Evolutionary routine starting from babies

Chapter 19: Fighting Specialization, Flaw Slam

Chapter 19: Fighting Specialization, Flaw Slam

In the next two weeks, Song Qi maintained the habit of practicing three times a day.

Practice Sanda in the morning and afternoon, and strength training in the evening, 40 minutes each time.

It seems that the training time is not long, but the intensity is considered high. When learning Sanda, he has to activate the [imitation state], which consumes a lot of physical strength.

So he insisted on eating a little secret shellac every day, about 1 gram, to ensure the body's recovery speed.

At the same time, pay attention to the [real-time status]. If the status is too bad, don’t rush to train and wait until you have a good rest.

Under this regular and scientific training rhythm, the skill experience value of [Knee Technique] and [Elbow Technique] has steadily increased.

You can gain at least 6 experience points a day.

Song Qi also enjoys this kind of life more and more. In the infant stage, there are no complicated interpersonal relationships and no messy worries. He just focuses on training himself every day.

The only goal is the country’s genius training program.

If you look at the panel data every day, you will know that you are getting closer to this goal...

After two weeks, a total of 80 skill experience points have been added, bringing 20 career experience points.

Song Qi opened the career panel with excitement.

[Fighter: Level 0 (100/100)]

[Boxing: Level 1]

[Kick technique: Level 1]

[Footwork: Level 1]

[Falling method: Level 0 (20/100)]

[Elbow method: Level 0 (45/100)]

[Knee Technique: Level 0 (35/100)]

A message popped up immediately.

[Meeted the requirements for professional advancement: professional experience 100/100]

【Do you want to advance? 】

The strategy adopted by Song Qi was effective. He learned two more skills and forcibly gained professional experience. It was not regarded as cheating.

"Advanced!" He thought silently in his heart.

[Fighter: Level 0→Level 1 (0/100)]

[Activate Level 1 Fighting Specialization: Flaw Slam, Level 0 (100/)]

[Flaw Slam (Level 1): There is a certain probability of discovering the enemy's flaw, attacking the flaw, and the lethality +50%]

[Reward free attribute points: 10]

[Reward freedom coefficient points: 0.4]

The first career upgrade, the rewards are very generous, even a little unexpected——

I thought it was just to give me more attribute points, but I didn't expect to get a brand new ability - fighting specialization.

"Can you get a critical hit by breaking the flaw? It feels very practical. The percentage damage bonus is useful in the early and late stages, and it can also be upgraded."

"The triggering conditions are also very flexible. As long as it's an attack, it's fine. Fists, legs, knees, elbows... There are no requirements for any part. Maybe a weapon can be used?"

Song Qi pondered the entry introduction of [Breaking Blow] and couldn't help but be eager to try it.

"I feel like I can fight Xixi in two ways."

Of course, before the competition, the attribute points must be allocated first to raise the status to the peak.

10 attribute points are a considerable amount of "wealth". How to distribute them physically and mentally needs to be carefully considered.

Song Qi compared the benefits that the two attributes could bring to him.

Physical fitness, improve the body's all-round quality and combat effectiveness, increase food intake, extend training time and [imitation state] time.

Spirit, improve thinking, memory and perception, enhance the effect of [Imitation State], and speed up the learning of [Cat Language].

Physical fitness can be slowly increased through exercise and diet, but mental attributes are much worse. Currently, only the panel can provide them. Effective exercise methods have not yet been found, and the natural growth rate is also very slow.

In the future, you can consider adding spirit as the main part and physical fitness as the secondary part, or adopt a balanced point-adding strategy.

This time, he still allocated 5 attribute points to his physique to improve his combat effectiveness and get closer to Doudou's level as soon as possible.

After the summer vacation from elementary school, he can ask Doudou to be his sparring partner and continue to gain experience in [wrestling] skills. 0.4 coefficient points, half for burst and half for agility, both of which are important in combat.

Look at the properties panel again.

[Physique: 12.7→17.7]

【Spirit: 8→13】

[Explosion coefficient: 1.7 times → 1.9 times]

[Agility coefficient: 1.4 times → 1.6 times]

After both mental and physical fitness were improved, the progress in the two evolutionary directions also sped up a lot.

[Biological form: juvenile humanoid beast (17.7/30), primary mental body (13/30)]

After completing these two evolutionary achievements, there will probably be another generous reward.

Taking a deep breath, Song Qi slowly stood up.

Physique +5 gave him a sense of expanded strength. He lowered his head and looked at his arms, which seemed to be thicker. With a little effort, his triceps and biceps immediately bulged.

Mental +5 also makes the brain clear and transparent, and the learning results of the past few months flash in my mind one by one.

The perfect state brought a fiery fighting spirit, and Song Qi really wanted to try his current level.

I walked into the living room and glanced around, but found no trace of the calico cat.

"Xixi? Xixi?" I called softly a few times, but received no response.

Ever since Xixi knocked him down in the last sparring session, she seemed to have lost interest in him, probably because she felt that the child was too weak.

Sometimes when Song Qi calls its name, it won't bother to come out if it thinks it's nothing important.

Of course, there are also times when it just falls asleep or goes out to play.

Once Song Qi couldn't find it, but when it was time to eat, he saw Xixi crawling in from the balcony window.

And their home is on the seventh floor.

Xixi is a very brave cat. She never goes through the main entrance when she goes out to play. She always climbs down from the balcony. When she comes home, she climbs back to the seventh floor along the outer wall.

Song Qi shouted a few times this time. He didn't see Xi Xi, but he was used to it. He had another strategy.

Turning to look at Daju lying at the end of the bed, he used the skill [Cat Whispering].

"Master Ju, do you know where Xixi is?"

These days, he often communicates with Master Orange and stray cats in the community. The [Cat Language] skill experience is gained very quickly, and now he has 30 experience points.

At this time, his spirit was +5, and his communication skills were also improved. He made a few gestures and meowed like a cat, and Master Orange successfully understood what he meant——

"Find Xixi and give you a cat strip."

Under the temptation of Maotiao, Master Orange calmly became a "cat rapist", jumped out of bed, and sniffed around.

Seeing it like this, Song Qi felt that something was wrong.

Perhaps, only a cat can find another hidden cat.

Master Orange walked around the house a few times and suddenly meowed in the direction of the TV cabinet.

Song Qi lay on the floor and took a look under the TV cabinet.

A calico cat was lying on its back, its paws spread out, its belly exposed, and it was sleeping soundly.

"Okay, okay." Song Qi did not break his promise and immediately took out a cat strip, tore open the opening and fed it to Master Ju.

Originally, he planned to wait for Xixi to wake up before discussing the matter.

I don't know whether it was the sound of Master Orange smashing the bar too loudly or the smell of catnip in the cat strips. Xixi suddenly woke up, opened her sleepy eyes, crawled out from under the TV cabinet, and yawned.


The tone is not very friendly, it is asking:

You kid, why are you disturbing my sleep?
When Master Orange heard that something was wrong, he ran away with the cat strip in his mouth, ruthlessly abandoning his little master.

Song Qi stood there and smiled awkwardly, "Xixi, come to discuss and learn from each other?"

 I still couldn't help but update a chapter at night. I won't update it at 11 o'clock tomorrow. I will sleep in and update chapter 2 at night.

(End of this chapter)

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