Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 317 The real Ye Qiu makes a shining appearance

When Blue River comes online, what we will see is the data that is unparalleled in the rankings.

His vision was so dark that he almost fainted in the union.

It's not that they won't compete with him, it's just that they can't beat the records of those two guys.

With the two of them here, they were like gods of war, unable to push or defeat.

As for the encirclement and suppression operation like the last time, after suffering heavy losses, no guild dared to act rashly anymore.

After playing all afternoon, Ye Qiu sat down and stretched. "I'll stop fighting now and go out to buy a meal."

Then he packed the cigarette case next to him and walked out.

Qin Mu was still shouting at him from behind. "Don't forget to pack a copy for me! It's still the same!"

The person came back less than ten minutes later, which surprised Qin Mu. "Did you pour the rice directly into your stomach?"

When the other party heard his question, a surprised look flashed across his face.

But Qin Mu didn't care that much at all. He hugged his shoulders and brought him back to his seat. He was about to take his meal from his hand, but after touching around, he found that his hand was empty. Nothing.

Qin Mu looked at him with some disgust. "Don't you still hold a grudge? I just took a special material from you. You look like you are so stingy that you are not willing to bring me food."

Ye Qiu looked at him confused. "What kind of food?"

This reaction completely amused Qin Mu, and he turned to call Chen Guo. "Lady boss, come and take a look! Ye Qiu became stupid when he went out to buy a meal."

Hearing this, the people upstairs suddenly became curious and quickly ran downstairs. "Where is it? Let me see!"

Qin Mu and Chen Guo looked him up and down as if they were looking at some rare animal.

But it was Chen Guo who noticed something was wrong first and stepped forward to pick up his jacket with her fingers. "Are you going on a blind date recently? Why are you suddenly dressed so beautifully?"

Qin Mu also came up to him and smelled it. "Why are you still wearing perfume? There are only a few of us here. When did you start to take care of your appearance? Could it be that you really have something else going on behind our backs?"

The person in front of them was stunned by what they said, and the look on their face was even more reserved and at a loss. "I should not be the person you are talking about..."

Hearing this, Chen Guo's arm moved very quickly, directly touching his forehead, and then quickly retracted it to touch his forehead. "You don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense in broad daylight?"

There was another humming sound outside.

When Ye Qiu walked in, he saw a scene like this. Two people surrounded his brother, and the eyes of three people were looking at him at the same time.

Ye Qiu looked at them in confusion, but when he saw the person sitting, he understood the reason for everything. "How did you come?"

Ye Qiu, who was carrying two portions of rice, walked over without any panic, patted him to signal him to get up, then sat back on his stool and placed the other portion of rice on Qin Mu's table.

But Qin Mu was in no mood to eat. He and Chen Guo were face to face, looking at the two people opposite them. They couldn't be said to be the same person, but they were exactly the same.

However, there is a huge difference in personality. Ye Qiu's personality is more scoundrel.

But his brother is obviously a gentleman, humble and reasonable, and speaks in a polite manner.

Chen Guo looked at Ye Qiu with some disgust. "If you look at other people, and then look at you, you might think you are some kind of gangster."

Ye Qiu was told by him, but he was not unhappy at all. He still sat there and ate quietly, not caring about him at all.

The younger brother hesitated for a moment before telling them the truth. "You got the wrong person, but my name is Ye Qiu, and his name is Ye Xiu."

Seeing that the two people in front of him seemed to be petrified, they couldn't believe his words at all, so he could only sigh helplessly and tell the truth. "When he came out to play games, he ran away from home, but instead of using his own ID card to sign up for the competition, he took my twin brother's."

Ye Xiu looked at him with a smile and raised eyebrows. "Shouldn't you be proud? At least now Ye Qiu's name is resounding throughout the whole world."

But Ye Qiu's expression was not at all angry, but more dull. "Then have you ever thought about how I ended up here in the past few years after you left home?"

Qin Mu and Chen Guo's eyes widened for a moment. They thought they could hear some expressions of bitterness, but they didn't expect that the next sentence that came out made them not want to talk.

Ye Qiu's emotions were a little more ups and downs, with a look of condemnation on his face. "You stole my ID card and luggage and went out to play games, so how could I carry out my plan to run away from home?"

The corners of Ye Xiu's mouth rose again, with an expression of victory in hand.

"Then it's obviously your fault. Didn't you pack your bags just to run away from home? Have you ever thought about how your parents will feel after you leave?"

"And you don't learn well at a young age. Besides, do you have anything important to do when you pack your luggage? You just go out and wander around, not even doing anything serious. But I am different. I want to play a game. , haven’t I earned some achievements and come back to you? You really don’t understand my good intentions.”

"Besides, you were so young at the time and had such messy thoughts. As an elder brother, I must educate you. Otherwise, it would be too late when your parents find out. You should be glad that I am here to help you. , otherwise you would definitely be living on the street now, and you wouldn’t even be able to go back home.”

Hearing his words, Ye Qiu's face flashed with confusion, but then a look of affirmation appeared.

Realizing that this child didn't really seem very smart, Qin Mu beside him found it a bit funny. Isn't this just a case where one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer?

After taking the ID card and leaving, the child couldn't think of questioning anyone else during the confrontation. Instead, he was still thinking about him.

It did make me a little unexpected. There seems to be something about this family atmosphere.

However, the current situation was completely different from the Ye Qiu he knew and remembered. He had never thought that he would come out to play in this way.

My understanding of him is indeed not complete enough. What's the difference between this and a rebellious teenager running away from home?

Fortunately, I found out early and came to apply for the job. Otherwise, I would have been living on the streets in the past two years after retirement.

Seeing that his brother didn't say anything, Ye Xiu immediately struck while the iron was hot and turned his head to stare at him. "What do you think is wrong?" (End of this chapter)

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