I almost couldn't recognize where I lived, so I walked to the storage room after wandering.

Just as he was about to open the door, he suddenly turned his head and looked over. "Why are you two following me when you have nothing to do?"

Chen Guo opened her mouth, naturally she didn't dare to tell the truth at this time. If she pissed him off and didn't deal with it well, the two of them would have another night of trouble.

But Qin Mu on the side was not used to his problems at all. He moved quickly and opened the door directly. His feet even reached his butt and kicked him to the bed in the storage room. "Good night!"

After the two of them went downstairs to eat, they went back to sleep. Chen Guogang saw the sparse sounds coming from him when he opened the storage room door and felt a little headache, so he decided to let him sleep in Xiao Tang's room first. Otherwise, I might end up living on the streets tonight.

Qin Mu scratched his head and felt something was not good. "It's okay, how about I go to the sofa..."

Just when he wanted to go to the sofa and spend the night, he thought of the guy who suddenly attacked him. Now he had no choice but to go to bed even if he didn't want to.

There is no other place in the Internet cafe where I can rest.

Then he looked at Chen Guo with a hint of resentment.

If he had been willing to install a few more small rooms, he would not have ended up like this.

But the person next to him didn't dare to look him in the eye. He coughed lightly, took a step back and went straight back to his own room.

Seeing how he was running away, Qin Mu was so angry that he couldn't even laugh. Qin Mu didn't hesitate and directly raised his hand to open the door and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Guo rubbed her eyes and let out a big yawn. Then she opened the door and walked out. When she arrived at the door of the storage room, she was ready to see how Ye Xiu was doing.

Unexpectedly, just halfway through, I suddenly remembered that I didn't know who lived here. I hesitated for a moment, and then turned to the other side.

When he opened the door and saw the scene inside, he couldn't help but twitch his lips with a bit of helplessness. This kid really found a place for himself, so he lay down with his head down.

Looking at it like this, he probably hadn't sobered up from last night's wine, and he had no intention of going in at this time, so he had to grab the person, so he ducked out.

When he arrived downstairs before he could speak, he saw a figure sitting there. After a closer look, he found that it was Ye Qiu.

Sensing the other person's gaze, he suddenly turned his head and smiled at himself.

Chen Guo then walked downstairs in a panic, fearing that she would be late and asking the guest to wait alone in the lobby. "Why did you get up so early? I see that he hasn't made any noise yet. He probably went to sleep until the afternoon. You got up so early. Do you have food to eat by yourself?"

Suddenly he remembered that he didn't introduce him to nearby places yesterday, so he probably didn't even know where to eat.

But the other person smiled and pointed at the breakfast on the table next to him, with a very warm look on his face, like a good housewife.

It made Chen Guo a little uncomfortable. She had the same face as Ye Xiu, but she did such a considerate thing. She couldn't blame herself for feeling uncomfortable.

Seemingly noticing that the person opposite was a little embarrassed, Ye Qiu smiled faintly and then gave up his position to him. "Then you eat first. I'll go up to see when he wakes up and tell him about the family affairs."

Seeing that the other party was so considerate of him, fearing that he could not eat, and actually left quickly, he was quite touched. He was just planning to keep him for a few more days to experience the local customs and people, but who knew that things would be completely different after a while.

However, the gentle look on the other side can still help to recognize the difference between him and that guy at a glance. Ye Xiu is more like a scoundrel guy. No matter what he does or every move he makes, he shows a demeanor that is different from others.

But the man in front of him was different from him. Compared with him, he wanted to have more interactions with the man in front of him. After all, he looked like a normal person at first glance.

There really aren't many people who are as crazy as Ye Xiu, but I don't mean it in a disparaging way. Different things have different solutions, and I still know this very well.

Instead of wasting time, it would be better to take the initiative and invite him to stay here for a while. It just happened that the relationship between the two brothers did not seem to be particularly familiar.

I took this opportunity to help them relax, but I never expected that my current decision could be regarded as a good intention to do something bad.

The other party came down quickly. Judging from the unchanged expression on his face, it was not difficult to infer that the guy upstairs was probably not awake yet.

But that's fine. If he doesn't speak, he won't cause trouble here. It can also keep him for a while. I don't know what problems the two of them had before that needed to be solved.

But according to my own point of view, there is no particularly big friction between the two brothers, otherwise Ye Xiu would definitely not be able to do what he is now with his character.

Last night, Qin Mu also made some insinuations and told himself not to worry too much about the relevant situation. In fact, he had already made a judgment.

After all, this guy has never been back home for so many years. He feels that this Internet cafe is his second stronghold, which gives him a bit of a headache, but due to some reasons, he can't just drive people away.

Fortunately, at this time, Chen Guo also thought about it and asked him to say a few words.

It would also help me understand more about Ye Xiu.

Fortunately, he raised his head, and just as he was about to speak tentatively, there was a sudden noise outside the door, as if someone was tapping his rolling shutter door.

There were endless doubts on Chen Guo's face. Why would anyone come out to surf the Internet on this first day of the Lunar New Year?
It was incredible to think about this kind of thing, so he didn't take it to heart and was about to continue talking to him. Unexpectedly, the other party turned his head and glanced at the door, as if wondering who it was.

In desperation, he could only give up his goal and get up to open the door.

It doesn't matter if you open it, you will discover a new world for yourself.

The person outside the door had his face thickly wrapped with a hat and scarf, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. How could Chen Guo have the ability to recognize people with just his eyes.

Just when he was about to ask him who he was, the other party took out a salute gun from his pocket, and the confetti inside was blown directly into his face by the cold and biting wind.

The person opposite didn't feel like he was playing a prank at all. Instead, he was talking to himself with a smile. "How's it going? Surprise?"

When all the scraps of paper were blown to the ground by the wind, the appearance of the person in front of her was revealed. Su Mucheng was speechless as if she was speechless as the dumb salute that had finished firing.

But fearing that the other party would blame him, he hurriedly stepped forward to apologize to him and pulled the confetti off his head. "I'm so sorry, I thought it was Ye Qiu who opened the door, so I took the initiative. Are you okay?" (End of this chapter)

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