Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 118 King Ao breaks up the fight

Chapter 118 King Ao breaks up the fight
After hearing this voice, Ouranos and the others also seemed a little excited, and the eyes of the Ampera stars showed a look of yearning.

At this time, the light in the field also gradually dissipated, and now the Ultra Warriors could clearly see the situation in the field.

Then they saw an incomparably majestic and great being, whose aura was so powerful that it even overpowered Reggio!
At this time, this great being was standing quietly opposite Regedo, only a hundred meters away.

For experts of their level, this distance is no different from face to face. This is already a very dangerous distance.

The two of them were confronting each other quietly, and the atmosphere seemed even more solemn and tense than before.

Because Wu Xunfeng looked like this, which indicated that he was coming with bad intentions. The golden light that blocked Wu Xunfeng just now was actually released by King Ao.

The reason why Wu Xunfeng was able to force a breakthrough was because King Ao did not want Wu Xunfeng to increase his output power.

Because if you are not careful, you can cause a devastating blow to the entire Ultra Main Universe. King Ao compromised and let Wu Xunfeng in.

After all, this matter was their own fault. If Dracion had not tried to provoke Wu Xunfeng by dying, what happened today would not have happened.

So now that Wu Xunfeng came to ask for an explanation, King Ao couldn't stop him by force.

To be precise, King Ao was the most innocent person in the whole incident, because it didn't concern him at all.

The only conflicting parties in this matter from beginning to end were the Empire, Absolut and Dracion.

It has nothing to do with Ao Wang. It doesn't mean you get shot while lying down. It's not enough if you don't stop him. You have to not only stop him but also break up the fight.

"Is this the real power of this lord? It is too strong, so strong that it is impossible to imagine."

Kingdom Tartarus said this in a tone of admiration without even realizing it.

This was absolutely disrespectful to his own king, but he still subconsciously spoke out because of the shock in his heart.

Even Diavolo and Titan didn't notice the offense, and they nodded subconsciously.

"So strong, who is this? Why do I feel like he is stronger than Reggio?"

Membius couldn't help but say something because he was shocked, but no Ultra warrior could answer his question because everyone was confused.

Finally, Zero guessed and said something.

"It feels like the way he said this is that he is on the same team as Absolut from another world. Could it be that this is the King of Absolut from another universe?"

Zero was quite smart and had a keen intuition. He guessed the truth of the matter right away, and what happened next also verified his guess.

"King Absolute of another universe, you have crossed the line."

Lei Jieduo did not directly answer Wu Xunfeng's words, but spoke very calmly.

This is equivalent to a counter-question, but Wu Xunfeng is justified now, and he can prevail no matter what he says.

"Regedo, you have to understand that it was you who started the trouble. If Dracion hadn't attacked the empire first, how could the empire have come to cause trouble for you?"

"You must explain this matter and provide compensation, otherwise it will not be over."

Wu Xunfeng answered quite forcefully, and his tone was very calm. He was not afraid of Lejiedo at all.

There is even a feeling of eagerness to have a fight with the opponent.

"What if I said no."

Reggio is obviously not the kind of character that King Ao likes to make big things into trivial matters. He also has a very resolute character and is not so easy to give in.

The main reason was that Reggio subconsciously believed that the price Wu Xunfeng demanded was to punish Dracion and even kill him.

After all, according to normal thinking and logic, this is not a big problem. And Dracion Regjedo must be kept, so he has a very tough attitude and has no intention of giving in.

This means that neither side knows what the other wants. If Lei Jieduo knows that Wu Xunfeng just wants some scientific and technological information.

He probably agreed without saying a word, and even sent him a bunch of top scientists.

Because this price was too small for Reggio, so small that he didn't dare to think about such a thing because he couldn't think of it.

To use an inappropriate analogy, it's like hitting someone with a car. The compensation they want is just a lollipop.

Which normal person's brain circuit can think of such a thing? This is unimaginable and even unreasonable.

Wu Xunfeng obviously misunderstood Lejiedo's tough attitude. He looked at the opponent's posture as if he was going to fight to the end.

So Wu Xunfeng snorted unceremoniously, and then the eternal halo on his back instantly released an extremely terrifying momentum!

"Hmph, then I'll show you the real chapter."

Lei Jieduo, who felt Wu Xunfeng's strong pressure, also erupted with light blue light at this time.

The momentum of the two people suddenly confronted each other in an instant, and with the two people as the center, two starry skies of gold and light blue were formed.

The dark starry sky surrounding thousands of light years was dyed into two colors in an instant. This was just a momentum confrontation between the two.

And this momentum is the real tension, and an extremely fierce battle will start at any time.

"What a powerful sense of oppression..."

Everyone watching the battle felt an extremely heavy weight on their shoulders, and a pressure that could not be described in words enveloped everyone.

Wu Xunfeng and Lejieduo's mere confrontation of momentum had already caused such a terrifying effect.

It's hard to imagine how terrible damage would be caused if the two really fought with all their strength.

By then, it is estimated that the entire Ultra Main Universe will be severely and irreversibly damaged.

"That's it. If we continue, there will be no end."

And at this critical moment, a third party appeared to disrupt the situation. Of course, this could be regarded as the real host, that is, the King of Ultra.

King Ao came between Wu Xunfeng and Lejieduo, and used a soft aura to prevent the two men's aura from continuing to cause oppression and damage to the surrounding starry sky.

After seeing King Ao appear, Regedo really calmed down his momentum, which was considered as a way to save face.

Wu Xunfeng also restrained his momentum, wanting to see what King Ao had to say.

In this situation, Ao Wang had to come out to break up the fight. If he didn't come out, the matter would really be irreversible.

When Wu Xunfeng and Lejie Duo really fight, it will turn into a disaster in the multiverse.

After all, both sides are terrifyingly powerful men with the power to destroy the universe. This is no joke.

If the two of them fight with all their strength, I don't know how many multiverses will be destroyed.

"Originally I shouldn't say anything about this, but you two need to calm down first, and I'd better ask you about your respective demands in detail."

King Ao also asked the two of them after seeing that they both gave him face.

(End of this chapter)

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