Chen Guo recognized Su Mucheng just by hearing the voice. He was so excited that he grabbed the other person's wrist with his backhand. This startled Su Mucheng. She thought she was going to settle a score with him, but the next second she looked up and saw It's an expression with a starry face.

Chen Guo looked at him expectantly, as if she wanted to say something to him. "Oh my God, I didn't expect that I would actually see you! It's too cold at the door. Come in quickly. You're still standing outside blowing nonsense."

Su Mucheng was a little confused, but she was quickly dragged into the house.

When the two people walked towards Datang, Su Mucheng also recognized him at the same time. "You are Chen Guo, right? I heard him mention that you are the owner of this Internet cafe. You are really amazing. One person can actually support such a big place. If it were me, I would have stolen a lot. I'm lazy, I'm really bothering you by coming here today, so I just want to make trouble for you."

Chen Guo was so flattered by his praise that she immediately revoked Ye Xiu's death sentence.

Just now, I was thinking that his coming must have been agreed in advance, but I didn't expect that Ye Qiu could hold back too much, and he actually didn't mention a single thing all day long.

He just recognized it and he directly pulled the person in.

Chen Guo looked at Su Mucheng with envy, and didn't forget to take out the small notebook next to her. "The last time I saw you at the venue, I didn't even have time to ask for your autograph. I wonder if there is a chance this time?"

Hearing about what happened last time also made him smile a little. Unnaturally, the tragic situation last time was still vivid in his mind.

Fortunately, no one else was present at the time, otherwise the news about himself and Qin Mu would be everywhere soon.

But Su Mucheng was still very happy. She raised her hand to sign his name and said a few words to him.

"Thank you so much for your love. I never thought I would be so popular. It is thanks to your support that I am so confident that I can reach this point."

"During the next competition, I will directly ask Ye Qiu to send you a ticket. You don't have to queue up. I was careless and didn't notice it before. Don't worry, I will definitely not forget you next time. ”

"But hasn't he woke up yet? I came here this time to ask him something. Since he hasn't woken up yet, I'll leave first..."

Before she finished speaking, Su Mucheng turned around and saw Ye Qiu sitting in the hall, walking towards him quickly, mumbling something.

This scene shocked Chen Guo.

After a night of getting along, I gradually figured out this guy's character.

He is not as flamboyant as Ye Xiu, on the contrary, he is more reserved.

If something went wrong between the two of them later, I really didn't know which side to help.

Su Mucheng walked over quickly and called his name. Ye Qiu, who was confused, naturally turned around and looked at this place.

Unexpectedly, what was coming was a loud salute and confetti flying in the sky. "Ye Qiu, what are you doing?"

Chen Guo next to her slapped her forehead hard.

This is really bad. The two of them shouldn't have bumped into each other. But now we have to find a way to calm this down as soon as possible.

Chen Guo walked forward quickly and stood in the middle of the two people. "I didn't scare you. It was my fault just now. I didn't make it clear to him that you were not Ye Xiu."

When Su Mucheng heard this and related the other party's reaction just now, she naturally understood what Chen Guo meant.

Fortunately, he also started to panic, and people with hands and feet stepped forward to help him tear off the many ribbons hanging on his cheeks, and bowed to him to express his extreme apology. "Oh my god, I really didn't expect to admit the wrong person here. I'm so sorry!"

But Ye Qiu smiled very gentlemanly, polite and not displeased in the slightest. Sensing the difference between the two of them, Su Mucheng's mouth opened a little and she couldn't close it.

Chen Guo stood aside and was busy trying to smooth things over. "This is Ye Xiu's younger brother, Ye Qiu. Let Ye Xiu explain what happened before, and I won't interrupt."

Su Mucheng nodded with a headache and sat on the bench next to her like a puppet.

As soon as he sat down, he suddenly thought of the salute in his hand, and immediately looked down with regret. "What a pity..."

Ye Qiu on the side naturally heard his words and hurriedly opened his mouth to comfort him. "If you run out of salute guns, you can buy them again. I remember I saw one when I passed by the small shop just now. If you want it, ask Chen Guo to accompany you later. It's okay for a girl to go out alone. More dangerous."

Hearing this, Chen Guo next to her once again confirmed her conclusion. This guy was completely different from Ye Xiu. That guy was like a tough guy and didn't care about other people's moods.

But Su Mucheng next to him had the same idea as him. It was really uncomfortable for him to say caring words to them with such a face. He seemed to be aware of the awkward expressions on the faces of the people next to him.

She smiled and turned around without worrying about the situation here.

Seeing that he was so reasonable, the two of them could not help but curse Ye Xiu in their hearts.

If he hadn't done all the evil things in his daily life, how could he have made them feel so flattered by such ordinary treatment.

In the end, everything must be blamed on that guy. It's all because of his usual coldness, otherwise it wouldn't have contributed to all this.

In his sleep, Ye Qiu didn't expect that he would be carrying such a heavy pot on his back without even opening his eyes.

After hearing his consolation, Su Mucheng naturally felt a little relieved, but she still felt pity for the results of her night's hard work. "I made this all night. I followed the tutorial for a long time. I didn't expect that it almost caused you trouble today. I'm so sorry. Why don't I treat you to dinner tonight."

Ye Qiu quickly waved his hand, saying no.

Seeing that Su Mucheng was getting more and more embarrassed sitting here, he turned to look at Chen Guo beside him and chose to pay attention to Ye Xiu. "Ye Xiu hasn't gotten up yet? I heard they said there is still training today? Why is there no movement at this hour?"

The look on Chen Guo's face was also a bit curious. "Could it be that the half-glass of wine last night made him unable to wake up?"

Hearing this, Su Mucheng's expression turned into a gossipy one, as if she was particularly curious about this place. "You mentioned the drinking incident last night, can you tell me in detail, boss lady? I'm really curious." (End of this chapter)

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