Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 320 Everyone falls by the same cup

But he kept waving his hands wildly while pouring the wine. "I won't drink this wine. I'm still waiting to play the game. My hands tend to shake after drinking too much. I have to stay in the best condition."

But Ye Qiu on the side told the truth in one sentence. "You see we are all acquaintances together, why are you still so alienated? Haven't you told them about your drinking?"

When Ye Xiu heard his brother's stupid words, he sighed silently in his heart. He didn't know who he was following. How could he not be smart at all?
As expected, as soon as he raised his head, he saw two people looking at him with eager and expectant eyes.

But Ye Qiu still insisted on his previous idea. "I definitely won't drink anyway, but have you improved your drinking ability in the past two years? Are you still here making fun of others?"

Ye Xiu was indifferent to his provocation, and expressed his disdain for him. He noticed the atmosphere between the two and fell into the previous situation again.

But Chen Guo was so scared that she was sweating all over, and she was busy standing up to take charge of the overall situation. "Look, you two can't drink without drinking. You're both brothers, so what's the point? Besides, it's not entirely necessary to use this method to discuss relationships during the holidays."

When Ye Qiu heard his words, he suddenly felt a little fond of him, and then looked at the people next to him with an increasingly dissatisfied expression. "Look at you, your words are not as nice as Sister Guoguo's words, and your work is not as good as others'. I think this Internet cafe should fire you directly, and I will give you money when I can save it."

Chen Guo on the side did not dare to speak too much at all, but Ye Xiu figured out the other party's skills at this time and looked at him with a smile, and the look on his face was particularly meaningful.

"If that's the case, then give me a try. Anyway, I haven't accomplished anything outside for so many years, and my health is getting worse."

"You have done so much at home, so you must be successful in your career, and your interpersonal relationships are much better than mine. As your brother, I am really ashamed."

"Well, let me toast you. It can be regarded as an apology for all these years. I took your documents and luggage and left without saying hello to you. Isn't it too late for you now?"

Ye Qiu felt a little embarrassed when he heard him suddenly complimenting her.

After hearing that he actually wanted to get back together with him, Ye Qiu was even more confused.

When Qin Mu saw Ye Qiu's expression, he immediately felt a little funny. He and Ye Xiu didn't look like the little monkey girl in the family at all. On the contrary, he felt that he could count money for others even though he felt cheated.

But he had no intention of getting involved in the affairs between their brothers.

Under Ye Xiu's urging, Ye Qiu drank a whole glass of wine, but before he could give his acceptance speech, he fell backwards and banged on the table with a bang.

Hearing this news, Chen Guo was completely frightened. "Qin Mu, why are you still sitting there giggling? Why don't you go up and try it quickly to see if he has tried it? It was too honest to hit him on the table. I don't even dare to think that he will ask me when he gets up tomorrow morning. , he has a big bag on his head, how should I answer him about the truth? "

Ye Xiu was laughing in a particularly good mood and even said a few words to comfort him. "Don't worry, this kid can't remember anything after drinking, why are you worrying about it? Who knows, he might ask you with a smile tomorrow morning if you want to have breakfast together? I've seen this kind of thing many times, this kid is just heartless, why are you worrying?" But Chen Guo never believed in Ye Xiu's clever words. If he really set a trap for her, she would really complain.

But Qin Mu on the side rolled his eyes and thought of a good way to escape for Na Ying. Since he was unkind, don't blame yourself for being unjust.

Then Qin Mu looked at Ye Xiu beside him with a smile, and his eyes were a little more careful. "I think he only fills the glass half full. Can you be better than him? You are his brother after all, so we must be at the same level."

Seeing the expression on his face suddenly freeze, Qin Mu knew that the opportunity had come. "Could it be that you were afraid of drinking this drink? Could it be that after you finished drinking, you just fell over with a bang like him?"

Hearing his words, Ye Xiu took a deep breath and turned to glance at him. "You don't want to rant here. How can I be like him after drinking? Today I will let you see what it means to be a real wine god!"

Then Ye Xiu directly picked up the glass of strong wine that he had just poured into his mouth, and poured it into his mouth. After this heroic action was over, the whole person became silent.

When Chen Guo looked tentatively to the side, she was completely finished and felt that her world had turned gray. "You are here to mess with me, right? What good will it do to us if you pour them both down? Wait a minute and carry these two guys up. I don't even dare to think about whether I can sleep tonight or not." Ansheng, you are really a good employee of mine.”

Chen Guo then stood up without hesitation and prepared to flee the scene, but the person next to him held him down and pointed at the food on the table. The meaning in his eyes was naturally self-evident. "Why are you running so fast? I bought this with so much hard work. You have to finish your meal before leaving, otherwise others will think we are abusing you. You are growing thin and small every day. The customer who came here last time, You also asked me who is the boss, how can I answer this question?"

Although Chen Guo was a little dissatisfied, she still sat down and finished her meal.

Anyway, I spent my own money to buy it. If I don’t feel bad about it, who else can?
But Ye Xiu, who had fallen beside him, suddenly raised his head and stared directly at the two people opposite.

Feeling a little creeped out by his gaze, Chen Guo quickly dodged back and put her arms around herself to protect herself.

But who would have thought that the other person suddenly looked at him with a silly grin on his face. "You are a boss who is incompetent at all. You either withhold wages or do some tricks every day, and what else do you do every day. Other tasks assigned to me include cleaning toilets. If you assign me this task again, I will stop doing it!"

His eyes then turned sharply to the other side, staring straight at Qin Mu. "Also, you don't give me materials every time you clear a dungeon. If you do this again next time, you should find someone else to form a team. My silver weapon has not been upgraded yet."

Then he stood up suddenly and slapped the table hard. "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, why don't you get up and train!"

The next second he went straight upstairs, not only was he drunk but he was also talking nonsense. (End of this chapter)

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