Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 63: Job transfer mission, no, no, no, your opponent is not me!

Chapter 63: Job transfer mission, no, no, no, your opponent is not me!

Night is falling!

The players in the Internet cafe also stayed up all night.

After transferring everyone, Qin Mu and Ye Xiu were finally able to take a break.

So, log in to Honor directly.

"Want to form a team to clear the dungeon together?" Ye Xiu turned to look at Qin Mu and asked.

"No, I'll go get the job transfer mission first, and then download the dungeon after the job transfer is successful." Qin Mu shook his head with a smile.

Now that his level has reached level 20, it is naturally time to change professions.

I was busy helping Lanxi Pavilion clear the dungeon before, so I didn't have time. Now that I'm free, of course I have to change jobs as soon as possible.

As long as the job transfer task is completed.

His own strength will definitely improve to the next level.

"Okay, then I'll go find Yue Zhongmian and the others." Ye Xiu said.

So the two of them split up.

Not long after, Qin Mu had already received the job transfer mission, and then walked towards the wild. Speaking of it, the job transfer mission was quite simple. That was to go to the Bone Burial Ground, collect a hundred skeletons, and then submit it. Job transfer can be completed.

Of course, simplicity is relative to Qin Mu's level.

If you switch to an ordinary player.

That may still be a bit difficult. After all, the monster levels in the Boneyard are already between twenty-three and twenty-six. If you want to spawn monsters here, and you are still at level twenty before changing jobs, it is almost Like seeking death.

Only elite players can do this.

So most ordinary players, when completing the job transfer task.

They always make appointments with several people.

Fortunately, it took him a long time to successfully change his job. Of course, this was not a problem for Qin Mu. Therefore, Qin Mu went to the Bone Burial Ground alone and saw zombies and skeleton monsters wandering around in the wild.

Pick a lucky zombie at random.

Qin Mu just raised his gun and prepared to fight monsters.

However, before he had time to fire, he only saw a figure flash past quickly, and then, as the long stick swept across, the zombie originally picked by Qin Mu was already attacked by him first.

"Sorry, brother, I want this monster! You'd better go and kill the next one." The player who grabbed the monster said with a smile while attacking the zombies.


Regarding this guy's behavior, Qin Mu felt a little speechless.

You know, this Bone Burial Ground is still considered an advanced leveling area. Only a few elite players dare to come here to level up. Therefore, there are naturally a lot of monsters. This guy just has nothing to do, and he actually maliciously grabs monsters. .

However, Qin Mu was too lazy to pay attention to him.

For the current plan, it is more important to complete the job transfer task first.

Therefore, Qin Mu looked at the monster next to him. However, just like before, he had just hit the skeleton monster. The guy who grabbed the monster just swept away the zombies with one stick and rushed towards the skeleton monster again. It was obvious that this guy did it on purpose. He came to cause trouble, and not only to grab monsters, but also to himself.

After all, he wasn't the only one fighting monsters around here. But only for myself.

"What do you mean?" Qin Mu said calmly.

"It's boring. It's just a slippery hand. Isn't it just a monster? You shouldn't be angry, right? Hahaha! The great dungeon record holder, Master Jun Moxie, is he so stingy?" the player who grabbed the monster said arrogantly.

"Do you know me?" Qin Mu had some doubts.

As he said that, he looked up at the ID of the monster snatcher and saw that it was a player named Qian Cheng. However, in his memory, there seemed to be no record of this person, and he didn't seem to know him.

"Master Jun Moxie, who doesn't know me? Let me tell you straight! I want to challenge you, what do you think? I heard that you are very powerful, do you dare to compete with me in the arena?" Qiancheng said straight to the point.

"Not interested!" Qin Mu shook his head. He was too lazy to do anything useless.

Even if Tang Rou asked him to be his sparring partner, it would cost him a hundred and one games. She was his boss's wife's best friend, her dearest relative and friend, and she still had to collect money. What's more, this guy was a stranger to her, so she wanted to fight for nothing? Where can such a cheap thing come from?

So after Qin Mu finished speaking, he turned around and left, preparing to go elsewhere to kill monsters.

Seeing that Jun Moxie ignored him, Qian Cheng immediately became anxious, and directly swung his stick towards Qin Mu's back. Seeing this, Qin Mu was naturally prepared, and turned slightly to avoid his attack. .

"Awesome, even though I didn't use my full strength just now, ordinary players can't dodge this stick. You really have a chance. I'm more interested in you. Tell me, how can you go to the arena with me?" Qian Qian Cheng took back his long stick and said.

"Are there any special materials?" Qin Mu asked.

"Special materials? What do you mean?" Qian Cheng was a little confused, obviously not understanding what he meant.

"Ten special materials, whatever you want, I will go to the arena with you to play once." Qin Mu said with a smile.

"Are you dreaming? Are you crazy about money? I want to ask you to PK, and I want ten special materials." Qian Cheng said in shock. He had thought that Qin Mu would make various demands, but he never expected that this guy would actually So shameless.

What kind of special materials are needed?

And if you want ten of them.

Isn’t the appearance fee too expensive?

Don’t say you don’t have it, even if you really do, you can’t pay!
"Forget it if you don't give it, I'm too lazy to fight." Qin Mu said, turning around and preparing to leave.

"Don't leave. I advise you to follow me to the arena. Otherwise, if I kill you here, you will lose experience and explosive equipment. I heard that your weapon is a homemade weapon? It should be very expensive. Right? If this falls out, I won't return it to you." Qian Cheng said, with a hint of threat in his voice.

"Oh? Really? It seems like you really like PK. In that case, let me help you!" Qin Mu, who was already about to leave, drew a smile at the corner of his mouth after hearing Qian Cheng's words. A sinister smile.

If Ye Xiu were present.

There will definitely be a moment of silence for Qian Cheng.

After all, as long as this guy showed such a smile, he definitely had bad intentions. It was obvious that Qian Cheng's behavior had angered Qin Mu, so he was ready to teach this guy a lesson.

"Are you finally willing to fight me? Come on!" Qiancheng's eyes showed a bit of a smile, and his whole person was full of anticipation. As he said this, he was ready to fight.

"No, no, no, it's okay to fight you, but your opponent is not me. But..." Qin Mu said, his eyes still scanning the surroundings, as if he was looking for something.

"What do you mean? The opponent is not you? Who is that? Could it be that you have an ambush here?"

Qiancheng said, looking around.

But at this moment, only a gunshot was heard.

(End of this chapter)

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