Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 39 Lan He: A master has the demeanor of a master, you don’t understand!

Chapter 39 Lan He: A master has the demeanor of a master, you don’t understand!

"What should we do? Otherwise, we cancel tonight's dungeon plan?"

After Lan He pondered for a while, he sent another message.

However, as soon as the news was sent out, Vice President Xie Zhou already objected: "No, absolutely not. Although the rare materials are very precious, the reputation of our Lanxi Pavilion is equally important. If the players know that, one of the three major guilds If Lanxi Pavilion actually cheats for some rare materials, I’m afraid it will be even more difficult for us to recruit new people in the new area."

"Then what do you mean?"

"Proceed as planned! In addition, my president, I beg you, can you please stop negotiating blindly in the future? Even if you ask me to watch from the side when you are negotiating?" Xi Zhou's voice still sounded a little bit. Sincere meaning.

The president of my own conference is really a drag!
You know, in the early stage, in order to save some rare materials.

Everyone in the guild is tightening their belts.

But my president is good, as soon as his upper lip touches his lower lip, he sends out so much.

"Okay, okay, can't I just listen to you from now on?" Lan He said helplessly.

"I hope what you said is true. I have heard this sentence many times. By the way, President, what time did you make an appointment with them?" Xi Zhou heard the familiar words of his president.

I couldn't help but feel a headache.

these years.

Blue River said the same thing almost countless times.

But I never have a long memory.

But that's what happened, and it's useless to say anything else.

Therefore, I had no choice but to ask.

"I made an appointment with them in half an hour. It's almost time! Let the brothers start the game and gather at the entrance of the Frost Forest dungeon, leaving two empty seats for them." Lan He said.

"President, there is something I want to confirm." Xi Zhou said with suspicion on his face.

"Say it." Lan He said calmly.

"Those things you just mentioned should be the price of hiring two of them, right? Isn't it for one person?" When Xi Zhou said this, his expression was still a little nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm not that stupid. The two of us are together." Lan He said proudly.

Hear this.

Tie the boat to relax.

If these things are for two people, then he can barely accept it. If they are for one person, then he will have to break the contract even if he loses the reputation of Lanxi Pavilion.

After discussing the price.

Tiezhou also allows members who go to play dungeons to go online.

Not long after, the elite members of the Lanxi Pavilion Guild gathered at the entrance of the Frost Forest dungeon.

Everyone looked eagerly at the jungle in the distance.

However, there was no movement for a long time.

"President, are you sure your appointment with them is for half an hour? How long have you been waiting, why hasn't anyone come yet?" Xi Zhou looked back at his unreliable president and asked.

"I'm taking care of things, don't worry! I'll probably be here soon, I'll hurry you up."

Lan He said, opening the chat box and preparing to send a message.

But I haven’t typed it yet.

There was a sparse sound coming from the entrance of the forest.

Immediately afterwards, two figures came out.

Looking at the novice equipment they were still wearing, Tie Zhou's eyes showed a bit of shock. He immediately turned around and looked at Lan Hedao: "President, don't tell me that after spending so much rare materials, these two people were hired? Until now, you still haven't taken off your novice uniform? The equipment is poor, forget it, but actually Haven’t changed jobs yet?”

"Yes! President, don't these two people seem too unreliable?"

"Are we mistaken? In fact, it was not these two people who led them through the dungeon, but Yue Zhongmian or Mu Yunshen, right? The outfits of these two people don't look like masters! As long as they are powerful Yeah, you’ve already got the equipment by now, right? Why are you still wearing novice clothes?”


Everyone in Lanxi Pavilion has been waiting for a long time.

After seeing the equipment worn by Lord Grim and Jun Moxie, they all complained while typing on the keyboard.

They really couldn't believe it.

These two people, wearing novice uniforms, were able to set so many records? That’s incredible, right?

In comparison, I would rather believe that Yue Zhongmian and others can perform exceptionally well.

"Impossible, it should be the two of them. I asked Tian Qi, and the skills of these two people are definitely those of top professional players." Lan He said with determination.

"President, are you sure?" Xi Zhou asked doubtfully.

"Come here, let's give it a try! It really doesn't work. Besides, isn't our main purpose just to test the strength of these two people? As for equipment and other things, an expert has the demeanor of an expert, don't you? Understand."

When Lan He said this, he felt a little unsure in his heart.

But the materials have all been spent.

Even though I am a great leader, I cannot give up halfway.

I can only bite the bullet and comfort everyone.

"I'm afraid that in the end, the rare materials will be gone, so forget it! If we don't even break the dungeon record of Frost Forest, it would be a shame for you. If all the elite players of our Lanxi Pavilion break into the dungeon, I will I still have confidence. But if I take these two with me... it will be a bit uncertain!" Tie Zhou only felt six black lines coming out of his head.

"As the old saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance, and sea water should not be measured. What if someone is really powerful? Okay, stop talking nonsense, listen to me, and take care of yourself as you come." Lan He finally made the final decision.

But seeing that his president has already made the decision.

Everyone in Lanxi Pavilion had no choice but to shut up.

After all, the majesty of the president is still there, and it's okay to fight around on weekdays.

But at the critical moment, you still have to be obedient. After stopping the noise of everyone, Lan He was about to step forward to say hello, but was stopped by the boat tie behind him.

He understands the nature of his president very well.

He must not be allowed to speak.

Otherwise you will only lose more.

Therefore, Xi Zhou took the initiative to say hello: "Hello brothers, let me introduce myself. I am Xi Zhou, the vice president of Lanxi Pavilion. I am a priest by profession. This is our boss Lan He. His profession is a swordsman. The one next to me is He is the first paladin of our union, Lantern Festival.”

"Hello, I am Jun Moxie, and this is my friend Jun Moxiao." Qin Mu also said calmly.

"After the dungeon is downloaded later, it will be directed by our guild leader. He has experience in this. As long as you play according to your positions, it will be very simple to break the record. In addition, you two would also like to trouble you and join our guild. We will wait for a while. The union record will be displayed only when the record is broken," Xi Zhou explained.

"no problem."

Qin Mu and Ye Xiu agreed immediately.

After all, there are so many things coming out of Lanxi Pavilion, so it is natural to add the guild and make a copy record.

After seeing them agree.

Lan He sent the guild invitation, and immediately after, Qin Mu and Ye Xiu clicked to agree at the same time. The next moment, there was a Lanxi Pavilion logo behind their game IDs.

(End of this chapter)

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