Chapter 286 Leeches
Humph. Everyone of us relied on our own abilities to get out of the forest, but why do we need help from these two people?

If she had discovered their true identities before, she might have returned to help them, but who made them reveal their true identities now?

Liu Ming was really surprised that his sister could say such words. It turned out that his sister could also say such profound words.

Feng Caixia was so angry, but Liu Yue said so in front of everyone. Even if Feng Caixia was dissatisfied, she couldn't say it now. If she continued to say anything, it would be considered as being unreasonable.

Moreover, there are so many people here, and at present, their strength is stronger than himself and Zhao Yu. If they turn against each other, they will be the only ones who will suffer in the end.

Wait, wait until they get out of here and see if she doesn't find a chance to punish them.

Zhao Yu, who had remained silent the whole time, was angry that Yu Wen and the others had left him and Feng Caixia behind, but he was smarter than Feng Caixia and would not say anything offensive in front of these people.

In fact, with Feng Caixia around, he didn't need to do many things personally, and even if he had to offend someone, it wouldn't be him who did it.

"Caixia, sit down and heal your wounds quickly. We still need to continue the journey and we can't waste everyone's time."

After saying that, she smiled apologetically at everyone and said, "I'm sorry, Caixia is just a little unhappy because she was injured. I didn't mean to target you."


If you really wanted to apologize, what were you doing before? You had to wait until the siblings had said so much that the other person was speechless before you apologized. Don't you think it's a little late?

Everyone is not a fool, but they are still trying to break through the cave of Yuanying Zhenjun. There is no need to argue with each other at this time. Breaking through the cave is what is important.

Yu Wen and others just nodded lightly, indicating that the matter was over.

Zhao Yu didn't care about the attitudes of the Liu siblings, as long as the two people from the Yu family revealed the matter.

Zhao Yudu had spoken, so Feng Caixia had no choice but to stop and sit down to take pills to heal her wounds.

Seeing that they had calmed down, Han Xin and the others continued to recover their spiritual energy.

After Yu Wen and the others' spiritual energy was restored, they opened their eyes one after another. In the end, only Zhao Yu and Feng Caixia were still meditating. Since they had to wait for them, everyone gathered together.

Shi Yan asked, "Fellow Daoist Yu, can you tell us about the situation at the third level?"

Thinking of the third level, not only Yu Wen, but the other three also shuddered at the same time.

Han Xin saw this and couldn't help but feel a little worried, "Is the third level difficult?"

I'm afraid it's not just difficult, right? I'm afraid these four people suffered a great loss in the third level.

"It should be considered difficult. In fact, we only covered less than one-tenth of the distance before we retreated." Thinking of what he faced at that time, Yu Qing shuddered again.

Ouch, she can’t think about it. As soon as she thought about it, she got goosebumps and felt cold all over her body, as if something was crawling all over her body.

"What do you mean by difficult? It's terrifying." Liu Yue disagreed with what Yu Qing said.

The next moment he thought of something, said "Huh", and then rubbed his two little arms vigorously.

"What's going on?" The two guys talked for a long time but couldn't tell the main point at all, which made Han Xin anxious.

Seeing that she was getting impatient, Yu Wen said, "Let me tell you." Oh. It turned out that the next level was to pass through a tunnel and underground river of nearly 300 meters. If it was just an underground river, it would be nothing, but the underground river was densely packed with blood-sucking leeches.

Not only were there leeches in the water, but because the tunnel was damp, there were also countless leeches crawling in the water and on the mountain walls.

Not only are there a lot of leeches, but they also eat things that contain spiritual energy. No matter what barriers or spiritual energy shields there are, they can't stop the leeches at all. At most, they can only slow down their speed.

What is the nature of leeches? They suck blood, so you must not let them get close to you.

Normally, for cultivators like them, a distance of more than 300 meters should be quickly covered. However, for some reason, the water had a very strong suction force, which prevented them from flying above the water.

Whether it is a boat sailing on the water or a person swimming in the water, the speed of advancement will be limited.

Who knows, this stage will test them to make it to the other side alive.

Thinking of the leech's dark, red, and soft body, clinging to her body to suck blood, and drilling into her body to suck blood, Han Xin couldn't help but shiver.

The last thing she wanted to face was that soft and cold animal.

"That's fine, Fellow Daoist Han, do you know? The leeches can either be frozen so that they can't move, or burned to death. But the water in the tunnel can't freeze at all, and the fire can only burn the leeches lying outside. There is no way to kill the leeches in the water. Moreover, leeches have a strong regenerative ability. If you attack them with swords, no matter how many sections they are cut into, they will not die. Instead, the cut leeches will grow a complete body again and become a new life."

"That's so harsh. Have you thought of any way to cross the dark river?"

"We made a few ordinary boats. We chose the hardest ironwood as the material. I hope the leeches can't chew them." Yu Qing said and sighed.

"Iron wood also contains spiritual energy. Will it work?" Han Xin asked.

Anything that grows in the world of cultivation, even ordinary things, will be more or less contaminated with some spiritual energy.

"The spiritual energy in the ironwood is very thin, and it is strong enough. Even if it is still gnawed, it should be able to survive for a while. If it doesn't work, we have prepared several ships. If we use all of them, we should be able to reach the other side."

Having said that, Yu Qing still wasn't sure whether this method was feasible.

"I remember that leeches don't like the taste of mugwort, and mugwort can also inhibit the growth of leeches."

Therefore, leeches generally dare not approach places where mugwort grows.

She knew this method when she was in the secular world, but she didn't know if it would work on the leeches in the world of cultivation?

"Where did you hear that? Is it reliable?"

Leeches are generally not common, and Yu Wen has never come into contact with them. He really doesn't know what there is to be afraid of leeches.

"This method is quite effective in the secular world. We can try applying mugwort juice all over the boat to see if it can drive away the leeches."

"This method is feasible, but does anyone have mugwort?"

Mugwort doesn't smell very good, so who would put that on their body for no reason?

Yu Qing shook her head, "I didn't."

Liu Ming also shook his head.

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