Chapter 1 Bankruptcy
Hospital emergency room.

Yan Qiqi's face turned pale and she slumped on the chair.

Just now, she and her mother watched her father jump off a building. Her mother fainted and suffered a heart attack because of the sudden stimulation.

"Are Ms. Su's family members here?"

The door to the operating room opened, and a doctor in a white coat walked out.

"Doctor, how is my mother?"

Seeing Yan Qiqi, the doctor had a serious look on his face.

"Your mother has a heart attack and is in very bad condition. She needs surgery immediately. Please sign the form and pay the fee!"

Hearing the bad news, Yan Qiqi shook her body. She had just lost her father and could not lose her mother again!
She hurriedly took the surgery information form and signed it tremblingly, then turned to go to the payment window.

"This bank card has been frozen and cannot be used." The staff handed the card out.

Yan Qiqi couldn't believe it. The unlimited black card her father gave her was suddenly frozen.

Yan Qiqi panicked for a moment and subconsciously called Huo Jinzhou, her husband who she had always relied on.

"Jinzhou, where are you? My father jumped off the building, my mother suffered a heart attack due to stimulation, and my bank card has been frozen. Please call me 500,000 yuan for emergency response!"

There was silence for a while on the other side of the phone, and then a sneer reached Yan Qiqi's ears: "Ha..."

"It would be best if all the Yan family members died."

"What did you say?" Yan Qiqi felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave for a moment, thinking that she was hearing hallucinations.

There was only a beeping busy tone on the phone.

Every word she just said pierced Yan Qiqi's heart like an ice pick. She dialed the number again in disbelief, but no one answered the call.

The bank card was frozen. She was used to using cards and didn't have much money on her phone, but her mother was still waiting for her to save her life.

She took a deep breath and said, "I'll go home and get the money."

After saying that, he quickly ran out of the hospital.

She still wanted to go home and figure out what Huo Jinzhou meant by what he said today!
At the entrance of the villa, several figures blocked the front and stopped Yan Qiqi with expressionless faces.

Yan Qiqi was stunned for a moment and asked anxiously, "Uncle Zhang, where is Jinzhou? Is Jinzhou at home?"

"Mr. Huo doesn't want to see you, please leave." The butler stretched out his hand to signal.

This is her home! How dare the housekeeper stop her from entering? What does Huo Jinzhou mean?
No matter what, she would ask Huo Jinzhou to find out clearly today.

Yan Qiqi pushed the bodyguard away and was about to rush in. The next moment, she was thrown out by the bodyguard. She squatted on the ground in disbelief.

At this moment, a figure stood in front of her.

The man's black trench coat fluttered in the wind, and a dozen bodyguards followed him.

His facial features are sharp but handsome, and his deep outlines are so perfect that they don’t look like a real person. They are like a grand scene outlined by distant mountains and clear waters. His brows and eyes are obviously very cold, but they have a fascinating and fascinating look that makes people unable to miss him at just one glance. sight. This is her husband, Huo Jinzhou.

Since their marriage, Huo Jinzhou has doted on her and is the envy of everyone in City A.

But at this moment, the man's usually gentle face was as cold as ice.

Looking at his cold eyes, Yan Qiqi felt a little strange.

"Jinzhou, what you said on the phone..." Yan Qiqi's voice trembled, "What does it mean?"

"Literally." Huo Jinzhou curled his lips sarcastically, "I, Huo Jinzhou, wish that all of your Yan family would die."

Every word, like thunder, exploded in Yan Qiqi's ears.

"No, it's impossible!" Yan Qiqi trembled crazily, "Aren't we husband and wife? How could you do this to me?"

"Is it true that all the kindness you have shown me over the years is just an illusion?"

"I just know it now. It seems that I have endured humiliation for so many years and pretended to be the same." Huo Jinzhou sneered.

"Why did you lie to me?" Yan Qiqi knelt on the ground and looked at the man with his raised chin in disbelief.

"Why? Why not ask your good father what he did more than ten years ago." Huo Jinzhou's voice should have been like a cello solo, low and sexy, but at this time it was as cold as frost.

"More than ten years ago, your father ruined my Huo family. Now, it's your turn to taste this. Do you feel better?"

Yan Qiqi's pupils dilated, did the Yan family ruin the Huo family? How come she doesn't know at all.

"So...from the beginning, you approached me just for revenge?"

Huo Jinzhou was just a poor boy back then. She forced her parents to agree to their marriage only by forcing her to die. Unexpectedly, the so-called true love was all an illusion and she was just a tool for Huo Jinzhou's revenge!

"You're not stupid yet, but it's already too late. Yan Qiqi, every day after I got married to you, I lived in great pain, but it's all over. Let's enjoy the rest of your life slowly."

Huo Jinzhou turned around and left.

However, Yan Qiqi grabbed the hem of his windbreaker and spoke so humbly for the first time: "Jinzhou, where is the money at home? Let me take out the money at home. Mom is still waiting for me to see a doctor."

At this time, she had no time to dwell on the fact that she couldn't enter her villa.

"Money? Where did the money come from? The Yan family has gone bankrupt, do you think you are still the superior eldest daughter of the Yan family?" Huo Jinzhou sneered, and without any nostalgia, he pulled out his windbreaker with his long fingers, "Let go. "

Yan Qiqi hugged his thigh and refused to let go.

"Huo Jinzhou, no matter what, for the sake of our relationship, can you give me 500,000? As long as 500,000, I will leave!"

Five hundred thousand is enough to treat her mother's illness, and she cannot just watch her mother die.

However, Huo Jinzhou sneered and looked at Yan Qiqi expressionlessly, his dark eyes full of ridicule, "Yan Qiqi, I feel extremely disgusted every day after I get married to you. Do you think I will give you fifty?" Ten thousand?"

(End of this chapter)

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