Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 64 I am helping you with extra training!

Chapter 64 I am helping you with extra training!

"Despicable and shameless, you want to sneak attack on me?"

Qian Cheng is observing the surroundings.

He backed away almost immediately. In his opinion, Qin Mu's gunshot just now was probably an attack on him, but when he stabilized his body, he realized that Qin Mu was still standing where he was, and the bullet just fired, It's not for him.

"What the hell? What did you do?"

Qiancheng asked a little confused.

"Of course I have found some opponents for you. Don't be polite to me, just use your full strength." Qin Mu said, with a smile still showing on his lips.

As his words fell.

I saw only a dozen zombies around, all of them alerted by the gunfire.

Surrounded them both.

"Holy shit, are you crazy? You actually attracted so many zombies. Is it possible that you want to die together?" Looking at the zombies surrounding him, Qian Cheng had some anxiety on his face. After all, these zombie monsters are all level 26. existence, and the defense is very high and difficult to fight.

On weekdays, it's okay to deal with three or five of them.

But if you encounter a dozen of them at once.

Even he can't beat it! Usually those who come here to level up are the ones who kill the lone ones, but this guy Qin Mu actually disturbed so many people at once, as if he was dragging himself into the water.

"Perish together? You seem to have misunderstood something. These are the sparring partners I found for you, not including me. Goodbye, just play with them." Qin Mu said, suddenly drew the gun, and with the help of the recoil, rushed After exiting the encirclement, after a few ups and downs, it had disappeared within the hatred range of the zombies.

"Jun Moxie, you are shameless." Qian Cheng said angrily as he looked at Qin Mu who was gradually walking away.

I wanted to scold him again, but I had no chance.

Looking at the zombies getting closer and closer, he could only kill them first. After all, he didn't want to die here in vain. However, the number of zombies was really too much. No matter how hard he tried, Qian Cheng couldn't kill them at all. over.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, don't misunderstand me! I'm just here to help you improve your skills. Don't you want to grab monsters? You also want to PK with me. Since you like fighting so much, then just fight well. Wait, I I've lured five more for you." Qin Mu said and quickly appeared around Qian Cheng.

Behind him were five zombies.

Qian Cheng, who originally felt a little hopeful, suddenly became desperate after seeing the newly added zombies.

There were more than a dozen zombies, but he was still able to struggle.

But if there are twenty of them, death is almost certain.

What's more, there is a guy like Qin Mu who is eyeing him next to him. Even if he really kills all the zombies, he will probably attract more, right? Thinking of this, Qian Cheng suddenly felt a little desperate.

I should have known this.

He won't mess with Qin Mu anymore.

Just ask, who would have thought that such a great god could be so shameless.

It stands to reason,

It is normal to compete in the wild in the game, especially among masters. Everyone usually exchanges skills, but Qin Mu doesn't play according to the routine at all.

He actually directly attracted monsters to attack him.

At this moment, Qian Cheng was extremely regretful. If God gave him another chance, he would not challenge Qin Mu even if he was killed. Qian Cheng thought while killing the monsters. However, after killing the seventh one, He has no mana anymore, and his blood volume has reached half a tube. If he continues like this, he may really die here.

Therefore, Qian Cheng quickly said: "Jun Moxie, I was wrong, isn't it okay? I shouldn't steal your monsters, and I shouldn't force PK. Please help me. I gained this experience with great difficulty. I can't die here." !" "Why are you panicking? You proposed the fight, and you are the one who is not fighting now. Moreover, I am helping you train for free. Even if ordinary people want this opportunity, I will not give it to them. . It's a good thing you don't cherish it. Just imagine, if you can kill so many monsters at the same time, will your skills be improved?" Qin Mu said standing beside him.

Hearing this, Qian Cheng couldn't help but sigh at how shameless Qin Mu was.

I obviously came to challenge this guy.

But he actually led monsters to attack him, and he claimed to be training himself.

It's so shameless.

But when people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads.
If no one helps him, he will definitely die. Therefore, Qiancheng has no choice but to say: "Help me, Master Jun Moxie, I was wrong, can't you? After you rescue me, I will apologize to you." , it’s okay, right?”

"I told you, kid, don't underestimate your potential!"

"You see that you can persist for so long without dying, which is enough to show how powerful you are."

"Come on and hold on for a while. I see you are playing Battle Mage. Maybe you will be the next God of War? Come on, kill them all, and I will lure you back again." Qin Mu was 'encouraging' from the side. road.

"God of Fighting Nimal Gobi."

Qian Cheng finally couldn't bear it anymore and cursed directly.

After all, just what he saw in front of him was enough to give him a headache. If this attracted a large number of people, wouldn't he definitely die? This guy is so bad!

"You are a ignorant person. I helped you train with good intentions, but you still scolded me. Alas, a child cannot be taught." Qin Mu said with a compassionate look, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"You..." Qiancheng was speechless for a moment.

And at this moment,
A voice came from the distance, and a group of players were seen walking over quickly. The leader was Lan He from Lanxi Pavilion: "Hey, isn't this the master brother? What are you doing here? Do you need our help?"

"It's okay. I'm just teaching a player PK skills. I'll beat you guys." Qin Mu waved his hand to indicate that it was okay. After hearing this, Lan He nodded and prepared to take people to kill monsters elsewhere.

But at this time.

A voice came from the zombie group: "President, don't leave yet, save me! I can't hold on any longer."

"What's going on? What's that thing in there?" Lan He heard the sound and felt a little familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while, so he had no choice but to ask his teammates around him.

"President, that voice just now seems to be Qian Cheng. He seems to be surrounded by monsters. What should I do?" A player from Lanxi Pavilion next to him came up and asked.

"Qiancheng? Why are you still standing there? Hurry and save people." Lan He gave an order, and his teammates rushed forward one after another.

And Qin Mu naturally didn't stop him.

After all, he just wanted to teach Qian Cheng a lesson.

Not really trying to kill him.

Even if the people from Lanxi Pavilion don't take action.

When this guy can't hold on anymore, Qin Mu will save him.

It's a lot easier now.

Soon, all the dozen zombies fell to the ground, and Qian Cheng, who was trapped, was finally rescued, but he looked really embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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