Ultraman: Zeton Evolves from Tiga

Chapter 117 The man who bought Jayton

Chapter 117 The man who bought Jayton
"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."

Renault's figure finally left.

A Masaki Keigo, a Kirino Makoto; a Mechanical Zeton, and a Maga Zeton. They are truly the top beings among humans on earth.

These newly emerged monsters were completely annihilated in the hands of Reno, Masaki Keigo, Kirino Makoto and Dagu.

Although the process has some twists and turns, the end result is gratifying, isn't it?
Without the influence of Goldras, time in this world would be more stable.

"But it's not long until the final battle."

And everything that happened in Tiga World was seen by a figure.

"Jayton? Why are there so many Jayton individuals?"

The chubby man wore a ridiculous suit and walked like a penguin.

At this moment, there was great confusion on his face. It was the most powerful biological weapon in the universe. Why were so many of them born on this planet?
"No, I must buy a Jetton too!"

That's Jayden. Which cosmic person hasn't dreamed of taking Jayden across the universe?
But it was impossible for him to face those Jaytons directly. It was no different from seeking death.

"Let me see if there is a place in this world that sells space dinosaur Jeton."

The chubby man constantly scoured the world for news and finally found a suitable place.

"Huh? Tsuburaya Manufacturing Company? This is where Jayden first appeared."

The man suddenly became interested and walked toward the point marked on the map with strange steps.

Since this company was able to shoot a special film about Jayton, it means that there must be traces of Jayton, or at the worst, he has seen Jayton.

Soon, the man came to the company called Tsuburaya Manufacturing.

"Hello, do you buy monsters here?"

"Buying a monster?!"

The receptionist looked at this strange man and didn't know what to say for a moment. He must be here to cause trouble!
Even buying monsters, we are just an ordinary tokusatsu manufacturing company.

Her original plan was to pass this man off, but she didn't expect that he was very serious and wanted to get to the bottom of it.

This made her not know what to say for a moment.

But soon, she ushered in redemption.


"what happened?"

"This man insists on pestering me to buy monsters, but where can we buy monsters?"

"Oh? Buy a monster?"

The man called the director looked across the street up and down, then said with a smile: "We don't sell monsters here."

"If you really want to buy a monster, I suggest you go to director Eiji Tsuburaya. It is said that he has seen real monsters."

"Director Eiji Tsuburaya?"

"Yes, but the other party passed away as early as 1970."

"OK, thanks!"

The strange man who heard these words ran out very happily. Since he already knew where the monster was, what were he waiting for? let's move!

The strange man found a deserted corner and looked around. The next moment he opened his suitcase, fiddled with it a few times, and a vortex door opened.

Immediately afterwards, the strange man's body fell directly into it and disappeared.

A few seconds later, a black and white figure appeared here instantly.

Looking at the whirlpool door, Renault suddenly realized.

"No wonder I detected the fluctuations in time and space. It turns out to be you."

The person who opened the door to time and space, no, it should be said that the man from the universe is naturally Charlie Jia who wants to buy monsters. "But...buy a monster?"

Renault glanced at the rapidly shrinking time-space gate and broke in without any hesitation.

No dizziness or discomfort.

Reno felt as casual as drinking water, and he came to the era of 1966.

This is also the photography company that Dagu came to in the original work. However, the Tsuburaya Production Company at this time was not as big as it would be in later generations, but just a small rented place.

But although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

The crowds coming and going make this place very lively.

Various instruments are constantly shipped to specific locations.

Relying on his own shrinking and invisibility abilities, Renault quickly found Charlie's hiding place, but looking at the other party's appearance at this moment, it was clear that he had not discovered him.

"Hey hey hey."

The moment he saw Charlie Jia, Renault smiled evilly.

"I'll absorb Yanagaji for you first, and I'll see what else you can summon."

Renault's bad taste broke out and his figure disappeared in mid-air.

At this moment, Charlieja felt a chill, feeling as if someone was targeting him, but after careful sensing, there was nothing.


"Where can I buy Jayden?"

After seeing Jayton, Charlie felt that other monsters were no longer good. Now he just wanted to buy a Jayton cheaper from the man named Eiji Tsuburaya.

If that's the case, you'll make a lot of money!
Soon, Charliega discovered the old man named Eiji Tsuburaya among the crowd.

But no matter how you look at the other person, he doesn't look like someone who owns a monster.

"hold on."

Charlie Jia kept telling himself to be calm and calm, maybe there was something strange about the other person that he couldn't find.

Night falls quickly.

While Eiji Tsuburaya was discussing with the screenwriter, Charlieja quietly sneaked into the water glass, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation between them.

"I see, don't you have any inspiration?"

After hearing his screenwriter's complaint, Eiji Tsuburaya said with a smile, then turned around and took out a small red box from the cabinet next to him.

After opening it, there is a red gemstone, and the light shines on it with a beautiful color.

"this is"

"It's a symbol of my friendship with an alien named Ultraman."

Eiji Tsuburaya took a deep drag on his cigarette and told stories from the past.

However, Charlieja, who had been listening for a long time, became a little impatient, "Where's Jayton? Tell me the story of that Jayton!"

The purpose of his coming here was to buy a Jayton, but the other party kept silent about the Jayton, and instead talked about other messy things.

"The giant named Ultraman sealed the monster at the bottom of Longsen Lake in the back mountain, and finally gave this ruby ​​as a symbol of friendship between me and him."

Eiji Tsuburaya had an extremely nostalgic look on his face.

Even after talking about the giant's departure, there was no information about Jayton.


At this moment, Charlieja was in a state of confusion. No Jayden? Then why did you travel through time and space to come here?
(End of this chapter)

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