Chapter 2 Want to use my blood to save her?

Yan Qiqi knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Huo Jinzhou three times, "Please, I only want 500,000, you can do anything you want!"

Huo Jinzhou had a serious face and was about to have someone drive her out when he received a call.

"Mr. Huo, Miss Nie's illness has worsened again. She is in urgent need of blood transfusion!"


After hanging up the phone, Huo Jinzhou stared at Yan Qiqi with his deep eyes, "Take him away."

Several bodyguards rushed forward and escorted Yan Qiqi directly into the Maybach.

"Huo Jinzhou, where are you taking me?!" Yan Qiqi was frightened and panicked. Although she was willing to do anything, she was still afraid.

Huo Jinzhou held the steering wheel, glanced at Yan Qiqi in the back seat of the car, and said with disgust, "Noisy."

When she was thrown into the clean ward, she saw a pair of shiny and expensive leather shoes.

Yan Qiqi raised her head and met the man's dark and condensed gaze.

There was a wheelchair next to Huo Jinzhou, with a thin and pale woman sitting on it, staring at her with dark eyes.

The woman is very beautiful, the kind of beauty that is frail and endearing.

For some reason, Yan Qiqi felt that this woman seemed familiar.

Could she be the woman Huo Jinzhou raised outside?

"Nie Tong needs a blood transfusion."

Huo Jinzhou didn't explain, but just motioned to the bodyguards indifferently, and someone immediately stepped forward to restrain her.

Yan Qiqi seemed to have been slapped in the face again, causing her eyes to feel dizzy and her ears to ring.

In one day, she not only lost her father, but was also betrayed by her husband, whom she had loved for many years, and was forced to give her mistress a blood transfusion!

Why should she suffer this?
Yan Qiqi stood up suddenly, grabbed the water glass on the table nearby and slammed it down. The sound of glass splashing made everyone's hearts tremble. Yan Qiqi grabbed a sharp fragment.

Nie Tong in the wheelchair exclaimed, while Huo Jinzhou reacted quickly and stood in front of Nie Tong.

Unexpectedly, Yan Qiqi aimed the fragment at his neck.

"Blood disease?" A faint smile appeared on Yan Qiqi's lips, "Want to use my blood to save your mistress?"

After being married for many years, Yan Qiqi now feels that everything that happened to Huo Jinzhou in the past has become a joke, making her look more and more like a funny clown.

"My blood type is the only one known in the world to have Rhnull blood type."

She looked at Nie Tong with a smile, "I didn't expect you also have 'golden blood'."

As he spoke, the fragments moved inward, and Yan Qiqi slashed through his own neck without hesitation.

"You're crazy!" Huo Jinzhou's always cold handsome face finally had cracks, but the way he looked at Yan Qiqi was even more angry and disgusting.

"beg me."

She slowly straightened her back, and the expression on her face returned to the indifference and nobility of the first lady in City A.

"Kneel down and beg me to save your mistress, beg me not to die and not to destroy your mistress's only hope."

Yan Qiqi looked directly into Huo Jinzhou's black eyes, which were full of cold cruelty and hatred.

"Huo Jinzhou, you are such a beast! You used me, you killed my father, took away everything from the Huo family, and even wanted to force my mother to death! You kicked me out of the house and took everything that belonged to me. Looking at your mistress? Haha..."

Huo Jinzhou walked towards Yan Qiqi with one step. The violent aura surrounding him made all the bodyguards around him take a step back with pale faces. Even Nie Tong in the wheelchair shrank. But Yan Qiqi refused to give in, and the fragments pierced deeper.

Huo Jinzhou paused in his steps and looked at Yan Qiqi with squinted eyes, a trace of wavering flashing across his face.

Yan Qiqi's heart hurt even more, and a low laugh escaped from her mouth.

"Huo are fine!"

This is Huo Jinzhou!
This is his legally registered husband, whom he has been with for many years!
She had always thought that wind and rain could not bend his back, and his coldness and ruthlessness just now would not change in any way.

Now, he actually plans to bend to her for another woman?

"Brother Huo." A sweet voice suddenly came from behind Huo Jinzhou.

Huo Jinzhou turned around, and Nie Tong pushed the wheelchair to Huo Jinzhou's side, holding Huo Jinzhou's slender fingers with his small hand, "Should I talk to her alone?"

"No." Huo Jinzhou refused without thinking.

No one can predict what Yan Qiqi will do now.

"Miss Yan." Nie Tong had no choice but to turn to Yan Qiqi and said, "I'm sorry about what happened to the Yan family. Brother Huo..."

"Tell me the important point." Yan Qiqi calmly interrupted Nie Tong's words, and her cold and disgusting eyes glanced across inadvertently. Nie Tong immediately bit her lip and lowered her head as if she was stung by something.

"Without your blood, I will die." Nie Tong's face was full of pain and helplessness. "I promise you that I will help you pay for your mother's surgery. Please save me."

"Save you?" Yan Qiqi turned to Huo Jinzhou with a mocking look on her face and said succinctly: "Follow all my mother's treatment expenses. Give me five million a month and transfer the Yan family's villa to my mother's name."

"You're dreaming." Huo Jinzhou sneered.

"Why, your mistress's life is not worth this money?" Yan Qiqi sneered, "Besides, these originally belonged to the Yan family."

"Yan, Qi, Qi!" Huo Jinzhou's face looked like a storm was about to come.

"Sign the agreement, find a lawyer to notarize it, now! Immediately! Go and pay off my mother's surgery fee!"

Yan Qiqi calmly made her request, "Otherwise, you will watch your mistress die."

Blood flowed down her bloody palms, but the smile on Yan Qiqi's face became more and more beautiful, "Is my life worthy of your mistress's?"

"You're not worthy." Huo Jinzhoujun's face was full of the impending storm, and he finally told the housekeeper coldly, "Go and draw up an agreement."

"Master..." Uncle Zhang glared at Yan Qiqi hatefully, then turned around and left with an expression of reluctance.

Yan Qiqi took a deep breath, and it wasn't until she saw Huo Jinzhou signing the agreement with her own eyes, and her mother's hospitalization fee being paid into the account, that she softened and threw away the fragments in her hands.

"Take her to have her blood drawn." Huo Jinzhou seemed unwilling to look at Yan Qiqi one more time, and after giving the order, he left the ward first.

The two bodyguards held Yan Qiqi down and walked towards the blood collection room. In an instant, only Nie Tong and Uncle Zhang were left in the gorgeous ward.

After a while——

"Uncle Zhang." Nie Tong looked melancholy at the direction Huo Jinzhou left, "It's all for me..."

Tears flashed in her eyes again, "It's all because of me that Brother Huo was threatened by that woman."

A trace of cruelty flashed across Uncle Zhang's face, "Don't worry, Miss Nie. No one can threaten the young master."

Since Yan Qiqi is so vicious, let her die in the blood collection room.

(End of this chapter)

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