Chapter 15 Charging Tips

It looked back at Su Fan, not understanding.

What skill is this?
"So this is not stable?" It sometimes works but sometimes doesn't work.

Su Fan called Coke over and asked, "Think about it, how did you escape from Mei Ji Anke's attack?"


Coke recalled what Su Fan said, that dead rabbit wanted to attack it, and then?

Then it froze, hey! The squirrel next to me was jumping around like a monkey, so funny!


Coca-Cola held his belly and rolled with laughter.

That Feng Lian Qi La is so useless, and the whole command relies on Mei Ji Anke. Those who don't know it think it is a beast master!


Su Fan smiled softly and didn't forget to break the Coke back and look at it:
"Meji ​​Anke used her skills, Feng Lianqi La was at a loss next to her, and what about you? How did you do it?"


Coke reluctantly suppressed a smile and regained some sense.

It vividly recounts to Su Fan the thrilling experience at that time.



It does this and that, and I do this and that.

Finally, I just——

Su Fan was caught off guard and met a pair of deep dark green eyes, like a calm lake after the rain.

Her last thought was that it was really convenient for pig teammates to cheat her own people.

After adjusting, Su Fan continued to guide Coke to recall the state in which the skill was activated.

Of course, when activating the ability in the end, you must not look at the beastmaster himself.

Fortunately, Coke's current skill proficiency is not high, and his control is not precise, so it does not take long to pull people into the illusion.

However, such a small amount of time may be the key to a comeback in battle.

It should be noted that on the playing field, no opportunity can be missed.

Coca-Cola, on the other hand, slowly touched the threshold while constantly thinking about it.

There was some noise in the tree. When Coke raised his head, a gray sparrow fell down.

Just using local materials, Coke practiced "Huan Yue" in front of this sparrow.

The skill "Huan Yue" belongs to the shadow type which is more focused on mental attacks. It is an intermediate skill. According to Coke's progress, one can get started in just a few days.

Su Fan called up the illustrated book.

【技能:撕咬(精通5/10);隐身(精通4/10);尾攻(入门9/10);幻月(未稳定 1/10),冰刃(未稳定 1/10);冰息(未掌握0/10);月影(未掌握 0/10)】


Su Fan wondered in his mind, compared with just now, all the energy was mobilized, practicing bites and tail attacks, and it increased a bit. Could it be that the skill points are based on energy consumption?

Or, all the energy is used in one skill, and if it is consumed once, the mastery point will increase a little.

This is much better than training without goals!

Practice skills every day, and your points will naturally increase, and your mastery will become more and more sophisticated. From entry to mastery to integration to success to perfection, one day you will completely master all skills and become the best in the world.

Su Fan planned to practice in the order on the illustration table, but it was a bit energy-consuming.

The training items to replenish energy cost coins, but they are cost-effective.

She checked. On this blue star, it is not easy to master skills and proficiency. If you add all kinds of training, registration and nutrition, it is much more expensive than replenishing energy!

So Su Fan comforted himself this way: It hurts for a while, but feels comfortable for a lifetime!
She opened a certain treasure, flipped through it, and reluctantly placed an order.

[Ding Dong: Your balance is 22,000]



Cola held the sparrow who fainted again with one hand and came to Su Fan's side.

"Come on, do you feel the energy consumption crisis?"

"Yue" it felt for a moment and shook its head decisively, "Yue!"

Full of energy, healthy and uplifted!

"You do!" Su Fan patted his head hard, "You feel like your energy is exhausted, don't you?"

Su Fan slapped his forehead loudly.

Cola took a step back in fear for no apparent reason. His intuition told him that it was best to follow the beastmaster's words: "Moon."

"Very good." A mysterious smile appeared on Su Fan's face, "I ordered some more energy props for you, shadow stones, energy props that are better than shadow stones. I bought three!" "In addition, there is snow. Plum fruit, a delicious fruit that is more nutritious than snow plums, replenishes energy and lays a solid foundation!"

"Like it or not! Surprised or not! Unexpected or not!"

Cola swallowed, and the sparrow in his paws groaned.

The beastmaster's face that looked like he was crying but not smiling was really ugly.


It nods wildly and likes surprises! I like it very much!
It patted its chest and promised that it would practice well and live up to the beast master's hard work!
"Be good~ That's good, go ahead."

Su Fan smiled kindly and let the Coke go.

Coke felt relieved and did not let go of the faintly awakening sparrow.

Today is Saturday.

Su Fan took Coke and practiced in the park until sunset.

Except for "Huan Yue" which requires some effort to polish, "Ice Blade" is faster than "Huan Yue".

Mental skills are not as easy to master as pure attack skills, but she has time to take her time.

"Coke, that's it for today, let's go home!"


Saying goodbye to the sparrow who had worked hard all day in vain, Coke still paid some bread crumbs as a reward.

The main reason is that Su Fan thinks it is easier to open the business if he is paid, and they will come tomorrow, right?

As a boss, you should be generous during the start-up period so that there will be no shortage of employees.


Coke hugged Coke and drank happily.

"Moon Hiccup!"

"Be careful! Be careful with my clothes!"

"Moon! Hiccup!"

There was really nothing he could do about it. Coke liked to squat on his head, so Su Fan just let it go.

Today was a fruitful day.

On the brink of bankruptcy today.

Just like this, he returned home happily while struggling. Su Fan saw Zhizhi pouring something.


Snowball and Sesame saw them coming back and welcomed them.


"What are you doing?"

Su Fan was puzzled by its operation.

Why take the cotton wool out of the toy ball and put the gravel in it again?

Zhima simply moved her lips and asked them to ask about glutinous rice balls.

Tangyuan was cooking in the kitchen, and Su Fan intuitively felt that he could not disturb a housekeeper who loved cooking.

That's not very ethical.

So she squatted and watched Open Sesame - oh, the follow-up.

In fact, there was nothing to follow. Sesame let them stare, methodically packed the gravel, sewed the bag, tied it to his leg, and started running the wheel.

It glanced at Su Fan.

Su Fan suddenly realized.

It turns out that this is the "Sesame version" weight loss device!

It turns out that my parents still have glutinous rice balls and have never given up sesame seeds.

Su Fan smiled and glanced at Coke, who spat the Coke back into the bottle out of boredom.


Why look at it?

Su Fan suddenly had an idea: "Will you try vomiting again?"

Coke vomited again.

Sesame rolled his eyes.

But Su Fan took out the shadow stone as if it were a treasure and looked at Coke with burning eyes: "Can you try to charge energy into it?"

(End of this chapter)

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