Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 109: Why don’t you go with him?

Chapter 109: Why don’t you go with him?
No one among them is weak, and no one is weaker than Kingdom Tartarus.

At this time, the Kingdom of Tartarus was a little stunned because the impact of these pictures was too strong.

He couldn't react for a while, and even felt a bit magical.

If Absolut where he was was so strong, the Kingdom of Light would have been occupied by them long ago, right?
Kingdom Tartarus couldn't help but think so.

To be honest, in addition to being shocked and surprised, the Kingdom of Tartarus at this time also had some emotions.

Because what he didn't expect was that Absolut from other universes would be so awesome, which made him a little embarrassed.

But just watching the fierce battle in the field, Kingdom Tartarus was a little eager to try and wanted to fight.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, it seems that it is not his turn to take action, because the entire battlefield is almost wiped out by the twelve ultimate life forms of Absolut.

This is the true combat power of the ultimate life form, if no strong person of the same level comes to stop it.

When they fight this kind of army and this kind of mass-produced warships, no matter how advanced the opponent's technology is, they will basically be crushed.

Because the overall technological level of Ultra Universe, especially the technological level used in the military, is relatively low.

About half an hour later, Ouranos and the others returned to the conference room.

At this moment, the battle is completely over, and it seems that Dracion has not sent reinforcements yet.

So the remaining Absolut warriors were responsible for the cleanup work and began to clean the battlefield.

Because these ultimate life forms took action, Absolut's losses were nothing.

Except for the injuries of some Absolut warriors who fought in close combat with Bishop Groka, there were no deaths.

After all, the disparity in strength between the two sides is too great, and Absolut is not a civilization that Giga Endora can deal with.

However, after this battle, Wu Xunfeng had completely noticed Dracion, a special existence in the Ultra Universe.

Dracion, known as the creator god of the universe, no one knows what his actual identity is.

But Dracion has a super powerful technological empire, and it is with this technological empire that he sweeps across the entire multiverse.

So Wu Xunfeng is a little concerned about how high-tech this guy's technological empire is. Could it be a bigger improvement than it was for Absolute?

At this time, Wu Xunfeng not only set his sights on the scientists from the Kingdom of Light, but also set his sights on Dracion.

It just so happened that Wu Xunfeng on both sides had excuses to send troops, so Wu Xunfeng had no intention of letting them go.

At this time, Ouranos also briefly reported the battle situation he had obtained, and Wu Xunfeng also replied after hearing this.

"Then follow the established procedures and pay attention to prevent them from coming back to carry out sneak attacks."

Soon, Ouranos also completed the arrangement according to Wu Xunfeng's instructions.

Then Wu Xunfeng turned to look at Kingdom Tartarus and said.

"You said before that you wanted me to help you, right? Originally, I didn't want to go to war and cause a military disaster."

"But Dracion has gone too far, and I am very unhappy now, so I have decided that I will not only help you, but also teach Dracion a severe lesson."

Wu Xunfeng's tone was as calm as ever, but the murderous intent revealed in his words was not concealed at all.

Everyone present felt a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

With Wu Xunfeng's current strength, a slight fluctuation in his mood could frighten many people around him.

Although there was an element of acting in it, Dracion's behavior did violate Wu Xunfeng's bottom line.

Wu Xunfeng's bottom line is Absolut, after all, this is the source of his foundation and strength.

Anyone who dares to take advantage of Absolute must be punished by Wu Xunfeng.

Therefore, Wu Xunfeng had to severely punish Dracion, and of course, he also had to ruthlessly plunder their technology. There is no way, Absolut wants to continue to improve the level of civilization, and wants to continue to become bigger and stronger.

It’s definitely not possible to develop in an honest way. The speed is too slow and we have to wait until the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.

Therefore, Wu Xunfeng must plunder higher-level technologies to accelerate this development process.

Dracion and the Kingdom of Light in the main universe are the best choices.

Originally, Wu Xunfeng had no enmity with the Kingdom of Light in the main universe, nor did he have any enmity with Dracion.

There is no conflict of interest between the two parties, but with the intervention of Kingdom Tartarus and today's incident, there is no relationship between the two parties.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After Kingdom Tartarus heard Wu Xunfeng's answer, he was overjoyed and immediately bowed 90 degrees to Wu Xunfeng in a very respectful salute.

He even followed the others and started calling His Majesty. To be honest, this was somewhat offensive to his original king.

"No need to be polite. This matter is no longer between you and Dracion. I am very unhappy now."

"So, just accompany him, go to their universe and help them, then find Dracion and teach him a lesson."

Wu Xunfeng also decisively ordered to all the ultimate life forms present.

However, Wu Xunfeng obviously kept something in reserve, because after he finished speaking, he also explained some things to everyone through telepathy.

For example, when they were about to return after finishing their work, they went to capture Hikari from the Kingdom of Light and search for Tregear.

Both of them are talented scientists from the Kingdom of Light, and Wu Xunfeng needs these two talents.

Also, wait until Ouranos and the others find Dracion's technological empire.

Search for their scientific information as much as possible, and it is best to capture a few top scientists.

This was Wu Xunfeng's purpose. He didn't think about anything else, because it was determined by the characteristics of Wu Xunfeng's system.

For Wu Xunfeng, science is the primary driving force for development.

As for whether Ouranos and the others can defeat Dracion, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

Because Wu Xunfeng would be secretly monitoring them, it would be absolutely impossible for Dracion to defeat Uranus and the others without the mysterious Four Austrian level combat power.

If Dracion had this level of combat power, Wu Xunfeng would personally go out and settle the score with him.

There was no reason for anyone to stop Wu Xunfeng, not even King Ao. After all, he didn't fight against the Kingdom of Light, he fought against Dracion.

"As you command, Your Majesty!"

After receiving Wu Xunfeng's secret order, a group of ultimate life forms immediately saluted Wu Xunfeng.

At this time in their eyes. They are all very curious, after all, they have never been to other universes.

Their first collective business trip in their lives was actually to another universe. Anyone would be interested.

After arranging everything, Wu Xunfeng didn't delay at all. He looked directly at Kingdom Tartarus and said.

"Since something needs to be done, let's do it early. You can take them directly to your universe to help. You can discuss the specific matters with Ouranos."

Wu Xunfeng's words were equivalent to appointing Ouranos as the captain of this trip.

Although Ouranos is not the strongest, he is the most suitable leader among the team.

Sometimes, just because you are strong does not mean you are suitable to be a team leader.

No one is more suitable to lead this team than Ouranos, the oldest marshal in the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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