Chapter 287 Dark River
Liu Yue: "What is mugwort?"

Everyone: "."

“It’s a kind of herb.”

Han Xin waved her hand and released a bundle.

This was what she asked Xiaoting to help purchase through the system when she heard there were leeches in the dark river.

It was a coincidence that Xiao Ai went to visit her relatives in the countryside. When she heard that they needed to exchange some mugwort, she picked up a sickle without saying a word and went to the field to cut mugwort.

Mugwort grows everywhere on the ridges of rural fields. There are also leeches in the paddy fields. Farmers often cut handfuls of mugwort and throw them into the paddy fields to kill the leeches.

However, because she was in a hurry to get it, they only exchanged this one for the time being.

Han Xin didn't know whether the mugwort from the secular world would have any effect on the leeches in the cultivation world, so she asked Xiao Ting to pick some and plant them in the space.

There was a thirty-fold time array disk installed by Xiao Ting in it. The space originally had the effect of accelerating the growth of plants, and now with the addition of the time array disk, the growth rate was even faster.

During the time that Han Xin was talking to everyone, the mugwort planted in the space had already sprouted more new buds.

"Ah, is this mugwort?" Liu Yue leaned over to look.

"Hey, I've seen this before. So this is mugwort." She sniffed it, then shook her head and said, "The smell seems a little lighter. Fellow Daoist Han, did you not preserve it well?"

"It's not that they are not preserved well, but these mugworts do not contain spiritual energy. They are not the species grown in the world of cultivation." After Yu Qing finished speaking, he looked at Han Xin.

"Haha. Daoist Yu is right. I picked these mugworts when I went to the mortal world for training. I put them in my storage bag."

Yu Qing worriedly asked, "Then... I wonder if these mugworts without spiritual energy can drive away the leeches. Will they be too weak to be effective?"

The others also looked at Han Xin. They were also worried that the mugwort without spiritual energy would not be effective.

Han Xin laughed, "Don't worry, everyone. If this mugwort without spiritual energy doesn't work, I'll take out mugwort with spiritual energy."

In order to avoid being approached by leeches, Han Xin made two preparations. She was also afraid that the mugwort containing spiritual energy would not be as effective as the one without spiritual energy, so she continued to purchase it from Xiao Ai.

It's cheap anyway, so even if she doesn't use it, she won't feel bad about throwing it away.

After hearing this, everyone finally smiled.

Regardless of whether this mugwort can really play the role of driving away evil spirits as Fellow Daoist Han said, at least we now have one more solution, right?
With one more solution, everyone felt relatively relaxed, and continued to analyze some problems in the level. Only after Zhao Yu and Feng Caixia recovered from their injuries and replenished their spiritual energy did Han Xin and the others stand up.

Yu Wen brushed off the non-existent dust on his body and said to everyone, "Now that everyone is here, let's move on to the next level."

Zhao Yu felt uncomfortable when he saw that no one took the initiative to inform him and Feng Caixia about the next level.

However, in order to avoid being so passive in the next level, he had to ask in person.

"Fellow Daoist Yu, I wonder what the next level is. Do we need to prepare for anything?"

In fact, even if Zhao Yu didn't ask, Yu Wen would have told them. He didn't want these two people to watch like masters while he and his men were busy trying to figure out how to cross the underground river.

He briefly explained the situation, and finally said: "When fighting, it is best for you two to use fire or ice spells. These two spells are most harmful to leeches. Don't use swords or knives to cut them. Not only will you not be able to kill the leeches, but the number of leeches will only increase in the end."

Zhao Yu clasped his fists and said, "Thank you, Daoist Yu, for telling me." "It's nothing. We are all on the same team, so this is the way it should be."

Zhao Yu: Then why didn’t we see you enter the woods to help us before?

Not long after they walked, they entered a tunnel about ten meters wide. They couldn't see the end of the tunnel, but they could hear the sound of gurgling water. Because they were far away, the sound was not very clear.

But as they entered, the sound of running water became louder and louder.

It was dark in the cave, but with the divine consciousness present, it did not affect vision.

As they got closer to the dark river, the temperature around them became lower and lower, and a chilly feeling spread throughout their bodies.

"Okay, let's stop here first." Yu Wen, who was walking in front, stopped and spoke to stop everyone.

"Is it almost time? Do we need to take out the mugwort now?" Han Xin asked.

At the same time, notify Xiaoting in the space to arrange for the harvest of the mugwort planted in the space.

Han Xin had actually already seen the dark river ahead, but the main focus of her words was on the second sentence.

"Take it out, and we'll apply mugwort juice here."

If you go any further, you will be attacked by scattered leeches. Those leeches are powerful and can fly.

Han Xin released two piles of mugwort at the same time. She pointed at one of them and said, "This pile does not contain spiritual energy, and that pile does. If you want to know whether it works, you can take a few of each to do a test. If it doesn't work, you don't need to waste time applying it later."

"Okay, leave it to me. You all wait here." After Yu Wen said that, he bent down, picked up a few sticks, then turned and left.

"Awen, I'll go with you."

Liu Ming was worried about letting Awen go alone, and with Fellow Daoist Shi here, he was not worried that Zhao Yu and the others would cause any trouble.

Yu Wen did not refuse, and Liu Ming caught up with him in a few steps.

Although Han Xin and others did not go over, their spiritual consciousness followed the two of them.

So we were delighted to see that both types of mugwort could repel leeches.

It’s just that the two types of mugwort have different effects in repelling leeches. The mugwort that contains spiritual energy has a strong smell and a more obvious effect, so leeches stay away from it.

On the contrary, for the mugwort that does not contain spiritual energy, leeches will stop moving after they are two meters away from it.

Han Xin found that the one containing spiritual energy was better, so she put out some more mugwort and squeezed it into liquid. She did not throw away the remaining residue, but put it into several bags.

When mugwort is squeezed into residue, its smell is stronger than when it is still individual strands. You can use it as a sachet, which can also ward off leeches.

Shi Yan did not move, but kept observing the surroundings with his spiritual sense, especially Feng Caixia and Zhao Yu. He was paying special attention to them, fearing that the two of them would do something when no one was paying attention.

Yu Qing and Liu Yue helped. They each took out two containers, one for mugwort juice and the other for mugwort residue.

Zhao Yu did not join the other female cultivators, and Feng Caixia did not step forward to help either, as she felt that such miscellaneous work was not something that someone of her status as a descendant of an aristocratic family would do.

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