Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 117 Do you really think I am a soft persimmon?

Chapter 117 Do you really think I am a soft persimmon?

"Has it really come? I thought you wouldn't come out."

Wu Xunfeng, who was far away from countless universes and looked down at the starry sky, muttered to himself lightly when he saw this scene.

There was no surprise in his tone, he had even expected it.

After all, it is conceivable that if only the Ultra Warriors in the Ultra Main Universe were damaged, Regedo would not come out, because it would be out of his control.

Except for Gauss and Justice, most of these Ultra warriors in the main universe of the Kingdom of Light have nothing to do with Regedo.

These warriors should be under the control of the King of Ultra, and Reggio will not cross the line to interfere with the King of Ultra's affairs.

So when the battle was at its most intense just now, the other mysterious Four Ao didn't react at all, and only the Ao King cheered up.

But what Reggio didn't expect was that Dracion was so stubborn, and he had to choose this moment to carry out his will of justice in the universe.

In the end, he actually went out in person, preparing to attack Absolut's soldiers.

Originally, this would be nothing, if Dracion could defeat Absolute's ultimate life form.

Lei Jieduo wanted to avoid provoking Wu Xunfeng, a mysterious and powerful being, and also wanted to avoid unnecessary conflicts with him.

When necessary, Regedo will come out to break up the fight and take action to protect these Absolut's ultimate life forms.

What Regedo didn't expect was that the situation was reversed, and Dracion could not defeat these ultimate life forms of Absolute.

So Reggio came to save Dracion this time. In short, no matter who wins or loses.

Reggio will not let either party die or be injured. After all, one of the two parties is a more troublesome existence, and the other is a comrade he works with.

No matter which side you choose, the right choice is to remain neutral in the end.

At this time, Reggio just waved his hand lightly, and all the attacks from Uranos and the others dissipated.

Even the gravity released by Nyx was instantly eliminated.

In the next moment, time in the entire starry sky resumed flowing. Everyone felt that their eyes were blurred, and then the entire battlefield became quiet.

The grand attack that was so spectacular just now no longer knows where it went, and no one even noticed that time had been suspended just now.

But at this time, everyone focused their attention on the majestic figure who suddenly appeared in the field.

"Regedo, there is no doubt that this is Ultraman Regedo."

Kingdom Tartarus said to Diavolo and Titan with great certainty after seeing Regedo passing by.

No one understands Reggio's sense of oppression and irresistible momentum better than him. Just looking at him makes him feel dangerously powerful.

This is the feeling that Dracion could not bring to Kingdom Tartarus just now. The biggest difference between the two sides is here.

"Ultraman Regedo, I didn't expect him to actually come. This time he is really his true self."

In the Ultra camp, Gauss also explained to other Ultra warriors that he had admitted it, which could basically be regarded as official certification.

At this time, Ouranos and the others also gathered together again, and then stared solemnly at the stalwart existence in the starry sky ahead.

They had only experienced this kind of irresistible and unimaginably powerful feeling from Wu Xunfeng before.

So Uranus and the others did not dare to act rashly at this time, because they probably guessed it.

The mysterious strong man who appeared in front of him was probably of the same level and class as his Majesty.

This was simply not something they could handle, so they didn't dare to move and couldn't think of any way to deal with the current situation. Just when the atmosphere in the court was a bit solemn, Reggio also looked at Ouranos and the others and said slowly.

"Absolut people from another world, if you leave this universe, I can pretend that nothing happened, otherwise you will be regarded as my enemy."

Reggio's concise speech was also a threat. After all, Ouranos and the others were indeed invaders from a different universe. There was nothing wrong with his speaking like this and his serious tone.

"So majestic."

When Wu Xunfeng, who was far away in countless universes, saw this scene, his eyes flashed coldly.

Then Wu Xunfeng stepped forward, and the next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot.

When Wu Xunfeng appeared again, he had already arrived in the endless multiverse space.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Xunfeng took the second step, and when he raised his legs, he also transformed into the form of a golden giant.

When Wu Xunfeng took this second step, he had already appeared outside the Ultra Main Universe.

What Wu Xunfeng saw in front of him was a very bloated collection of multiverses.

This is a collection of multiverses that looks a bit like grapes after many universes in the multiverse space merge together.

This is the real Ultra Main Universe, and the Ultra Main Universe is not a separate universe.

Rather, it is a very large-scale universe collection formed by many independent universes, even parallel universes, brought together.

Such universes do exist in the multiverse space, but there will not be too many of them.

Most of the universe is still like Wu Xunfeng's universe, which is a lonely big black ball. The appearance of the Ultra Master universe is a bit like a big black grape.

Originally, the previous Ultra Main Universe was also a lonely big ball, but since the beginning of the Cenozoic Era, it has become a lonely place.

The Ultra Main Universe is constantly expanding, integrating with other universes, and eventually becomes what Wu Xunfeng sees now.

And just when Wu Xunfeng was about to take the third step and directly enter the Ultra Main Universe.

A powerful golden light suddenly appeared on the periphery of the Ultra Main Universe, seemingly blocking Wu Xunfeng's entry.


Wu Xunfeng just snorted coldly at this, and then the Eternal Absolute Scepter in his hand suddenly began to deform and flew directly behind him.

The second form of the eternal absolute scepter: the eternal halo is activated!
Then Wu Xunfeng took the third step steadily, and the next moment the entire Ultra Universe shook violently.


The golden light guarding the Ultra Main Universe was instantly shattered, and then Wu Xunfeng forced his way into the Ultra Main Universe with an extremely powerful gesture.

At this time, the scene that had reached a stalemate suddenly lit up with an extremely dazzling golden light!

A beam of light falling from the sky instantly penetrated the entire starry sky, and everyone seemed to see a terrifying golden sun that could not be looked directly at.

Even the Ultra Warriors subconsciously stretched out their hands to cover their eyes, being stimulated by the golden light and unable to see clearly what was going on in the field.

Just when all the Ultra warriors didn't understand what was happening, a majestic and indifferent voice resounded in everyone's hearts.

"Regiedo, you are so powerful. I didn't settle the score with you first, but you used your official power on me. You really think that I am a soft persimmon."

(End of this chapter)

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