Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 314 Sending Tang Rou to Zhang's Home

When Tang Rou heard what he said, she felt as if her whole body had been struck by lightning, and she didn't even say a word when she arrived at the station.

After arriving at the station, Qin Mu quickly urged Tang Rou to get the ticket, but unexpectedly the little girl fainted at the station and walked in the opposite direction. In desperation, Qin Mu could only send Tang Rou inside, and Chen Guo and Ye Qiu were waiting outside.

Chen Guo looked at the people beside her and felt a little regretful about his arrangements for this Spring Festival. "I really didn't expect you to come home again. I remember you spent the New Year in an Internet cafe the year before."

Ye Qiu smiled indifferently. "It's obviously a lot more lively this year. Everyone is here, so what's there to worry about? Besides, we don't worry about you spending the New Year here alone, so it's just right to stay with you."

When Chen Guo heard this, her face blushed slightly, but then she looked at him with wide eyes. "Don't talk sweet words here. They don't know your character. Don't I know it? You didn't go home for the past two years. It was obviously because of your own affairs. Now it's better to put the blame on me. , and don’t let your family members hear what nonsense you are saying outside.”

When Ye Qiu heard him raking the ground, he immediately shrugged helplessly. Since he said so and knew his intention, wouldn't it be useless no matter how much he said?

Anyway, I don’t have to go home this year, and I don’t have to go back to deal with those guys.

I don't know how many times my mood has improved, so why am I still unhappy because of what he said.

Chen Guo looked at Ye Qiu's expression getting better and better, and even stood aside and hummed a song, and suddenly felt a little confused.

Doesn't this guy have any special hobbies?

He had already talked about it for this reason, but he was still humming here as if nothing had happened.

Just when he was in a mess in the wind, Qin Mu next to him finally came out. As soon as he came out, he saw the expressions of the two people, one was weirder than the other.

This actually made him laugh. "What are you two doing? Standing at the door like door gods."

Ye Qiu glanced behind him and then laughed. "Isn't it just because I was waiting for you that I sent him away now?"

Qin Mu also had a headache when he thought of the scene just now. "This guy looked like he had never been on a high-speed train before. He was swaying everywhere as soon as he entered. If I hadn't followed him, I really don't think he would have made it home tonight."

Chen Guo on the side was also a little worried. What if he couldn't take good care of himself after going back?
But before he could speak, Qin Mu turned to reply to him, dispelling his worries. "Don't worry. I've already asked him. He said that as soon as he gets to the station, someone will come out to pick him up. Then he can go home directly, and we don't have to worry."

Hearing this, Chen Guo breathed a sigh of relief. She had always taken good care of him. After all, there was only such a little girl among so many employees, so she had to take good care of him.

The two people next to them naturally felt the difference in treatment, and the expressions on their faces were quite resentful. "Boss Boss, I just wanted to ask why the red envelope you gave him was thicker than the one you gave to us. You must be a bit too favoritistic about one."

When Chen Guo heard this, she immediately became unhappy. "He's a little girl, and he's been working here until almost New Year's Eve. Why can't he be given some money to go home? Look at the two of you, maybe you can stay here with me for the New Year and earn a lot of money." It’s more than the red envelope he got back home, but you two don’t even mention this benefit.”

Ye Qiu pretended to be idle and took out a lighter from his pocket.

Qin Mu, who was poked into his thoughts, smiled awkwardly to smooth things over. "I didn't expect the landlady to be so considerate for us. Let's go buy new year's goods quickly."

The three of them went to the market together, and after shopping for a long time, they finally bought all the goods they needed for the New Year. But when Chen Guo entered the Spring Festival couplets area next to it, his eyes lit up.

"You two, come over and take a look. This Spring Festival couplet is about getting rich. Our Internet cafe needs something worthy of the name. Why not buy this this year?"

"This sticker is so cute. If we can have such a decoration, it will definitely attract more beautiful girls to come to our Internet cafe, and then the guild will be able to recruit more girls."

"This little lantern is also very beautiful. After buying it, hang it at the front desk so that it can still light up at night."

After hearing his words, the two of them couldn't help but think of such a scene.

Two large red lanterns were hung just above the front desk, waiting until the dark wind blew through the lobby at midnight.

A creepy feeling suddenly rose from behind the two of them.

Qin Mu immediately smiled. "Actually, you don't have to buy this big red lantern to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Look at this, isn't it pretty?"

Chen Guo looked in the direction of his finger and saw a cute little bunny hanging on it as a decoration. Fortunately, he nodded and did not refute Qin Mu's words. "Then buy this."

Seeing that he had finally given up the idea of ​​the Red Lantern, the two of them were obviously relieved.

But then the nightmare begins.

The two of them walked with him from the street to the end of the street, and they couldn't even carry more things in their hands.

In addition to the melon seeds and peanuts that must be eaten during the Chinese New Year, there are also some various snacks, and the rest are used to decorate the Internet cafe.

Ye Qiu glanced at Chen Guo, who was still very interested, and suddenly wanted to sit on the ground. "I really can't walk around anymore. How about you walk around slowly with him? I'll go back to the car and wait for you two."

Qin Mu's eyes widened and he turned to look at the person next to him with a rather dissatisfied expression. "What are you talking about? We are brothers who share the same joys and sorrows. Does this trivial matter destroy the trust between us? You really let me down. No one is allowed to leave today. We must Walk this street with him!”

Chen Guo in front suddenly turned around and saw the two people far away from her. She quickly turned around and waved at them. The two people who were summoned by the mission had no choice but to bravely walk up.

Ye Qiu on the side did not forget to complain about the people around him. "It's all your fault. If you hadn't hesitated just now, I would have been sitting in the car and enjoying myself."

Qin Mu looked at the back of Chen Guo who was walking in front of him and sneered. "Do you think he will let you go? If you don't go shopping with him today, you will have to come out tomorrow."

When he thought about the last time he went to the amusement park, Ye Qiu, who had been complaining just now, immediately became afraid to speak.

That time, Baozi and I managed to escape the disaster by getting sick from the roller coaster. (End of this chapter)

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