Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 143 The strange dark universe

Chapter 143 The strange dark universe

Of course, some were in favor while others were against it. The civil servant group, which has always believed in the principle of stability, basically voted against it.

However, there were also some more radical civil servants who voted in favor. There was no absolute relationship between the votes of both parties and their own camps.

Everyone has their own opinion. The empire has no bureaucracy. Because Wu Xunfeng is on top, no one dares to play these tricks.

Therefore, the vote at this time is definitely based on the inner thoughts of everyone present.

Judging from the final vote count, most people at the scene tended not to disturb Wu Xunfeng.

"The results are out. I won't bother Your Majesty with this little matter for now. Unless there are new discoveries, we will discuss it again."

Ouranos announced the results of the final vote just after he announced the results.

However, his personal communicator sent an emergency communication. Being able to send out such emergency communication basically proves that a very big event is about to happen.

So Ouranos didn't care about the situation at this time, and he opened the communicator directly.

The next moment, a rapid voice came from it.

"Report to the Generalissimo that a group of guys with unknown origins have been discovered in the Eighth District. Several of them are extremely powerful. It is estimated that they cannot be suppressed without general-level combat power. Please send someone over to take a look!"

Everyone's expressions changed after hearing this, and even Ouranos became serious.

Because general-level combat power is not for nothing. In the empire, general-level combat power means the combat power of a standard ultimate life form.


At the same time, on the huge square of the Kingdom of Light, the elite soldiers of the Kingdom of Light, headed by Zero, were ready to go.

The King of Ultra stood at the front of them making the final instructions.

"Be careful when you enter the dark hyperspace. There are unknown dangers there. If you encounter any abnormalities, remember to notify me as soon as possible."

However, Ao Wang's explanation was obviously not taken seriously by Sero and the others. Sero also said with confidence at this time.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, our strength has been greatly improved now, there will be absolutely no problem."

Cero hadn't done such a dangerous task for many years, so he was still feeling a little excited at this time.

The other Ultra warriors had almost the same reaction. When King Ou saw this, he also knew that he would not be able to explain it to Zero if he informed him of the matter in time.

Fortunately, he was well prepared and had some relatively calm Ultra warriors in the team.

Coupled with the small props developed by Hikari, Zero and the others can contact Ou immediately even though they are separated by a hyperspace.

So King Ao didn't nag too much. He turned his back to everyone and said.

"I will open the door to the dark hyperspace later. You can seize the opportunity and go directly in."

After saying this, King Ao began to use his strength, and then directly forcibly penetrated the two hyperspace walls!
Swish swish!
Zero and the others didn't waste a moment, and each one of them flew towards this space crack at extremely high speed.

In just the blink of an eye, they all flew into it, and King Ao also closed the boundary wall at this time.

"I always have an ominous feeling, but I haven't seen any specific changes. It's so strange."

King Ao looked at the starry sky where Zero and the others left, and muttered to himself in a very worried but confused tone.

As for why Ou didn't follow Zero and the others into the dark hyperspace to search, it was purely because Ou had to continue to control the Kingdom of Light.

This is what King Ao's intuition told him. The intuition of a strong person is generally very accurate, so King Ao did not go there in person.

Even the father of Ultra and the Ultra brothers did not go on this mission.

...At this time, in the dark hyperspace, Zero and others came to the familiar venue again.

"No matter how many times I come here, I still can't help but sigh in my heart when I see this weird universe."

Zero said with emotion, and the Ultra warriors who came last time also nodded in agreement, but there are still many Ultra warriors who have never been here before.

For example, Dekai and the Ultra Warriors who appeared behind him were entering the dark hyperspace for the first time.

"Then where should we investigate?"

Yinhe turned his head in confusion and looked at the countless universes around him and asked.

"I think...huh?!"

Victory was about to give some advice, but then he suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction without even saying anything.

Victory's actions instantly attracted everyone's attention, and everyone turned their heads and looked in the direction Victory was looking at.

However, they didn't see anything useful, and Zero asked curiously at this time.

"Did you just see something?"

"I don't know if it's my imagination, but I just felt some abnormal energy fluctuations in that direction for a moment."

"That kind of energy is very weird. It doesn't look like dark energy, let alone light energy. I can't describe the feeling. It's just weird anyway."

Victory touched his head and said something a bit like the Riddler.

His words were actually a flash of intuition, so Zero took it seriously.

"If that's the case, let's go there and have a look. Anyway, we have no direction now, so we just want to go and find out."

Zero's words were approved by everyone, and then everyone decided to explore in the direction where Victory had just discovered the anomaly.

This direction is actually quite large, and Victory did not find the specific coordinates.

Even the location of the target is not specific to a certain universe, so finding it is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

When everyone came to that area, Victory pointed at a universe at random.

"It's better to start investigating from here. Although there is no evidence, I am willing to trust my intuition."

Zero and the others did not object, and then everyone entered the dark universe directly.

And when they entered this dark universe, they were a little confused, even stunned.

Because what appeared in front of them at this time was a rather bizarre picture.

On the continent floating in the starry sky, there are corpses of huge beasts that are larger than the galaxy one after another. Many strange-looking creatures are walking through the star sea.

This kind of scene basically only exists in horror novels. How could such a ridiculous scene exist in the real universe.

Even in the original dark hyperspace, such creatures did not exist. These creatures were too twisted.

All in all, the guys that Zero and the others saw revealed a sense of disharmony that they did not belong here.

But what's even worse is that when Zero and the others broke in, all the creatures in the entire universe strangely stopped moving at the same time.

Then all these monsters turned their heads and looked towards them. The scene was as weird as possible.

It's as if these creatures are not separate individuals at all, but a whole that shares the same brain.

(End of this chapter)

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