Chapter 137 137 Being followed

Song Suisui went to visit the class. In fact, both the program team and the trainees knew about it.

After all, Ling Jiamu didn't hide it either. The two of them were walking around the dormitory to eat after eating.

Wasn't this happened by some trainees who came back to pick up things or take a break.

But Song Suisui didn't stay long. She stayed here for two days and one night before leaving.

Back in the Magic City, Song Suisui changed her clothes and returned to New York in the 1980s.

During the few days she was away, something happened. It had little to do with her, but it had a little bit to do with it.

Everyone knows that America is a free country, and everything is free here.

Although Columbia is a top university, being able to enter a university does not mean that all students are of good quality.

After all, academic qualifications do not reflect character.

What happened?
It was a party held by a rich kid in Song Suisui's class.

Everyone in the class was invited to that party, including Song Suisui.

It was just a party. If nothing happened, there would be nothing to make a fuss about. But the problem was that in the middle of the party, the puppet Song Suisui found someone dead in the bathroom!

The deceased was a friend of the party host's friend, and the death scene was a bit horrific.

The puppet Song Suisui himself had no emotions, so when he saw this scene, he calmly turned around and went to inform people.

When the party host heard what Song Suisui said, he didn't believe it at first.

He thought 'Song Suisui' was teasing him or a prank.

But 'Song Suisui' didn't say anything and directly took the party host to the bathroom.

Seeing the shocking scene, the party host successfully screamed and fainted.

This made 'Song Suisui' feel a little at a loss for a while.

The screams of the party host also attracted people to come and watch the fun.

Soon the room was filled with screams.

Fortunately, I was calm enough to call the police.

'Song Suisui' has been waiting at the bathroom door to prevent others from entering.

At a crime scene, if there are too many people, clues will be easily lost.

Therefore, 'Song Suisui' stood guard at the bathroom door from the beginning, and did not step aside until the police and FBI arrived.

As the first discoverer of the case, Song Suisui was honored to be invited by the FBI to have a cup of coffee.

After finishing the notes, Song Suisui went back, but the next day she found that there were more people staring at her around.

After learning about Song Suisui's experience in the past few days, Song Suisui himself was shocked!
How do you feel that her stand-in puppet has a more exciting life than her?

It's only been a few days, and it's a murder case and it's the FBI. Doesn't this puppet have any strange trouble-making abilities?
As for the new strangers who came to stare at him, Song Suisui thought they should be people from the FBI.

Probably because he doubted her.

Song Suisui sneered in her heart, these people couldn't find the murderer and just wanted to take the credit from her, right?
As for America's police and FBI, I can't blame Song Suisui for speculating on them with the most malicious attitude.

After all, who doesn’t know their reputation? !

But she walked and sat upright, so she was not afraid of their stares.

But precautions should be taken, lest these people really think they can put the blame on her.

When you have no influence abroad, you can shamelessly take advantage of the situation.

So Song Suisui told Giovanna that she didn't mind if she used her own power to get rid of the FBI.

In fact, everyone knows that the murder case has nothing to do with Song Suisui.

After Song Suisui shamelessly approached Giovanna, the FBI who was watching her the next day never showed up again. Is this how it went?

In fact, that's not necessarily the case. Although the FBI left, Song Suisui found that more and more people were spying on her.

Who are these people?
After thinking for a while, Song Suisui felt that there was no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days, so she planned to take the initiative.

It was not easy for America to get hot weapons. After getting everything ready, Song Suisui chose a day and went out as usual.

While driving toward the city, Song Suisui looked in the rearview mirror and found a black car following him.

She had a good memory and could not remember wrongly. This car was parked opposite the house she rented last night.

So blatant, are you afraid that she won't know?

Or maybe the other party didn't think she was something to be afraid of, so they didn't take her seriously.

No matter which one it was, Song Suisui didn't like it.

She also doesn't like her life to be peered into.

So she took the initiative and let people know that she was not someone to be trifled with, so that she could deter some people behind her.

Looking at the car in the rearview mirror, Song Suisui's eyes flashed with fierceness.

She has a high moral bottom line and cannot do such unscrupulous things as murder and arson, but she can still adapt to other things.

The car came to a fork in the road, and Song Suisui, who was going to the city, turned a corner and drove to another road.

The person who was following her followed her. Song Suisui drove the car to a wilderness and stopped.

The car behind them seemed to know that she had spotted them, and when they saw that she had stopped, they stopped the car without fear.

Song Suisui opened the door and got out of the car, and soon the people in the small black car came out.

It's three tough white men!
Song Suisui looked at them and recalled the people he had seen in his mind, but it seemed that he had never seen them before.

But looking at their clothes and the bulging waists, they look like they are armed with guns, bodyguards? Or a mercenary?

These three people looked very professional, not like gangsters. Song Sui Sui only thought of becoming professional bodyguards and mercenaries.

"Three of you, you have been following me for so long. I wonder if I can know who asked you to come?"

The three of them didn't answer her question, and Song Suisui didn't force her. She was thinking about how to beat these three guys to pieces so that they could scare the rats behind them.

"Ms. Fiona, since you have discovered us, please come with us."

"You said you asked me to go with you, so I will go with you? Wouldn't that make me lose face?!"

The three of them didn't want to talk nonsense with her. Since she didn't cooperate, they would naturally use their own methods to make her cooperate.

Looking at the strong man walking towards him with a confident face, Song Suisui's eyes were a little excited.

It had been a long time since she had played a match in a vivid manner.

Now is the time to cash out her force points!

The three strong men thought Song Suisui was a little girl who was easy to catch.

When the boss asked them to follow her, they were a little disdainful, but this time they hit the wall.

When the strong man who stepped forward to catch Song Suisui reached out to catch Song Suisui, she raised her hand and grasped the other person's stretched out wrist.

The strong man felt that his whole hand was numb, but he was an experienced man and quickly adjusted, and then started moving with Song Suisui.

The two of them were not fighting casually, they were all killing each other with killing moves.

Compared with the strong man, Song Suisui looks petite and exquisite, and her female body is soft, allowing her to react flexibly.

The strong man had obviously seen blood and had rich experience, and for a while the two were evenly matched.

Song Suisui was very excited. She finally met a match.

However, she felt that if she wasn't strong enough, she might not be a match for this strong man.

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