Is the other party sad because he can no longer use him?

Thinking of this, Yan Qiqi's expression became sarcastic.

"I baked this with my own hands."

Yan Qiqi twitched her lips and showed a sarcastic smile.

"No need, and I already know your purpose. There is no need to pretend like this. Besides, you saw me yesterday."

Jiang Ying was stunned, obviously not expecting Yan Qiqi to say that. He opened his mouth, but in the end he was left powerless.

Yan Qiqi looked at her, not feeling satisfied that she had exposed the other party's true face.

She twitched her lips in a self-deprecating tone, maybe in Jiang Ying's eyes she was just so easy to deceive.

However, she didn't like Jiang Ying in the first place, so she didn't feel sad now. Her eyes were slightly cold and she looked up at Jiang Ying.

"Sorry." Jiang Ying looked at Yan Qiqi, with complicated eyes flashing, as if he wanted to explain something, but in the end he said nothing and turned around to leave.

Yan Qiqi looked at Jiang Ying's leaving figure, feeling a surge of complicated emotions in her heart, but at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief.

It was just for no reason that Jiang Ying's back looked particularly pitiful. But then, Yan Qiqi thought that she had never been sorry to Jiang Ying from the beginning to the end. It was the other party who tried every means to get close to her, and it was also based on the premise of using herself. .

But he discovered it in time and quickly pulled away. From the beginning to the end, there was no ambiguity about the way Jiang Ying treated his friends.

Yan Qiqi closed her eyes and continued to look at the document in her hand.

Jiang Ying didn't take the box away, but kept it on her workstation. After a long time, Yan Qiqi couldn't help but put the box back on Jiang Ying's workstation.

For the next period of time, she and Jiang Ying were still in a relationship where they never looked up. Yan Qiqi didn't understand why Jiang Ying, a son of a wealthy family who owned a company, chose to continue working in this company.

When he first joined the company, he could have explained that Jiang Ying wanted to use himself, but what reason was he using now? Yan Qiqi doesn’t understand.

But fortunately, getting along is getting along, and Jiang Ying didn't ask for trouble by looking for Yan Qiqi.

Even Huo Jinzhou seemed to have taken the wrong medicine and stopped torturing her, so the work became particularly easy.

She was naturally happy and free.

One day, before getting off work, it suddenly started pouring rain outside.

Hearing the sound of colleagues discussing how to get back from get off work later, Yan Qiqi was absent-minded, but he was not bothered by this matter.

Recently, Huo Jinzhou still takes her to and from get off work every day. Even if something happens, he will ask his family driver to take her to and from get off work. Apart from their work relationship, the two of them have almost no communication in private.

However, Yan Qiqi would not simply think that Huo Jinzhou had found the truth or that he no longer resented himself for the past. That was completely impossible.

She was distracted because the month hadn't come yet, so she was a little nervous and planned to buy a test strip to take a test.

When it was time to get off work, Yan Qiqi packed up her things and walked towards the door.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I saw the familiar black extended version of Lincoln and a stunning Rolls-Royce.

Jiang Ying stood next to the Rolls-Royce car. When he saw Yan Qiqi, his eyes suddenly lit up and he walked towards her faster.

"Sister, I have something I want to talk to you about." Jiang Ying's expression was sincere.

Yan Qiqi looked indifferent. In the past, Jiang Ying had used this pitiful look to convince himself that the other party was innocent countless times.

Thinking of this, Yan Qiqi even felt a little more bored. She didn't know how long Jiang Ying would keep pretending.

But no matter what means the other party plans to use, I won't believe it even half a cent this time.

"There's nothing to talk about between us."

Hearing this, Jiang Ying's expression suddenly dimmed.

"Sister, I swear, I really have something important to tell you this time. Just trust me again!"

"I won't borrow you for too long. As long as you listen to what I have to say, I won't bother you again." Jiang Ying said with a wry smile, and there was even a bit of pleading in his eyes.

Yan Qiqi frowned: "Half an hour." Jiang Ying's eyes lit up and he was about to let Yan Qiqi get in the car. The latter frowned slightly and glanced at Lincoln not far away. She could even feel that she was being driven by the car. Separated by the window, there was a look with a hint of disgust.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here."

"Sister, I just want to tell you about this. There are people coming and going here..."

Jiang Ying didn't say anything further, but Yan Qiqi also knew what the other party meant.

There are people coming and going here. If you say something here, it will definitely attract the attention of others. When the time comes, what they say will be heard by others and spread throughout the company.

In the end, Yan Qiqi took a deep breath and compromised.

She got into the car.

Behind him, in the Lincoln.

The driver asked cautiously: "Boss, do you want to catch up?"

Huo Jinzhou's eyes were cold, and his whole body was constantly exuding a cold aura.


The driver heard this and started the vehicle.


Inside the cafe.

There were not many customers inside.

Yan Qiqi looked cold.

Jiang Ying raised his eyes: "It's almost evening now, so I won't drink coffee. What can I drink?"

"No, just say it."

Jiang Ying was stunned and ordered a latte.

"I admit that I got close to you for other reasons at first, but the closer I get, the more I realize that you are not as simple as I saw..." Jiang Ying paused, smiling bitterly, "Those biscuits are indeed I made it myself, and the words I said to you are not all lies."

Yan Qiqi had a pale look on her face: "Well, is there anything else?"

Jiang Ying was silent for a moment before speaking: "Actually, I have another question to ask you. Do you really like Huo Jinzhou? He obviously married you for his own purposes, but he got you involved, but you are still willing to get close to him , and even served as his secretary..."

Yan Qiqi's eyes grew colder: "I don't think these things have anything to do with you, right?"

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

As soon as the words fell, Yan Qiqi stood up.

"Indeed not." Jiang Ying smiled self-deprecatingly, "There is one more question."

"Does that mean you have even the slightest affection for me?"

Yan Qiqi answered quickly this time.

She said: No.

Hearing this, Jiang Ying's eyes were full of reluctance, and then turned into relief. He looked deeply at Yan Qiqi.

"That's fine. I'm leaving soon. I have a ticket for tonight. We will meet again next time."

After Yan Qiqi heard the last sentence, she stood up, turned around and left without any hesitation.

After all, she didn't think this matter had anything to do with her.

From beginning to end, Jiang Ying did help him, but the other party's goal from the beginning was to get something from him.

It's not pure, so why should she feel guilty?

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