Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 108 Absolut’s Peak Combat Power

Chapter 108 Absolut’s Peak Combat Power


Kingdom Tartarus was obviously a little confused, and Wu Xunfeng also analyzed it unhurriedly.

"That's right, it's you. When you met Gauss and Justis before, they were probably targeting you."

"Goss and Justis were ordered by Dracion to stop you and even kill you, an Absolute who may pose a danger to the universe."

"Although you ran away later, it does not mean that you have escaped from Dracion's monitoring range."

"When you travel through various parallel universes again, Dracion completely locks you in, and then follows you to this universe."

Wu Xunfeng had already told the truth of the matter, but there was one thing he didn't say later.

Originally, Dracion wanted to get rid of the unstable factor in the Kingdom of Tartarus.

But when Dracion followed Kingdom Tartarus and came to the universe where Wu Xunfeng was.

Seeing such a big Absolute, he immediately lost his composure, which is why the current scene happened.

After all, the ultimate life form of an Absolute man has already given Dracion a headache.

He was even listed as an unstable factor that could destroy the universe, and when Dracion followed the Kingdom of Tartarus to this universe.

When Wu Xunfeng saw the Absolute, he probably listed the Absolute as a great disaster in the entire multiverse.

Otherwise, Dracion would not have been able to send so many Giga Endoras. This is a treatment that no villain in the universe has enjoyed.

Therefore, Wu Xunfeng probably guessed the other party's purpose of coming. The other party came for destruction.

However, Wu Xunfeng was not scared or frightened. Instead, he felt that this timing was wonderful.

Just when he wanted to use an excuse to intervene in the affairs of the Kingdom of Light in the Main Universe, Dracion gave him such a big excuse. This was simply the most perfect reason.

Wu Xunfeng can use the Dracion incident as the perfect springboard to send troops into the main universe to intervene and find some talents and resources that Absolute needs.

However, Wu Xunfeng himself cannot leave the universe, because if he moves, Ao Wang Laoden will definitely prevent him from entering the main universe.

Because Wu Xunfeng is too powerful now, if Wu Xunfeng is allowed to enter the main universe, even if he is close to the main universe, it will pose a great threat to him.

Therefore, it was not convenient for Wu Xunfeng to come forward, but the juniors and ultimate life forms under him did not have any big problems.

Now it’s good, there’s no need to look for excuses. Speaking of which, it’s all thanks to the Kingdom of Tartarus.

If he hadn't been causing trouble every now and then, Dracion wouldn't have sent Justis and Gauss to track him down.

Especially after Kingdom Tartarus defeated Gauss and Jestis, Dracion's determination to track him became even stronger.

As for the current situation...it's not a big deal.

Wu Xunfeng just glanced at the picture on the monitor and gave orders directly to all the ultimate life forms present.

"Let's fight quickly, don't let the empire bear unnecessary losses, and let this little guy see our strength."

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

After hearing Wu Xunfeng's order, all the ultimate life forms present bowed to Wu Xunfeng very respectfully.

Then they disappeared one by one in front of Wu Xunfeng. Of course, the only one among them who did not salute was the Ampera star.

The Ampera star flicked his cloak and disappeared instantly. These ultimate life forms have mastered some space movement ability, so when their figures appear again.

It already appeared on the screen that Wu Xunfeng used to monitor the battlefield.

Kingdom Tartarus looked up at this scene with some surprise, because he felt that the efficiency of these ultimate life forms was too high.

And the scene that Kingdom Tartarus saw next was definitely something he would never forget in his life.

The one who is most impatient and wants to defeat the enemy first is actually the newly promoted Empire Tartarus.

Without hesitation, he directly fired out the ultimate beam of absolute destruction, instantly severely damaging an unsuspecting Giga Endora.

Then Empire Tartarus shuttled wildly among the mechanical army again, as if he was unparalleled, blasting one Groka Bishop after another.

And Empire Tartarus acted like a starting gun, and other ultimate life forms also made their own actions at this time.

As soon as Nyx thought, an extremely terrifying gravitational shock wave instantly swept across the starry sky where he was.

Countless Groka bishops were torn into pieces by the huge gravitational storm, and many Giga Endora were also torn apart by this huge gravitational force.

In a short time, these Giga Endoras were broken into pieces. The overall picture was that Nyx waved his hand gently.

Dozens of Giga Endoras in the starry sky ahead only resisted for a while, and then were completely torn into pieces and scattered in the starry sky.

In another scene, Ouranos made a domineering gesture.

All the Giga Endoras in his starry sky, as well as Bishop Groka, disappeared in an instant.

After about ten seconds, Ouranos reappeared in the starry sky, and the enemies that disappeared just now also appeared together.

At this time, most of those Giga Endora and Bishop Groka have become scrap metal.

These Giga Endora and Bishop Groka seem to have experienced the washing of the end of the world, with traces of being attacked by various attributes.

The three marshals on the other side also used their own light abilities to sweep the battlefield.

Each one of them has shown their invincibility. These Giga Endora and Bishop Groka are no match for them at all.

Although the remaining three marshals are not as efficient as Uranus and Nyx, they can still cause unilateral suppression of the enemy.

As for the five generals, they were a little worse. They only had a slight upper hand.

They didn't play like the previous players were crushing the game, but they were all playing against the opponent.

And when the perspective of Kingdom Tartarus shifted to the Ampera planet, the picture was also extremely exaggerated.

I saw the Ampera aliens continuously condensing energy in their hands, and produced one after another energy light bombs that were comparable to the size of the planet.

With a bang, it hit the army on the opposite side, its speed was even faster than the rate of fire of machine gun bullets.

So what Kingdom Tartarus saw was a spectacular scene of planet-sized balls of light bombarding the entire starry sky one after another.

If you want to talk about the lineup, the Ampera Stars are definitely full of people. In terms of destructive power, the Ampera Stars are second only to Nyx.

And this is the combat power of Absolut's peak ultimate life form.

These ultimate life forms are terrifying beings that can single-handedly hold off an army, or even annihilate a fleet under Dracion alone.

(End of this chapter)

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