He wasn't following the two girls around in the amusement park, but Qin Mu next to him was completely different.

This guy was like a bag-carrying boy, following the two girls throughout the entire amusement park.

When he came back, he was too tired to look like a human being. If he had put this kind of energy into himself, he would have been so tired that he couldn't even open his eyes.

Thinking this way, he could be considered as having blocked a disaster for himself, which made him look quite embarrassed. "I didn't do it on purpose last time. You can't put all the blame on me."

When Qin Mu heard what he said, he snorted coldly and complained against him even more intensely. "This is no longer a matter of not complaining. When this happens next time, neither of you two can escape!"

Ye Qiu followed him with a bitter smile on his face, and there were many more packages in his hands.

Chen Guo, who was at the front, turned around and looked back at the two of them, feeling very dissatisfied with their mental outlook. "Why are they all so depressed? Is it hard to go shopping with me?"

Thinking of the days when they go back, how can the two of them dare to say what they have and what they don't have? They are busy admitting their mistakes, changing their appearance, and facing the next shopping trip with a new look. Seeing the dog-legged look of the person in front of them, Qin also feels embarrassed. Mu found it a little funny.

But it took me a long time to walk around this street. If I were to go there again, I might not be able to see the two of them standing here completely.

He didn't know if the people around him had also thought of this, but it felt like his whole body had wiltd.

Finally, I took a strong breath and returned to the Internet cafe.

After arriving, the two of them were about to sit down and rest when he grabbed them again. "Look at the mental state of you two. If someone comes to our Internet cafe, they will be scared away by you two. They will think that this place is some kind of place that sucks people's energy. Please call me quickly." Come on, don’t be lazy here!”

But the two people opposite him ignored his words and spread them out on the stool like a puddle of water.

Seeing their looks like this, Chen Guo also had a bit of disgust on her face.

I don’t know what I thought when I applied for the job, but I actually hired two bad guys.

Now the more I think about it, the more uncomfortable it feels, but it's too late to regret it.

However, the current situation was not enough to hinder his progress. Chen Guo directly picked up the people one by one. "Hurry up, the curtains outside the door are still closed. How long do you two plan to stay here? If you miss the right time, I will send you two to other places."

When they thought of other places, the two of them sat up quickly, neither of them wanting to clean the toilet.

Chen Guo was very satisfied when she saw how quickly they moved. "Young people should be vigorous and energetic. It doesn't matter if they are all crooked. Then put the couplets on the door first."

The three of them went to the door together. The customers coming and going didn't forget to say hello to Chen Guo, and Chen Guo also smiled back one by one.

"Why isn't the boss lady off work yet?"

"Our Internet cafe doesn't close until New Year's Eve. If you want to come over and play, remember to come early to avoid delaying your return to work in the afternoon."

"Don't worry, you're here to celebrate the New Year alone, and I can't let you be left alone. We'll bring you some delicious food when the time comes."

"No, no." Although Chen Guo rejected them directly, she unexpectedly underestimated the other party's enthusiasm. After a lot of arguing, Chen Guo had no choice but to accept the kindness of others.

Seeing this look, the two people beside him were quite surprised. Is this still the same eloquent Chen Guo?

However, when she turned around to receive their looks, Chen Guo smiled helplessly.

It is precisely because they have good intentions that I cannot refuse so decisively, otherwise it will hurt their hearts.

And since it opened here, people in the neighborhood have more or less supported its business.

We all know each other well and are friends, so how can we think about these other things.

It seemed that he felt a little relieved, and the face of the person in front of him was also quite emotional, but he didn't know what he thought of, and he turned back to look at these two people.

The moment she saw their movements, the warm look on Chen Guo's face disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a ferocious look. "No, you two have been posting here for a long time, and this is all the rubbish you posted?"

Ye Qiu held his heart in his hands for a moment, with a hurt look on his face. "What you said is too hurtful. The two of us are working for you, but you just go to the side and chat. Instead, you turn around and blame us. How can this be our fault again?"

Chen Guo, who was stunned by his words, couldn't laugh for a moment. She turned her head and nodded at the couplet above, her expression becoming more ferocious. "See for yourself why there are couplets with the header on the left side and the buttocks on the right side. Do you think I'm stupid because you haven't seen what Spring Festival couplets look like?"

Qin Mu couldn't help laughing while listening to the crosstalk between the two. It was at this moment that Chen Guo's eyes locked on him instantly, which made him sigh inwardly, but now he thought about it. It was too late to run.

But the other party's words had already drifted to his face, giving him no chance to retreat. "Since you are smiling so happily, we might as well take a look at Master Qin's work. This is simply a picture of Along the River During the Qingming Festival."

Qin Mu, who felt a little guilty at his words, lowered his head instantly.

If he hadn't said anything, he wouldn't have felt anything.

If the Spring Festival couplets posted by Ye Qiu protrude outward, then they protrude inward.

The two of them formed a circle, one on the left and the other on the right. Chen Guo was so angry that they were speechless and almost deducted all their wages for the next month.

Just when Chen Guo was about to launch a verbal attack on them, a figure suddenly appeared behind him, interrupting his forward swing in casting. "Is this the Star Internet Cafe?"

Chen Guo turned around and saw a young man who looked very unfamiliar.

He was probably around thirteen or fourteen years old.

The other party looked up at him somewhat cautiously, as if waiting for his answer.

Only then did Chen Guo suddenly realize. She turned to look at the child in front of her to confirm again that she had seen it correctly. "Kid where are you from? Go home quickly. It's already so late. We're going to close soon."

But the child in front of him ignored his words and just stared at Chen Guo. "But before I came here, my sister told me that this is the Happy Internet Cafe. Sister, you are not going to lie to me, are you?" (End of this chapter)

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