Chapter 136 Chapter 136 Visiting Team
The car drove into a place similar to a film and television city and came all the way to the downstairs of a large dormitory.

In fact, the program team arranged a hotel for the tutor, but after Ling Jiamu saw the tutor's dormitory, he decided to live here.

Firstly, it was quiet here and the security was good. Secondly, the conditions in the instructor's dormitory were no worse than those in a hotel, so he simply stayed here.

Knowing that Song Suisui was coming, Ling Jiamu had asked her assistant to wait for her downstairs in the dormitory.

We were filming again today, so he was not in the dormitory at the moment.

The assistant took Song Suisui to Ling Jiamu's dormitory and asked her if there was anything he needed to do.

Song Suisui waved his hand, "You don't have to worry about me, just go and do your work if you have something to do."

"Brother Mu said that before he comes back, I will follow you and wait for orders."

"No need, there's nothing I can do for you!"

Song Suisui felt that it was inconvenient for her to have this assistant following her.

After all, he is a strange boy, so he is somewhat uncomfortable.

The assistant scratched his head. In fact, he didn't know how to face Song Suisui. She had already refused to accompany him, so it would be better for him to wise up and leave first.

"Then I'll leave first. If you need to run errands, you can call me."

The assistant said as he took out an ordinary business card from his bag and handed it to Song Suisui.

Song Suisui took it with a smile and let him go.

Of course, before leaving, I also gave him some specialties bought on the expressway.

At this time, Ling Jiamu was teaching in the practice room. As the vocal instructor of the program group, he was still responsible.

He also worked hard to teach classes with poor grades.

At this moment he is teaching vocal music in Class F.

However, the quality of the trainees in this world is very good. Even Class F is not bad in strength.

But there are always a few exceptions!
For example, the trainee standing in front of the electronic keyboard is the exception.

His appearance is acceptable for being a trainee, and his dancing is okay, but not much better.

Rap is the kind of thing that makes you slurred as soon as you open your mouth, and your vocals are even more terrible. You don’t have any skills to speak, and you don’t even release the emotions needed for singing. Just like an AI robot, it has no emotions.

But his vocal range is very high, his timbre is also very good, he works very hard, and he listens very carefully to his instructor's teachings. Overall, he is a good and motivated young man with potential.

Therefore, Ling Jiamu cherished his talents, so he was quite patient with him.

But today, because Song Suisui came to visit the class, Ling Jiamu wanted to get off work as soon as possible to see his girlfriend.

But he hasn't finished teaching Class F yet.

So I had to endure the fact that he had already flown back to the dormitory, and then professionally gave vocal lessons to the students in Class F.

As soon as the time came, he started to pack his things and left in a hurry.

Trainee A: "Do you feel that the instructor is in a hurry to get off work today?"

Trainee B: "Hmm~ I also think the instructor was a little anxious today. He checked his watch several times."

Trainee C: "What's there to discuss? Maybe the instructor is busy?"


Ling Jiamu didn't know that he left in a hurry, causing the trainees to start whispering about him.

But right now, all he could think about was meeting Song Suisui, so even if he knew about it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

Song Suisui walked around the tutor's dormitory and found that it was similar to an ordinary flat-floor house.

Two bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen and two bathrooms.

There were several wind instruments placed on the coffee table in the living room. Song Suisui picked them up curiously and looked at them. She only recognized the familiar instruments such as flute, Xiao, and whistle, but not much about the others.

Song Suisui picked up the flute on the table, looked at it, then brought it to his mouth and tried to play it. The sound was very good, and it was a good flute.

Maybe she got interested, so she continued to blow. Among the children born in the 21st century, who did not attend interest classes when they were young?

She happened to have learned the flute Song Suisui, but she didn't learn the bamboo flute, but it still stayed true to its origins, and she was just interested in playing it.

Ling Jiamu came to the room and heard the intermittent sound of the flute before opening the door.

Although the tune is not formed, it seems to be played well, at least it is not unpleasant to listen to.

He entered the password, opened the door and entered the house. He saw Song Suisui in a light green tea dress sitting on the floor of the coffee table in the living room, playing the flute.

Hearing the noise, Song Suisui turned around and saw that it was him who was back, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

After all, as an amateur, she felt a little embarrassed in front of professionals.

Just as he was about to get up to greet him, Ling Jiamu moved quickly, took off his shoes and walked directly to Song Suisui in a few steps.

Before Song Suisui could speak, he had already fallen into a generous and warm embrace.

She rested her chin on his shoulder and reached out to pat his back.

"Kiss, the hug is too tight!"

Hearing this, Ling Jiamu relaxed a little, but still didn't let her go.

When he let her go, Song Suisui asked a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I brought your instrument to play without your permission."

"It's okay, there's nothing of mine that you can't touch."

Song Suisui was stunned for a moment by Ling Jiamu's words, and then a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Speaking of which, why do you put so many musical instruments here?"

There are really many musical instruments in this living room, Western and Chinese instruments, as well as some weird new instruments.

"There is a song whose arrangement I have never figured out..."

Song Suisui nodded understandingly, and she didn't ask him what style his arrangement was.

After all, it was okay for her to listen to the music, but she didn't understand the lyrics, composition, and arrangement.

However, Ling Jiamu had recently become bald because of the arrangement of this song. After seeing Song Suisui, he remembered that her musical literacy was also good, and thought that maybe she would have some good suggestions.

While waiting for the assistant to bring dinner, Ling Jiamu played the song that gave him a headache to Song Suisui.

Song Suisui thought it was very good after listening to it. This piece has a dark narrative feel and always feels very exciting.

After listening to the demo, Song Suisui asked: "I think it's very good!"

"Although it's good, it's not what I want it to be."

She pointed to the various wind instruments in the living room and asked, "Do you want to add these instruments?"

"I have an idea, but it's not quite suitable. I need a more atmospheric sound."

"Atmosphere? Then you shouldn't use these instruments!"

Ling Jiamu didn't know how to describe the sound he wanted, so he showed Song Suisui the lyrics.

I told her about the idea of ​​the song.

This song is inspired by an epic novel from a foreign country in this world.

After listening to the concept, Song Suisui asked puzzledly: "Since it is a foreign work and you want a grand feeling, why not try using a pipe organ?"

When Ling Jiamu heard this, he thought it was right! Why hadn't he thought about the organ? !
"Suisui, you are really my lucky star." Ling Jiamu said excitedly and kissed Song Suisui's face.

He quickly recorded his inspiration on the computer.

The assistant opened the door and came in with the food. Just as he was about to call someone, Song Suisui quickly made a "shh" gesture to him.

When the assistant saw him, he immediately took back the words he was about to blurt out.

Song Suisui looked at Ling Jiamu's serious look and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Serious men are the most handsome, this is true!
Ling Jiamu, who is immersed in the world of music, is really a shining handsome man in Song Suisui's eyes.

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