Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 142 Abnormalities Appearing at the Same Time

Chapter 142 Abnormalities Appearing at the Same Time

However, this vision was not discovered immediately, which is the most terrifying thing.

Without being discovered by the two powerful men in hyperspace, some creatures that should not belong to the Ultra World quietly entered the dark hyperspace.

Although the disaster or trouble did not break out immediately, it must not have been long before something went wrong.


In the Kingdom of Light, inside the Plasma Spark Tower, the Ultra Brothers and Hikali were observing the plasma sparks.

Over the years, there has been a very big doubt lingering in the hearts of all Ultra warriors.

That is, even if that war is over, even the Four Kings of Darkness have been completely wiped out.

But the black mist that enveloped the plasma spark tower never dissipated and has existed for tens of thousands of stellar cycles.

Even after the Ultra King personally inspected it several times, he found nothing wrong with it.

Not to mention them, even the Ultra King didn't understand what was going on.

At this time, around the plasma spark, the original layer of black mist disappeared, replaced by a very strange blood mist.

The abnormality of plasma sparks in the Kingdom of Light still exists, which is very elusive and even quite incomprehensible.

This time, the Ultra King briefly checked almost the entire dark hyperspace, but still found no abnormalities.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to explain it. Of course, the point is definitely not how to explain this phenomenon.

"When things go wrong, there must be a monster, since the key to the problem cannot be found from the most superficial surface."

Last time, the King of Ultra discovered the abnormality and sent him away first, which led to the scene of Calabash Baby saving grandpa.

In the end, Hikari could only reluctantly explain it as the normal interference phenomenon caused by two overlapping hyperspaces.

Not only did the situation not get better, it actually got worse than before. The black fog before just made people feel a little bad, or uneasy.

After all, this interference phenomenon will not affect the normal operation of the plasma spark, and no one will care about this small detail.

But now that there are so many people like Hikali gathered together, something must have happened to them to take it seriously.

"It's so strange. The matter of the dark hyperspace has been solved. How come we are still affected by them?"

Mebius said with some confusion as he touched the ion sparks around his chin and circled them.

The Ultra King has now recovered from his original injuries and has completely returned to his prime state. The Ultra King also said with some confusion at this time.

"I just went to the dark hyperspace, but I didn't find anything unusual. The Kingdom of Darkness there has been very honest recently. I feel that this incident should have nothing to do with the Kingdom of Darkness."

"Then we will send some people to search carefully. I will leave this matter to you. Remember, don't be reckless if you encounter an accident. Notify me as soon as possible."

This is what the Ultra King is most confused about. The situation this time is different from before.

The other Ultra brothers also had similar ideas, because this kind of thing was really incomprehensible to them, and the topic was a bit out of scope.

The blood mist in front of them made all the Ultra warriors present feel an ominous and abnormal aura.

"There are too many unknown dangers in this dark hyperspace. I haven't fully understood them yet. You must be careful when investigating."

The King of Ultra thought for a moment and said very seriously. The Father of Ultra and the others did not object, and they all nodded in agreement with the proposal.

Then the Kingdom of Light began to take action. They began to deploy troops and generals, and gathered elite warriors together to form a search team. This can be regarded as the second formal exploration of dark hyperspace by the Kingdom of Light.

As for the people who are exploring, of course they are a group of young elites from the Kingdom of Light headed by Zero.

At the same time, in Absolut, in the highest conference room, a group of ministers from the empire gathered here.

Because Wu Xunfeng was still in his heavenly realm, undergoing the final refining of the eternal absolute scepter.

Therefore, as usual, the internal affairs of the empire were handed over to Ouranos and Nyx.

After all, these two can be regarded as the leaders of the imperial military, and the power of the Absolute civilian officials is actually not very great.

Even the status of the prime minister is not as good as that of any marshal.

Therefore, in Wu Xunfeng's absence, Ouranos and Nyx basically talked and discussed matters with each other.

The reason why Ouranos and the others gathered together for the meeting was actually very similar to the Kingdom of Light.

Yes, abnormal phenomena like the plasma sparks in the Kingdom of Light also appeared in the Empire's Adurava Tower.

Abnormal phenomena have occurred in all operational Edurava Towers in the Empire, whether they are large Edurava Towers or small Edurava Towers mounted on the Absolute Death Star.

A circle of blood mist appeared around their core energy luminous body, which was exactly the same as a plasma spark.

But in a sense, this also proves the seriousness of the matter.

Because this should be regarded as an early warning phenomenon, and in the past this phenomenon could only affect the plasma sparks of the Kingdom of Light.

But now this phenomenon, or the influence has expanded, and even Aduravata of Absolut has been affected.

So Ouranos immediately called a meeting with ministers to discuss countermeasures. They mainly discussed whether to wake Wu Xunfeng in advance?
Because even though they used the most high-tech means to detect it, they couldn't find anything abnormal about the strange blood mist.

"I think your Majesty should be notified of this matter, because a similar phenomenon occurred in the Kingdom of Light before, and that kind of thing happened."

Out of prudent considerations, the prime minister of the empire expressed his opinion, and many civil servants nodded in agreement.

"But His Majesty seems to be doing something very important now. He specifically asked before leaving. If it is not a very big event, there is no need to disturb him."

"So I don't think this is a very important incident. This kind of thing is not enough to alarm His Majesty. After all, we just discovered some abnormalities now."

An imperial general also stood up and expressed his opinion. It was because Uranus and Nyx were unsure about this limit that they called everyone to a meeting.

In fact, they also have their own little thoughts in it. Ouranos' next words can be regarded as indicating what he is thinking.

"To be honest, I'm not sure, because this matter is really nothing to say in a light way, but in a serious way, it is also a very serious event. Why don't we vote to decide."

Ouranos made his own proposal, which was also a decision he came to after discussing with Nyx.

After all, because they were really unsure, they simply let everyone vote.

This can be regarded as listening to the opinions of the masses. It is not a good decision, but it is not a big mistake.

"That's fine. I don't think there's any need to disturb His Majesty."

Ouranos's suggestion was naturally supported unconditionally by the military ministers and generals, and some people immediately expressed their opinions.

(End of this chapter)

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