While he was still reflecting, Ye Xiu added fuel to the fire. "I took your things just to help you. Don't go astray. Otherwise, your parents will be very sad if they find out about it. You don't think about these two old people at all."

Ye Qiu nodded stupidly, seeming to agree with his words. "It's true that every time during the Chinese New Year in the past few years, my parents have mentioned you, right. Today I'm here to ask you to go home for the Chinese New Year."

A deep expression flashed across Ye Xiu's face, and then he immediately turned around and put his legs on the table, with a somewhat displeased look flashing across his face. "I will never go back. Just tell them directly. If they have any dissatisfaction, just ask them to come to me in person."

Ye Qiu's expression was a bit stiff. He had never said such arrogant words to his parents at home, and his face was a little uncomfortable.

But when Ye Xiu saw that he didn't speak, he thought about other things in his heart. "Since you have nothing to do here, then go home quickly."

Ye Qiu hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Chen Guo beside him. "It's really late today, and I haven't booked a hotel nearby. Can I stay at your Internet cafe for one night?"

When Ye Xiu saw that he didn't ask himself, but asked Chen Guo directly, he was immediately laughed out of anger. It seemed that he also knew that he would never agree to him staying here.

But Chen Guo on the side was a little at a loss. "Of course it's no problem, but there aren't too many rooms here. Why don't you sleep in mine first? My friend just goes home today, so I'll sleep in hers tonight."

Ye Qiu did not agree, but looked at Ye Xiu. "I can just sleep in the same room with him."

Qin Mu's eyes widened from the side. "That's not possible. The two of us sleep in that room. It would be too urgent if there is one more person. Why don't you find another place?"

Ye Qiu's eyes locked on him again, and then Qin Mu clearly understood why Chen Guo didn't reject him directly.

This guy had the exact same face as Ye Xiu, and he suddenly made this pitiful and helpless expression.

No one else would be able to refuse directly.

After looking at each other for ten seconds, Qin Mu reluctantly chose to compromise. "Okay then, come with us to take a look at the house."

The four of them went to the bedroom together. When he pushed the door in, he realized that the environment here was indeed very bad. If he hadn't been mentally prepared outside just now, his jaw would have dropped in shock.

Qin Mu looked at the room, and then at himself and the two of them. If the three of them were crammed into this small bed of only 1.5 meters, I couldn't imagine how crowded it would be. He seemed to notice his expression. and gaze.

The person in front of me immediately made another choice. "If that doesn't work, I'll sleep on the sofa downstairs as well. I saw it was empty just now. No one will go there to rest at night, right?"

After he finished speaking, he tentatively looked at the other party aside and quickly shook his head.

But then I felt bad.

This guy finally came to see his brother, but he was treated like an inhuman torture as soon as he walked in.

The place where I slept at night was still such a shabby place.

Could it be that he wants to tell all these things to his family when he goes back? Then his small Internet cafe will be ruined.

Chen Guo thought about it for a while, and finally took a tentative look at the expression on his face, somewhat asking for his opinion. "The sofa is still too crowded. How about you adopt my idea and sleep in my room?"

But Ye Xiu on the side was a little impatient. He picked his ears and made a decision directly. "There's nothing to hesitate about. A young man won't die after sleeping on the sofa all night. Just throw him downstairs."

Ye Qiu on the side also showed a hint of joy when he heard Ye Xiu relent.

Chen Guo also received his signal. It seemed that things were not just as she expected. This kid probably ran away from home and came here to find his brother.

The thought of this made Chen Guo take a deep breath.

The two brothers really don't make anyone worry. They are like two time bombs. It is impossible to have peace here.

When I remembered that I was worried about Ye Qiu's whereabouts just now, I suddenly felt that this was the saddest place.

The person who deserved the most sympathy was himself, the boss, who paid Ye Xiu wages, but in the end he was deceived.

The last one knows the truth.

If so many people hadn't recognized him at the competition last time, I probably wouldn't have believed him.

Ye Qiu sat down on the stool in the hall without being polite at all.

Seeing his familiar appearance, Chen Guo saw some similarities with Ye Xiu.

But the next second, what Ye Qiu suddenly said made Chen Guo's eyesight go dark. "Boss, look at him playing games here all the time and not doing his job well at all. If you ask me, you should deduct all his salary so that he has no extra money here, otherwise you will see him every day Wandering back and forth here.”

Ye Xiu was unhappy when his name was called. He looked back with a more thoughtful look on his face, as if he was hesitating about what he should do next.

However, Qin Mu on the side saw something unusual in his expression.

The relationship between these two brothers is indeed quite good.

Judging from the small actions of the two of them in private, although they say they are not forgiving of each other, in fact they are silently thinking about each other in their hearts.

Chen Guo smiled awkwardly from the side, not knowing what to say.

Are you kidding me? Ye Xiu only gets that much salary in a month.

If you are deducting some money, then you won't even have any scum left.

I am not that kind of unscrupulous boss, so there is no need to do this.

Ever since he came in, I haven't heard any caring words from him. I just listened to him grumbling here to avoid making Chen Guo feel a little dazed. Could it be that all the brothers in the world are like this?

If this was really the case, then he would have to think about what happened before to prevent Tang Rou from being bullied when she returned home.

Tang Rou, who was in the car, had no idea that she had been hooked by Chen Guoji.

Seeing that the two brothers were about to get more and more noisy, Chen Guo took a deep breath, took out two banknotes from her pocket and handed them to them. "Since you're here, let them take you to have a good meal and try some of our specialties."

Ye Qiu frowned, and smiled a little embarrassedly. "It's already troublesome to stay at your place tonight, how can I ask you for money to treat me to a meal? I have my own money." (End of this chapter)

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