Chapter 14 Everyone rolls together
After Coke finished explaining the cause and effect, Su Fan laughed profusely.

"I told you not to eat casually in the excitement on the roadside. Look, if you are caught, you will eat it yourself."

Su Fan clicked on the obvious white cloud pattern on its forehead.

No wonder the picture book information is refreshed.


Coke arched his head in dissatisfaction, it was careless! Give it another chance and it will definitely not be discovered.

"However, judging from Coke's expression, one of the pet beasts is Feng Lian Qi La?"

Su Fan and Song Yu immediately thought of Coke's panic just now.

"Tongfeng? It has been sleeping in the schoolbag."

Song Yu teased its chin.

Shunfeng also felt something strange. Why did he eat melon?

It scratched its ears and cheeks, its tail swaying anxiously, and quickly pointed to Song Yu's schoolbag to prove its innocence.

"Good boy, I know it's not you." Su Fan coveted the fluffy tail, which must be very comfortable to rub against. "I can touch it."


Feng Lianqi La was very polite and shook her hand with his tail.

Coke confirmed again and hugged Su Fan's arm tightly with both assurance and vigilance.

That Feng Lian Qi La's eyes are small and ugly, far less beautiful than this one!
"Oh! I remembered it." Song Yu suddenly realized, "Besides me, there should be only one person in the school who has contracted Feng Lian Qi La."

"The one Coke saw upstairs should be hers!"

"Are your eyes small and ugly?"

Coke found his soulmate and nodded crazily: "Yueyue!"

I really don’t know how another beautiful and extraordinary beauty fell in love with it!

"Everyone is blind sometimes, let alone simple little cuties? Maybe people will wake up after this incident."

Su Fan was curious: "The illusion of that extraordinary creature is interesting, it's actually you!"

No wonder I cheated on Coca-Cola.

Acquaintances are easy to deceive.

Hearing this, Song Yu remembered instead: "It should be Meiji Anke. The ability of extraordinary creatures like it is to turn its deeds in reality into illusions."

"I have given it food before, but I didn't expect it to be used at this time."

Su Fan was itching to know what happened between these two extraordinary creatures, but he was too embarrassed to break his own words, lest Coke learn the same thing.

She patted Song Yu on the shoulder and said in a heavy tone: "Instead of guessing here and there, we should spend our time on more meaningful things."

"For example, let's all take a roll?"

"Let me learn from today's question and answer question."

Su Fan began to study "obsessively".

The first person to notice this change was Song Yu.

After all, even though she lost the bet with Su Fan, she still didn't give up the idea of ​​letting Su Fan be her follower.

In this regard, Mr. Song could only sigh: "You are such a good granddaughter, but you have to have someone be your follower?!"

Song Yu found that Su Fan started to "ask questions without shame".

The main thing was to ask her some common sense but must-test things, and she really answered them tirelessly.

But what annoyed her was that Su Fan turned around and asked someone else, saying in a nice way: "It's too troublesome for you, so I'm going to ask someone else."

Now she was even more angry.

If you don’t want a good New Year’s Day here, why don’t you go and ask others?

Song Yu pulled the homework over with a cold face and began to explain one by one the marks Su Fan had made.

Su Fan was stunned for a moment, then happily leaned forward to listen.

Then it was Laoban who discovered this blind spot.

Although he doesn't pay much attention to middle- and lower-middle students, he still likes students like Su Fan who have shown obvious improvement.

So he called on everyone during class.

Su Fan really tried hard to answer his questions again and again, and there was obvious progress.

The high school entrance examination was three months away, and he was even more diligent in taking roll call.

Of course, Su Fan's parents were the last to be discovered.

The main reason is that they still need to calm down the aftermath of the bankruptcy. They have been busy in recent days. Of course, they didn't know that Su Fan was secretly working hard.

When they found out, it was Tangyuan, the "extraordinary butler" who had been supervising Su Fan's studies and never gave up, who handed Su Fan's transcript to them.

"Chinese 96." "Mathematics 78."

"Pet Physics 59."

"English: 60."

"Supernatural Creatures: 59."

All passes!

Chen Yi held up the paper and read it again and again under the light, unable to suppress the smile on his face.

Although it is still tenth from the bottom, it is also a feat of progress, isn't it?
"Okay! My old Su family has a champion!"

Su Guoqing clapped his hands and smiled from ear to ear.

Zhima rolled his eyes speechlessly, but you guys figured out the rounding.

Su Fan scratched the ground with his toes in embarrassment. For the first time, he felt that "59" was so embarrassing. Could this be a different kind of beating from his parents?
Tang Yuan patted Su Fan on the shoulder with deep emotion, tears filling the corners of his eyes.

It has persisted for many years and has not given up raising cubs. It has worked hard and once it has harvested, this kind of alternative joy is really indescribable to outsiders!

Su Fan: Really, I’m scared of you being like this.

Coke flicked Su Fan's arm:


It hadn't figured out the situation yet, so why was it laughing so suddenly?
What top pick? Is it tasty?
"It doesn't taste good!" Su Fan picked it up and said viciously, "It's time, it's time to train!"


The garden next to the community is a good training place.

The Coke points came out of nowhere, and Su Fan could take advantage of this time to find a way to increase his points.

There are also new skills possessed by a strange combination of circumstances.

Carrying it to a small river, Su Fan put down the Coke and took out a notebook from his bag.

"Come on Coke, let's practice biting first."


Cola is not that enthusiastic about training, but as long as the beast master speaks, it will do its best to do its best.


Lines of silver light flashed and disappeared, and Coke's vigorous figure kept jumping back and forth.


After a group of exercises, it raised its sore paws and opened its smoking mouth, unable to make a sound.

"Why don't you drink some water and take a rest?"

Coke shook his head firmly, it can still fight another three hundred games!


Su Fan gave it a bottle of milk and quickly wrote down: The current ability is enough to launch thirty bite attacks.

Coke was held and drank obediently.

This is not because it wants to rest, but because the beast master feels sorry for it!
Thirty minutes later.

"Continue, next group, tail attack!"


Cola's mastery of "Tail Attack" is better than that of "Bite", and it took forty-five sets of practice before the energy was exhausted.

Su Fan quickly released the equation: thirty bites = forty-five tail attacks.

"Thank you for your hard work." She took out the shadow stone from her backpack and let it absorb it.

Shadow Stone is a prop used by extraordinary creatures of the shadow system to replenish energy. It is divided into two types: natural and artificial. Natural energy is more majestic and pure; artificial stone is based on price, and you can fill it with as much energy as you spend.

After winning the previous game, plus spending some money here and there on the Flame Tail Bird incident, Su Fan only had 30,000 Blue Star Coins in his card now.

I bought ten pieces of shadow stone. I used three pieces in succession before, and this is the fourth piece.

Su Fan took inventory and it seemed that she would make money if she could find a way to make money.

Before, her parents did not accept the bonus and compensation, but gave it to her for her own use. In fact, they were supporting her in cultivating Coca Cola in disguise. Considering her own family, she asked her elders for help.

Coke swung his tail and rubbed Su Fan's trousers, energetically saying that he could fight again!
"Okay." Su Fan put away the retired shadow stone and said with a smile, "Try Huanyue."


Cola stared at the big tree enthusiastically, his eyes wide.

half an hour.


(End of this chapter)

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