Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 110 The confident Zero

Chapter 110 The confident Zero

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After hearing Wu Xunfeng's words, Kingdom Tartarus also thanked him again.

"Your Majesty, we may need some time to prepare, and it may take a little delay before we can set off."

Ouranos also took the initiative to speak at this time, because he was the leader this time.

It is indeed necessary to prepare some emergency supplies in case of crisis. Wu Xunfeng waved his hand nonchalantly after hearing this.

"You just have to figure it out yourself. I don't have to worry about you doing the work."

So just like that, Kingdom Tartarus followed Ouranos and the others out of the conference room.
Ouranos mainly needs to prepare some Cascade crystals to replenish energy.

Because Kingdom Tartarus also said before that although the two Absolutes use the same energy,

But Kingdom Tartarus can clearly feel that the energy on the Empire's side is much more abundant.

The energy in the kingdom is almost going crazy, and it is not as abundant as the energy here.

Therefore, in order to fully utilize the combat power of everyone present, Ouranos needs to prepare some combat items to prevent accidents.

After everyone left, Wu Xunfeng looked in the direction of the king star of this universe and said lightly.

"As you can see, it's not me who provoked this, it was Dracion who provoked me first."

"If I don't end up personally, I've already given you face. If you stop me again, don't blame me for falling out."

Wu Xunfeng spoke very impolitely, and his voice accurately landed in the ears of the King of Ultra, who was facing Wu Xunfeng from half a universe away on King Star.

The latter didn't speak. He just nodded calmly and then withdrew his gaze.

And this also means that when Kingdom Tartarus takes Ouranos and the others to the main universe, the Ultra King's body will not come out to interfere.

Because the two parties completed negotiations in advance, many things are not as simple as they appear on the surface.

Some things that seem unreasonable are actually situations that have arisen after discussions with higher-level people.

However, before Kingdom Tartarus returned with Ouranos and the others, the Kingdom encountered a sudden surprise battle.

Because at this moment, the timeline in the main universe has been severely changed.

Originally, in the original timeline, when the Kingdom of Tartarus was recruiting troops, the Kingdom of Light's troops were also divided into three teams to make their own arrangements.

However, the news brought by Dracion caused the Kingdom of Light to completely change its plans.

They also knew at this time that Absolute's troops were empty now, which was the best opportunity for a surprise attack. Whether they could rescue Princess Julian depended on this wave.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Light in the main universe organized a powerful team and launched a sneak attack on the kingdom Absolut.

The participants included almost all the new generations before Teliga, as well as the Ultra brothers and O50 Ultra warriors.

At this time, the kingdom of Absolut was only guarded by Diavolo and Titan.

Without the backbone of Kingdom Tartarus, the two of them could not stop the powerful surprise attack from the Kingdom of Light.

The strength of the Kingdom of Light in the main universe is much stronger than that of the Kingdom of Light in Wu Xunfeng's universe.

Because they have Superman Aguang developing various plug-ins for them, it is difficult to reduce their combat effectiveness.

It is no exaggeration to say that it is precisely because of the rise of Hikali that the combat power of the Kingdom of Light began to expand rapidly. Naturally, the most powerful member of this ace team is Zero. At this time, Zero has transformed into the ultimate glorious form, and his combat power is extremely powerful.
He directly fought one against two, holding down Diavolo and Titan alone.

The remaining Ultra warriors began to search for the prison where Princess Julian was imprisoned in the kingdom.

A group of Ultra warriors can be said to have a clear division of labor and a premeditated plan.

And just when Diavolo and Titan were about to be defeated by Zero, Diavolo was even about to be killed.

In the starry sky outside the kingdom, a golden portal opened, and Kingdom Tartarus appeared with Ouranos and his party.

As soon as a few people appeared, they realized something was wrong, because the fighting was quite lively on the entire planet at this time.

They also discovered that the two sides fighting were the Absolutes and the Ultra Warriors.

Kingdom Tartarus couldn't bear it after seeing this, especially when he saw Diavolo who was about to be killed.

Kingdom Tartarus had no time to explain, and he disappeared instantly.

Arriving in advance when Zero was about to kill Diavolo, he then punched Zero!
As a dull crashing sound came, even Zero in his ultimate glorious form was knocked back several steps.

"It seems that while I was away, you guys became more and more arrogant, and you actually came to my house."

Kingdom Tartarus also looked at Zero opposite him in a bad tone and said.

At this time, after special training, Zero was able to fully control the ultimate glorious form.

In this form, Zero is equal to Tartarus, and both sides are considered to be opponents of the same level.

Therefore, Zero is not afraid at all, and he is not afraid even if he cannot defeat Zero.

"So what? I'm no weaker than you now. As long as I can hold you back, others can rescue Princess Julian. Your plan still failed."

Zero was very confident at this time. He was completely different from before, so he had the confidence to say this.

At this time, the other new-generation Ultra warriors who had defeated the ordinary warriors of the kingdom also came to stand in a row next to Zero, each of them looking very imposing and quite confident.

"Not to mention that you Absolutes have many soldiers and few generals, and there are no powerful warriors who can take action. Except for the three of you, the others are simply vulnerable."

"And we are all elite warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles. Why are you fighting us? Give up, Tartarus, your plan has failed."

Looking at the silent Kingdom Tartarus, Zero also spoke to persuade again.

His temperament is much calmer now, so he thinks it would be better not to fight. After all, war can only cause losses to both sides.

And Kingdom Tartarus, who had been silent all the time, even lowered his head.

At this time, he shrugged his shoulders strangely, and then he suddenly laughed and pointed at Sero.

"Hehehe, Zero, you underestimate us Absolute too much. Do you really think we only have the power you see on the surface?"

"Is not it."

Zero's attitude remained firm, and he even felt that Kingdom Tartarus was bluffing.

At this time, Kingdom Tartarus opened his hands, looked up at the sky and said loudly.

"Then let you Ultra Warriors see the true power of our Absolut! Come forward, comrades from another world!"

(End of this chapter)

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