Qin Mu and Ye Qiu stared at him intently at the same time, seeming to be considering the relationship between them.

Chen Guo could naturally feel the eyes of the people next to her, and she immediately looked at the two of them with a smile on her face. "If you don't hurry up and send this kid back, he'll just be there to watch the fun. When his mother comes here later, I'll see how you two end up!"

After saying these words, Chen Guo planned to run back quickly, but the child grabbed his clothes. "My name is Su Muchen, and I am my sister. Su Mucheng told me that this is the Star Internet Cafe and I can play games. Are there any places left? I also want to participate in professional games."

Hearing the words Su Muchen, Ye Qiu's face showed a slight change of expression.

If he remembered correctly, this child should be Su Mucheng's younger brother. What he said was indeed correct, but how could that child tell others their location?
It was unclear where the child got the information, but to be on the safe side I had to ask again.

Ye Qiu squatted down and stared at Su Muchhen. "You said you are his younger brother, and we definitely believe it, but how do you prove that he asked you to come here? We don't recruit children here for nothing. You have to sign a contract to participate in our competitions, and you are not even old now. It’s suitable, but other conditions don’t meet our needs. We don’t need players like you at all.”

Seeing his pitiful and helpless expression made Chen Guo feel a little pitiful in her heart.

After all, he is Su Mucheng's younger brother, so it doesn't matter if he helps and takes care of him.

What's more, he is not here yet, so he just left this child here.

If something goes wrong, I can't afford to pay for it.

He stepped forward to block the person behind him, and looked at Ye Qiu with a pleading look on his face. "This child is still young, so he doesn't understand what you are saying. Why don't we just keep him here for a while, it is worse than letting him run around. If something happens on the road, how will you explain to them? ”

But Qin Mu stepped forward and blocked the gap between the two of them. "I know you mean well, but this child is still young. He can't sign a contract with us, and he doesn't meet our union's recruitment standards. What if his parents come to visit?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a black car appeared at the main entrance of the Internet cafe, and Su Muchhen looked a little panicked when he saw the car's appearance.

After looking around, he finally gritted his teeth and got directly behind Qin Mu.

The middle-aged man got off the car and walked to the front entrance of the Internet cafe, with a look of disgust on his face. "Su Muchhen, where are you? If you don't hurry up, come out. Children of all ages are still here running away from home. You can't say anything properly."

Su Muchen slightly poked his head out from behind Qin Mu, and when he saw the slightly unhappy look on his father's face, he retracted his head. "That's not all because of what my sister said. He said that my brother is here and asked me to come and play."

The middle-aged man raised his head and glanced at the faces of the three of them one by one, but did not find a face that looked exactly like his eldest son.

Then he could only sigh and stretched out his hand to the child. "I'm really sorry for causing you trouble. This kid has wild ideas every day, and I didn't stop him."

Su Muchhen felt a little unhappy because of his words. Instead of just sticking out his head like before, he stood up with his whole body. "It's not like what you said. Everyone is doing meaningful things."

The father didn't look like an unreasonable person. Sony turned and glanced at the two people beside him. There didn't seem to be any change in expression due to the man's sudden appearance, it had always been calm.

Chen Guo looked at the pale face in front of her and felt a little sorry. "Since he is willing to stay here, let him play for two days, and then you can come to pick him up." Qin Mu on the side directly refused. "I don't want it. With such a big child at home, who knows what will happen. If you keep him, then the two of us will leave."

Chen Guo turned her head and rolled her eyes at him, with a look on her face that didn't leave him any dignity at all. "Then let's go."

In desperation, Qin Mu had no choice but to start with Su Muchhen. "You are still young and can't play games when you come here. Wouldn't it be a waste of time here? Why don't you go home and do what you should do? When you are capable, you can naturally come over and play games together."

Su Muchen opened her mouth, but finally agreed with him. "Okay, but when I grow up, you can't refuse me anymore."

Chen Guo smiled and patted his head, with a kind smile on her face. "Of course it's no problem. The door here will always be open for you."

Qin Mu didn't expect what a big impact his words would have on Su Muchhen.

But now that the great god has finally been sent away, I don’t know what he is trying to do by staying here, but what happened just now is very clear.

When he looked up at the man, the other man nodded to him, as if he knew him.

This look also made Qin Mu a little confused, as he had the impression that he had never seen him before.

Ye Qiu on the side looked over with a bit of teasing. "You can't be the illegitimate son who lives outside the home, right?"

These words made Chen Guo next to me look over, but we were completely different in appearance and had no similarities at all, so I was not interested in this matter at all.

But after watching the car leave, Chen Guo still didn't give up on her couplet action. She grabbed the two people and pasted the couplet in front of her again like a door god.

After several adjustments, several people finally negotiated and saw the most suitable direction. "Okay, I'll work hard for you today. I'm done. I won't embarrass you anymore, but didn't you say you still have to train in the afternoon? Then go quickly, don't waste your time. Such a good opportunity cannot be wasted. "

After hearing his words, the two people in front of them twitched their mouths, with expressions of helplessness on their faces.

It was really a waste of time, without any hesitation. After using it, he just threw the two people away without even looking at them.

But at this time, Qin Mu also thought of what happened two days ago. "I see that no one has come to refresh the dungeon record. Otherwise, we can clear the remaining dungeons in one go. Isn't this an opportunity?"

Of course Ye Qiu did not refuse his request.

The two of them sat in front of the computer for an entire afternoon, and actually refreshed the records of several nearby dungeons. (End of this chapter)

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