It turned out that from the beginning, she was treated as a pawn in this game.

She put down her phone gently, but her steps were as heavy as lead. It turns out that the so-called love and the so-called care are all false bubbles.

Jiang Ying, the person she once thought she could trust, turned out to be just using her to achieve his own goals.

She suddenly remembered what Jiang Ying once said to her, those sweet words, those gentle eyes, all became so sarcastic.

Yan Qiqi felt an indescribable anger and disappointment in her heart.

She didn't understand why Jiang Ying did this and why he wanted to deceive her feelings.

She didn't even understand why Su Yueyan treated her like this. There was no deep hatred between them, so why did he design to frame her like this.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm down her emotions.

She knew that the most important thing now was to calm down and not be carried away by anger. She wants to find out the truth and make Jiang Ying and Su Yueyan pay the price.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on her lips, and her mood became much calmer.

After all, this result was also within his expectation. It was not surprising, but the strange thing was that he really believed in Jiang Ying.

Thinking of this, when she turned to leave, she accidentally bumped into the hurried waiter, who apologized profusely.

Yan Qiqi froze and turned to look in the direction of Jiang Ying. He just happened to look at her, but the other party quickly looked away.

Then there was a sound from inside.

"Nothing but a waiter."

There was a response from inside.

Hearing this, Yan Qiqi was a little confused, but she didn't say a word and just turned around and left the hotel.

She knew there were more important things, such as tomorrow's report that hadn't been sorted out yet.

Back at Huo's house, Yan Qiqi saw Huo Jinzhou sitting on the sofa as soon as she walked in. The TV was turned on, and it was playing financial reports.

She turned around and was about to go upstairs, but was stopped.

"Yan Qiqi, are you ready to leave the company?"

Perhaps because she was gambling in her heart, she turned to look at Huo Jinzhou with a faint smile on her lips.

"Don't bother Mr. Huo with this."

After saying this, Yan Qiqi strode upstairs.

She finished everything she needed to do for tomorrow's report in one go.

At the same time, on the other side, the face he just saw kept popping up in Jiang Ying's mind. Perhaps he was so absorbed that he didn't even come back to his senses when Su Yueyan next to him called him.

Until Su Yueyan finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"what are you thinking about?"

Hearing this, Jiang Ying finally came back, but had no intention of continuing to deal with it, and only said a few casual words.

Su Yueyan noticed something was wrong and couldn't help but frown. Just when she was about to say something, she heard Jiang Ying casually make an excuse to leave.

She finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"You can't really fall in love with Yan Qiqi, right?"

Jiang Ying was stunned for a moment before he seemed to react. His face was pale, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or unhappy. He just glanced at Su Yueyan.

"No, and it's none of your business."

"It's not my responsibility? Jiang Ying, don't forget, you still want to marry the Su family."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Yueyan saw a look of disgust flash across Jiang Ying's face, and finally twitched her lips slightly.

"Even if I do what you said, will the Su family's marriage partners give priority to the Jiang family?"

"Miss Su family, as far as I know, your father has frequently met with two other families recently. Just for the sake of marriage, those two families have given a lot of benefits to the Su family. Is there still one missing from my Jiang family?" Jiang Ying The tone was neither salty nor bland, as if he was just stating a fact. Su Yueying choked and looked at Jiang Ying's indifferent expression, unable to say even a single word.

"I hope Miss Su will not meddle in my personal affairs in the future. In the same way, I will pretend that I don't know about the dog-licking male models around Miss Su."

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

After saying that, Jiang Ying didn't care if Su Yueying had anything else to say, and walked directly outside. However, he thought of that pretty face again for no reason. It wasn't disbelief or disgust, but it was as indifferent as ever.

It was as if he was just a stranger to her.

What a ridiculous word.

Jiang Ying's lips felt cold, and he subconsciously took out a cigarette and started smoking it under the moonlight.

In the midst of the smoke, Jiang Ying's expression flashed with confusion.

Meanwhile, on the other side.

Su Yueyan's face turned extremely ugly after Jiang Ying left.

She didn't expect Jiang Ying to point it out directly. She even vaguely realized that Jiang Ying's use of Yan Qiqi was not as simple as the initial use.

Her intuition told her that Jiang Ying's heart was moved.

The anger in Su Yueyan's heart rose in vain for a while. If she hadn't been tempted, she wouldn't have pointed it out to herself, and she wouldn't have been stunned when she asked that question earlier.

That woman is really clever.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Su Yueyan's lips, and the next moment, the goblet in her hand fell to the ground. With a crisp sound, the red wine in the glass was scattered on the floor, and there were glass fragments everywhere.

But Su Yueyan didn't feel relieved at all.

She didn't understand why both of them were obsessed with Yan Qiqi.

She is obviously just an extremely despicable woman...


When the sun shines into Huo's house, Yan Qiqi has already prepared in the study, waiting for today's report. She knows very well that no matter how many twists and turns she experienced yesterday, there still cannot be any negligence in today's work.

When she arrived at the Huo Group and walked into the conference room, Yan Qiqi saw Huo Jinzhou's deep eyes, which seemed to be examining her. Her heart tightened slightly, but she quickly regained her composure.

"Secretary Yan, I hope your report today will satisfy us." Assistant Liu's voice was calm and powerful, as if he was hinting at something.

Yan Qiqi smiled slightly, took a deep breath, and began her report.

She analyzed market trends in detail, demonstrated the company's development potential, and made practical recommendations.

She summarized the reasons for the company's stock decline during this period. Her voice was confident and firm, which moved everyone present.

After the report, there was warm applause in the conference room. Huo Jinzhou looked at Yan Qiqi, with an unknown meaning flashing in his eyes.

Several company executives discussed her proposal, but most of them expressed appreciation.

Yan Qiqi smiled slightly, but her heart did not relax.

But at least I achieved my goal of staying in the company.

Yan Qiqi returned to her workstation. At this moment, Jiang Ying came over and placed an iron box on the table.

She frowned.

"No need, take your things back."

Looking up, Yan Qiqi noticed that Jiang Ying pursed her lips, and there was a bit of sadness in her usually hot and optimistic expression.


Yan Qiqi almost felt that she had seen it wrong, and then raised the corners of her lips in self-mockery.

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