Full-time master: Become stronger starting from clocking in

Chapter 65 Wild Picture BOSS, Blood Gunner Ya Ge!

Chapter 65 Wild Picture BOSS, Blood Gunner Ya Ge!

"Qiancheng, what are you doing here? You are not as desperate as you when fighting monsters! Can you handle more than a dozen zombies? Are you drifting?"

Looking at Qian Cheng who was rescued.

Lan He was a little angry.

Although this guy is considered one of the masters in Lanxi Pavilion, with his ability, he can only deal with four or five zombies at most. To train so many monsters at one time is simply asking for death!
Especially this is still the early stage of the game, when the major guilds are competing for the level list.

Which guild has more players on the list means that that guild is stronger and can recruit new players more easily. This guy didn't level up properly and actually came here to seek death, which really made Blue River a little angry.


Qiancheng, who was originally extremely depressed, heard what his president said.

I almost vomited blood.

After all, he is not a fool, how could he do such a thing? He was obviously tricked by this insidious guy Qin Mu, but now he couldn't say it directly in front of Qin Mu, so Qian Cheng could only type quietly and tell what happened just now, but he was originally angry. Blue River.

After seeing the message from Qian Cheng, he suddenly became even more annoyed.

At this moment, he wished he could just kick this guy out of the guild.

It's so stupid.

Based on Qin Mu's performance in the Frost Forest dungeon, all the major trade unions are now busy competing for his joining, but Qian Cheng actually came to provoke him. It would be fine if he won, but he still got teased.

Blue River couldn't help but not be angry.

Now I really lost my wife and lost my troops.

Not only did he offend Qin Mu, but he almost got himself killed. Lan He looked at Qian Cheng with eyes full of fire. At this moment, he really regretted why he transferred this guy from the old district. .

I have long heard that Qiancheng fails more than he succeeds.

Almost nothing that was promised was accomplished, and now it seems that it is indeed well-deserved! However, after all, he is a master in his own guild, so naturally, Blue River can only help him wipe his ass!

After closing the chat box, Lan He came to Qin Mu.

Then he said: "I'm sorry, Brother Gaoshou, Qiancheng has just told me the whole story. It's his fault. I'm here to apologize to you. You don't care about the faults of villains. Don't argue with him, I'll settle the score with him later when I go back."

"It's okay, I'm just teasing him. However, this guy and I have never met, why are you asking me to PK?" Qin Mu asked with some doubts. After all, even now, he still can't figure it out. To achieve the goal, why do so many people refuse to challenge and insist on choosing themselves.

"This... Speaking of which, it's also my fault. I went to the Frost Forest dungeon with my master brother before. After I returned, I told you about solving the Goblin Legion in one step and talked to the brothers in the union. I guess this Boy, I am a little unconvinced, so I came to challenge you, young people! They all like to be competitive, so forgive me." Lan He explained.

"That's it." Qin Mu nodded.

"Qiancheng, why are you still standing there? Come over here and apologize." Seeing that Qin Mu was not angry, Lan He immediately scolded Qiancheng, and Qiancheng naturally came over to apologize obediently.

It has to be said that Lan He is definitely a flexible and flexible person.

No wonder Lanxi Pavilion can be built into what it is today.

Qin Mu originally didn't intend to care about it, but now that the other party has apologized, he naturally doesn't care anymore, so he waved his hand to indicate that it was okay.

"By the way, Brother Master, what are you here for? Leveling up? Do you want to form a team together?" Blue River invited.

"Form a team? Forget it, I'm just going through a job transfer mission. I've just finished killing monsters. You can continue practicing. I'm going to find a friend to download the dungeon." Qin Mu shook his head and refused.

He has no interest in leveling up with them here.

After all, the number of copies for today has not been reached yet. Compared to leveling in the wild, dungeons are more efficient, and you might even be able to encounter hidden bosses and get some rare materials.

"Brother master, wait a minute, I'm not talking about forming a team for leveling up." Lan He said with a mysterious look on his face.

"What is that?" Qin Mu asked.

"Wild map BOSS, the master brother should know it, right? This time our union elites are all out, in order to clear the wild map BOSS. According to our reliable information, the blood gunner Ya Ge will be refreshed on this map. If we can push it down His words will definitely gain a lot." Lan He said calmly and coaxingly.

"Is the news reliable?"

Qin Mu asked back, he naturally knew something about the wild boss.

If only it could be pushed away.

The explosion rate is quite high. It is no exaggeration to say that the gain from defeating a wild BOSS can even be worth ten copies. Therefore, such an opportunity will naturally not be missed.

"Absolutely reliable. It was revealed by the undercover agents we arranged in other guilds. Moreover, many guilds know the news about the blood gunner's refresh this time. I guess there will be a lot of people fighting for it later, so when the time comes, Brother Master, I hope you can show some strength." Blue River stated his purpose.

That's right, the reason why he invited Qin Mu was to successfully oust the BOSS.

After all, since he knows the news.

Then others must have a way.

So it must be a fierce battle!

"No problem." Qin Mu agreed directly.

"By the way, where is the great brother? Why aren't you here today?" It was only then that Lan He realized that something seemed to be missing from Qin Mu's side. Thinking about it carefully, if it wasn't Lord Grim, who could it be?
On weekdays, these two people are inseparable.

Whether it's playing a copy or brushing monsters.

All together.

Why is it that only Qin Mu is left now?

Blue Box asked curiously.

"Oh! I did the job transfer mission, and he played the role of a looser. He doesn't do this kind of mission, so I went to fight the dungeon. What? Call us together?" Qin Mu said directly without hiding anything.

Anyway, Lord Grim is just playing around with Sanren.

Sooner or later everyone will know.

After all, even a fool would know that if you don't change jobs after level 20, what's more, what about a hardcore player like Lan He who has a profound understanding of the game? So Qin Mu said bluntly.

"I'm going to play Sanren? Awesome! Brother Da Shen really has an idea. No wonder, the weapon I saw last time was so special. It must be a homemade weapon, right?" Lan He said in shock.

You know, in the game Honor, not everyone has played the game, but those who have played it without exception have deleted their accounts and tried again.

Unexpectedly, Lord Grim would dare to play Sanren.

But considering his operational level, it’s understandable.

A character like that, no matter what he plays, is probably very powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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