Ultra: The King of Absolute is actually me

Chapter 144 Divine soldiers descend from heaven

Chapter 144 Divine soldiers descend from heaven
"Everyone, I have a bad feeling." Zeta said with a forced smile.

"My feelings are similar to yours." Jed smiled reluctantly.

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry and summon His Majesty!"

(PS: It’s less dramatic to write “His Majesty”. Although it’s logical to call him “King”, if an Ultra Warrior calls the King of Ultra “King”, I don’t know how you feel. I always feel like a bandit is calling him “Boss” , the writing is very dramatic...)
After Teliga reacted, he also yelled. Then he took out something similar to an alarm button out of thin air and pressed it without hesitation.

He was still very persuasive. Teliga knew that the situation in front of him was beyond the scope of their handling, and they had to call King Ao to come and deal with it.

The reason why they reacted this way was because they all felt a very strong sense of crisis just now.

Otherwise, if there were all battle-experienced Ultra warriors present, they would never react like this to a rather weird scene.

The reason why they reacted this way was because of the strong person's sixth sense. That sense of crisis was not caused by any scene.

However, nothing happened after Triga pressed the button, and the Ultra King did not come.

Then Teliga pressed it a few more times in disbelief, but there was still no response. His actions immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The other Ultra Warriors also took out the button to summon the Ultra King, and then they all pressed the button at the same time, but there was no reaction.

Everything told the Ultra Warriors present one thing, that is, this button was malfunctioning.

Or maybe there is something in this universe that blocks the message from being sent. All in all, this is a pretty bad thing.

At this time, those weird guys in this dark universe were moving towards them in a very weird way.

The creatures inside will disappear into the dark area like shadows, and then reappear in the dark area ahead the next moment.

They just came closer in a flash, looking very scary.

There was no flying, no moving footsteps, and their bodies didn't even move much. They just kept moving forward like a flash, at extremely fast speeds.

"All in all, let's leave this universe first, mark the location here, and then go out and inform His Majesty."

Even Zero felt a little uneasy after seeing this scene and chose not to confront the opponent head-on.

Then everyone tried to break the barrier of the universe and prepared to go to the endless hyperspace outside.

After all, even if they were to fight, they would have more room for maneuver in the wider hyperspace.

This dark universe is full of these weird creatures. If they fight, there will be nowhere to run.

"This universe seems to be closed. Why can't I open the space here?"

Someone soon discovered something was wrong, and Yinhe was the first to tell what he had observed.

After hearing Yinhe's words, Zhongao also began to use their strength to try to break the universe.

Then everyone discovered that all their tried-and-true methods failed.

Even Zero's use of the Shield of Palagi, which can travel through the world at will, failed to penetrate the cosmic space here.

"This is a big deal..."

Zhongao now realizes one thing, that is, he seems to be trapped here.

And these strange creatures on the opposite side are getting closer and closer to them, and the situation looks quite bad.

"There's no other way, just go ahead and fight. If you can't leave, you'll have to fight."

Zero had no choice but to assume a fighting posture, and the other Ultra warriors were also ready. Uh-huh!
Just tens of seconds later, the nearest strange creature came to them.

This also announced that Zero and other Ultra Warriors were completely at war with these strange creatures.

The two sides engaged in a fierce battle right away. Individually, these strange creatures were not very strong. They were equivalent to the strength of ordinary Ultra warriors, but they were superior in numbers.

These guys kept flocking to Zero and the others like a tide, and among them there were some extremely powerful individuals, whose strength was no worse than the elite Ultra warriors present.

At first, Zero and the others were able to resist them with ease. They used various methods to beat these strange creatures into balls of black mist, just like chopping melons and vegetables.

But as time went by, Cerro and his team's defense became a little unsustainable. There were too many opponents.

At this time, Zero and the others seemed to have fallen into a sea of ​​strange creatures, surrounded by these disgusting things.

After killing one, ten others would pounce again. No matter how strong Zero and the others were, they would not be able to withstand this kind of consumption.

Because they were fighting away from home, their energy was limited. Even if they brought energy-restoring items, the number of times they could be used was limited.

If the fight continues like this, Zero and the others will be consumed to death.

"Asshole, what the hell are these guys? They can't be killed at all!"

Zero was also a little anxious at this time, and he even had the idea of ​​​​opening the ultimate shining form.

However, the ultimate shining form consumes a lot of energy, and not even Zero can withstand such consumption.

Just like that, about an hour passed, and finally there was an Ultra Warrior in the team who couldn't stand it any longer.

Brother Rob was the first to show his flaws and was injured. The worst thing was that they did not take Gricho, the wet nurse, with them in this operation, and they could not recover from the injury.

Precisely because of the injuries of the two men, the originally well-maintained defense line also had flaws at this moment.

This created a chain reaction like a domino, and one Ultra Warrior after another was knocked down.

These injured Ultra warriors were protected in the center. Although this could protect them, it also greatly increased the pressure on the defense line.

A few powerful Ultra warriors who were originally able to withstand it were a little unable to withstand it at this time, so this was a chain reaction.

"Don't we have to end up here today?"

Yinghe also gritted his teeth and said something, looking quite unwilling, but did not complain. At this time, the other Ultra Warriors were also prepared to die.
And just when everyone was in despair, a bright golden light cut through the starry sky of the dark universe and cut open this ocean of monsters.

At this time, the space blockade of the dark universe was broken in the most violent way, and a completely cleared road appeared in front of everyone.

The crowd couldn't help but look in the direction where the golden light came from, and then they saw a dozen figures with arms folded on their chests and powerful figures.

"It's from Absolut!"

Zeta immediately recognized the names corresponding to those figures, and Zero was relieved when he saw this.

"Although I don't know what the situation is, there is no doubt about one thing. We are saved for the time being."

Outside this dark universe, Absolut's ultimate life forms have indeed arrived.

"Sure enough, as you said, there are indeed some dirty things in this dark hyperspace."

Ouranos looked at the internal situation of the dark universe and said in a serious tone.

(End of this chapter)

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