitude nor saying anything unnecessary.

Chen Guo woke up soon. As soon as he got downstairs, he saw the two of them standing here like door gods. Leng Buding also shocked him. "Aren't you two not sleeping? I remember seeing you two in this posture when I left last night. You are still fighting on the front line after so long. Your mental strength is really strong."

But Qin Mu didn't show off. Instead, he stepped forward and pushed him down on the stool. Seeing his posture, Chen Guo was suddenly shocked. "What on earth are you going to do? If you have something to say, please tell me!"

Of course, he didn't expect that the other party just pressed him down on his seat very calmly. "I don't have anything important to ask you. I just want the boss to help us level up when I'm bored looking at the store today. Just touch our accounts from time to time to avoid being killed by those little wild monsters. How about that?"

When Chen Guo heard this, she patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, with a slightly relieved look on her face. "It turns out that's all. You could have said no earlier. This scared me. I thought you had something important to tell me, and it made me worried for a long time."

Qin Mu smiled and didn't explain too much to him. He went to the side and grabbed him. Ye Qiu went upstairs to catch up on his sleep, leaving Chen Guo alone downstairs.

Looking at the two accounts in front of him that he had never touched before, a look of eagerness appeared on his face.

No matter what he said before, the two of them were like little wives, and they still refused to lend their accounts to him for two days.

I didn't expect to give it to myself so decisively this time.

If I hadn't seen that the two of them were going back to sleep, I would have thought there was a scam this time.

Chen Guo fiddled with the account in her hand from time to time, and then fiddled with the other one.

The two characters actually progressed and retreated in his hands.

Chen Guo was indeed happy. For the other people who were preparing to attack Jun Mo Xiao and Jun Mo Xie, this was like a thunderbolt from heaven.

Everyone gathered around Qianbo Lake, watching the situation inside.

Since Jun Moxie had just looked at each other face to face for a while, no one dared to step forward, for fear that the same situation would happen if they were not careful.

While everyone was waiting outside, they also inquired about the situation nearby. It seemed that they were the only two people here who kept swaying.

But in view of the last accident, no one dares to step forward rashly now, let alone two people, even one person can beat them to the point of no return.

There is really no need to take risks on this kind of thing, but solving this big trouble is far from that simple.

"Don't they usually have to sleep? We have been here for a long time, and the people have changed twice. He is still standing here sober. Could it be a scam?"

"I think the reason why there are only two of them left on the surface must be because someone is secretly watching. What's more, we went up just now while he was offline. Who knew that it would only take a few seconds for him to go offline? , Those two guys appeared like bandits, and we must not suffer any more losses in this matter."

"Anyway, I just said that we would rush here to fight back, but in the end there were only a few people left who were still taking action. I will never believe you."

After saying these words, the people who were online just now quickly went offline and paid no attention to the situation here.

Seeing this look made it a little difficult for the remaining people. After all, everyone is waiting for the right opportunity to take action. As more and more people complain, it will become increasingly difficult to unify everyone's opinions and move forward.

Everyone thought about it and squatted here for a while.

However, President Yanyulou also went online twice during his tenure. What he saw was this scene and he suddenly felt angry in his heart without expressing it. Don't these guys need to rest at all?

They are standing here like door gods. Now that their number is relatively small, this is a big disadvantage.

Since they chose to believe in themselves for the last time, they must not let them down. Since these people are not going to show up on their own initiative, then they should add fuel to the flames and help them.

After seeing the location clearly, President Yanyulou quickly distanced himself to the left and right.

By the way, he put the few players he brought with him at the fortress, and they were responsible for guarding the entrances and exits here.

After noticing his next move, everyone's hearts were in their throats.

But I never dreamed that he would appear on the outside and step on their trap.

But Chen Guo just changed his hand and did not control the mouse. The cursor's center of aim was a little wobbly, which caused the character to shift and the direction to deflect.

Realizing that the joy was in vain, President Yanyulou immediately gritted his teeth.

He squatted here and watched carefully, and he couldn't believe it. He squatted from morning to night today, and there was no effect at all?
But it turned out that not only was it unproductive, these two guys never even left the place.

As the sunrise and sunset continued to change, everyone squatted here, but there was no sign at all.

When everyone went online again, they found that President Yanyulou was so exhausted that he could hardly open his eyes.

Everyone couldn't help but secretly admire him. Sure enough, he had a trick up his sleeve, and he actually thought of the idea of ​​forcing people away.

As expected of President Yanyulou, he was much more powerful than them.

But only President Yanyulou knew how painful it was. No one knew how he survived these eight hours.

But the parties on the other side, Qin Mu and Ye Qiu, had just gotten up during dinner.

When she got downstairs, she saw Chen Guo standing in front of the computer. The way he stretched his neck and stared at him made the two people beside him feel a little funny.

Qin Mu quietly walked up behind him, raised his hand and patted him. This startled Chen Guo and she almost stood up from the stool. "Don't you two make any noise when you walk? You almost scared me to death. If it weren't for me, I wonder where you could find such a considerate power coach."

Qin Mu just wanted to laugh at him. He really didn't want to lose face when he spoke. He just opened his mouth. But as soon as he lowered his head and saw the words on the screen, he must have been training tirelessly like this. Not long after that, he actually said My account level has reached level 42.

Ye Qiu on the side was also a little in disbelief. "Boss, have you done nothing this day, just sitting in front of the computer and playing games? We have played for so many days and have not reached level 42. You have achieved such great results in this afternoon. You are really ..." (End of this chapter)

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