Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 38 President! Why don't you stop negotiating?

Chapter 38 President! Why don't you stop negotiating?
"Since the master brother is so happy, let me tell you straight. First of all, one hundred powerful spider silks, no problem, but only powerful spider silks. If you want other materials, then I will give you the powerful spider silks." I can give you up to thirty.”

"Fifty!" Qin Mu responded while typing on the keyboard.


Lan He replied with a pained look on his face.

"I don't need the White Witch's mithril pendant necklace, but I have to have the fifty White Wolf Teeth." Qin Mu replied.

"Brother Master, even if you kill me with fifty White Wolf Fangs, you can't do it! With this number alone, all the players in our guild will need to spend a whole day doing it together. Otherwise, the White Miko's I can give you the necklace, plus ten white wolf teeth, how about it?" Lan He bargained.

"President Lan, if you don't tell secrets, you and I both know that the mithril pendant and necklace are not important at all. It is useless for me to come here, otherwise! The last price, White Wolf Fang Thirty Well, you have to agree, Lord Grim and I will go with you to search for the dungeon records. If it doesn’t work, then the deal won’t work out. We’ll meet again later.”

Qin Mu directly stated his base price.

Then Lan He looked at the price given.

After much hesitation, he finally agreed.

After all, compared to copy records.

No matter how precious these materials are, they are nothing.

What's more, being able to see the strength of these two masters and recruit them into the guild will definitely be a big help in the future! Don't miss this opportunity.

"Okay, I promise you!" Lan He gritted his teeth.

"Quick words, since President Blue River has given me so many things, I don't need a gunner's orange weapon, right? How about giving it to me together?" Qin Mu replied with a smile.

"Cheng Wu of the gunnery master, what do you want with this thing? Don't you have a weapon?" Lan He asked curiously.

After all, according to his sources.

Qin Mu has homemade weapons, and he is definitely not weak.

If that's the case, what else does Chengwu need to do? Is it possible that you are planning to change weapons? But the weapons in his guild are all explosive weapons, and the difference between them and homemade weapons is not even a small amount.

Even if you change it, you won’t change it to this kind of thing, right?
For a moment, some of the two-foot-tall monks in Blue River were confused.

He really couldn't figure out what Qin Mu wanted this thing to do.

So he asked with some curiosity: "I have Cheng Wu here, but what do you want to use it for?"

"Give me what a friend wants. Also, if President Lan has any gunnery equipment, you can give it to me. The more the merrier, even if it's a bit rubbish, it's okay. My friend's biggest hobby is collecting equipment." Qin Mu said with a smile.

After seeing this answer.

Lan He was so angry that he almost vomited blood. This guy was a bit too shameless.

You actually need equipment to pick up girls with yourself?
And what's more, I asked for a few more pieces, and a great game master actually took advantage of this. It's really true!
"No, no, that's it. The rest will be given to the players in the guild." Lan He said quickly, fearing that if he was slow for a second, Qin Mu would start talking like a lion again.

"Okay! Then give it to me when you have it." Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Definitely, definitely!" Lan He was also very polite.

But it was only a blank check.

As for whether there is or not, it’s not up to you to decide? However, it didn't take long for Lan He to deeply regret that he had ever said this. This is a later story and will not be mentioned for the time being.

"President Lan He is indeed a cheerful person, so it's decided." Qin Mu finalized the cooperation. "Okay! Master brother, wait a moment. I'm going to gather people right now. Meet us at the entrance of the Frost Forest instance in half an hour. How about that?" Lan He agreed on a time.

"No problem." Qin Mu agreed decisively.


at the same time.

Lanxi Pavilion Guild internal chat group.

After Lan He finished discussing the price with Qin Mu, he closed the chat interface and opened the internal chat group.

I only saw a lot of members inside.

These are all the real elite members of Lanxi Pavilion.

It can be said that Lanxi Pavilion can become one of the three major guilds in Glory because these people have worked hard.

Seeing the members in the group chatting, Lan He interrupted:
"Everyone, be quiet for a moment. I have just reached a consensus with Jun Moxiao and Jun Moxie. Tonight, they will join us in the Frost Forest dungeon. In addition, we will notify the logistics department and give Jun Moxie's account Fifty powerful spider threads, thirty white wolf fangs, and a gunner's orange weapon, any grade will do."

"What? President! Are you kidding? Why do you want to transfer so many rare materials to him?"

"Yes! President, do you have a fever?"

"Forget the gunner's equipment. Powerful spider silk and white wolf sharp teeth are not enough for our guild. Why should we give them to two civilian players?"


See the news from everyone.

Lan He motioned for everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Everyone, don't be impatient. After all, it is our Lanxi Pavilion. We asked them to go to the dungeon with us, so it is appropriate to spend something."

"President, did you make a mistake? When we discussed it earlier, didn't we say that we would take them to play a dungeon to test their skills? Then recruit them? When will it become that we invite them to play a dungeon in the Frost Forest? Already?" Vice President Xi Zhou sent a message.

"What? Damn it, I was cheated!" Lan He originally felt that he should pay something, but after seeing Xie Zhou's words, he finally came to his senses.

That's right, I seem to have invited them to download the dungeon together to see how good they are.

How did you end up hiring them?

That Jun Moxie was so evil that he actually got himself involved!

Remuneration was offered throughout the whole process, as if he was inviting them to help fight.

There is a majestic Lanxi Pavilion, countless masters, and a mere copy of Frost Forest. Do you still need to find foreign help? Judging from the current record, it is easy for Lanxi Pavilion to break the record!

Thinking of how many rare materials were given away in vain because of my confusion.

Blue River just felt a little sore.

"I knew it. I said I would go to negotiate! You insisted on going, are you okay now?" Vice-president Xi Zhou seemed to have expected it. This president of his, no matter where he is, whether he is managing the guild, He is also very gentle in his attitude toward members and is loved by everyone in the guild.

But this aspect of negotiation is actually a weakness!
You get scammed almost every time.

But I didn’t expect that there would be so many pitfalls this time.

(End of this chapter)

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